6. Settling Down

An hour later_

Xie Yue, Hu Liena and Bai Wu walked out of the Orphanage gate.

Bai Wu had official adopted them. Now she is brimming with joy. Hu Liena is also happy as Her brother Don't need to get beaten by those bullies anymore.

After The Long Walk for a 30 minutes. They reached the carriage park. After calling for a carriage. The trio get in to carriage and went in the north direction.

Douluo continent map is simple. In the north Heaven Dou empire - in the south star Luo empire and in the middle spirit hall

The Spirit hall orphanage Xie Yue had stayed Situated at the far south end of martial soul city. Near the Star Luo empire side.

But now they are heading in the direction of south. And they have to cross the whole martial soul city in a straight line to reach their destination. The Heaven Dou empire.

Why heaven Dou empire ? It's because they want to settle there. The village Bai Wu born is located there. And she also own a house there.

Bai Wu worked at Xie Yues' orphanage because that orphanage held more new born babies at that time. Including the two Moon and Nana total 9 babies. But after 2 years she moved to another orphanage. She never stayed in a place for a long time.

Her new orphanage is far away from the last orphanage. It will take 2 days carriage time to go back and forth.

Since she is very fond of our tit sucking villian, She took her time to visit him. Even then, only one time per month did she visit Xie Yue.

After all she can't take too much leave at her job. And it is also a well paid and easy job. Milk feeding.

Even a spirit Elder level soul master won't make much money like her. So she can't loose her job. She is not a brainless woman.

But now....

" Darling~ earlier, mommy promised you to always stay with you. So mommy have to resign from her job. So on the way, we will go to the spirit temple branch. I have to inform spirit hall if I want to resign the job since I work for the spirit hall."

" After that, we will also go to the Orphanage mom working currently to collect the salary "

She told him about her plans.

" But mommy.... What is Salary ?

I don't understand the word Job too...." Xie Yue said a curious tone.

" Achoo cutie, mommy didn't realize that. I'll teach you about them now. Nana can also listen. At that time you will understand " since there is a long journey ahead, she decided to explained their doubts in the meantime.

"Yeah..." Nana said sweetly and nodded.

Xie Yue was always careful. He never showed any flaws. A child must not know these things. The children in the Orphanage never came into contact with these words such as Salary, Job, etc.

-Knowing something without being taught by others- This problem may looked not so serious. She can't have doubt about his knowledge reserve since she never followed him 24/7 in the Orphanage. So If she askes, he can tell lies like ' Orphanage leader taught me'. And she will believe him. Even though in this situation it is indeed not a big deal.

But if he didn't learn to correct this clumsiness.... in the long run He will get into some unnecessary trouble.

He is now 60+ age old man. He knows not only him, others also have brains. So he will never underestimate anyone. Being careful is not a bad trait. Keeping a tight mouth is also good trait.

' Even this Bitch Bai Wu can use her brains.

Does she think I don't know her little tricks ?

She knows that we are bullied at the Orphanage. But she didn't help nor Tell the leader to protect us from the bullying '

' it's not because she don't likes me, but because she wants to indirectly influence me to hate the Orphanage and leave with her. she is Clever woman.... Many times she even subtly hinted me to come with her '

' In spirit hall orphanage every child consent is a must in the Adoption process. since she can't forcefully take us away from the Orphanage, She thought watching from the sideline will help her achieve her goal '

' Hehe this woman doesn't know who she is using her little tricks against... Hmph ' He sneered in his heart. He already has plan for his revenge.

But in the Carriage he is kissing Bai wus' not so beautiful cheeks with pure eyes. Giggling...






1 one month later.

An ordinary carriage can be seen coming out of the Huge City gate. This City gate is the Martial soul city's North main gate. This City gate is more that 30 meters tall. And those surrounding are even more so in height. Saying it is like a Fortress is an aunderstatement.

And the carriage that came out of the Huge gate is the one Bai Wu hired for her journey.

They finally came out the spirit hall city after a month of journey.

Now Their Destination is Only 50 km away. They can reach there in some hours.

Her birth Village is located between spirit hall and Heaven Dou empires City wall.

If they kept traveling for another 5 days north they can reach the heaven Dou empire.




When the sun started to set they reached their destination. The village isn't that lively. After all they are the meat shield raised by the spirit hall. How can pigs be lively ?

Bai wus' house is not that big. But compared to other wooden Houses, her house is big and better. Because it is made of bricks.

It has one hall, 2 rooms, a kitchen and a bathroom.

After reaching their house. All three of them got down from the carriage. After that Bai Wu paid the carriage driver a gold coin.

"Respected soul master, I, I don't have the change....." The driver said as he stammered

" It's okay. Keep the change" Bai Wu didn't care.

Hearing their conversation Xie Yue thought in his mind

' hey... even normal people are so bold '

After sending the carriage driver away. She returned her attention to Moon and Nana once again. ( Here Moon is Xie Yue )

" Cuties~ Come with mama. Mama will show you around the house " she brought them in to her house. And soon they settled down.

' what a pity, This house only has two rooms. I can't own a single room.... Otherwise I can exercise without worrying about others'

' Forget it, even if there are enough room it is not possible to sleep alone when I have this clingy Fox as my sister ' Xie Yue thought to him self when he slept that day night.

' The coming year will be very peaceful for me but it not for others. Hehe' Xie Yue knows there will be many historical incident happening all around the world from now on. Such as Tang Hao and Ah Yin Running away in fright (Kekeke)







AN: Xie Means Evil, and Yue means Moon. So Xie Yue means Evil moon.