10. Little Rod

After an uneventful evening. Next day morning...

" Mom, I'll wear this black Cloak when we go out now" Xie Yue said to Bai Wu as he took out the black cloak that Bai Wu tailored for him personally few months ago.

" Okay sweetheart~ as you wish " This is a dark cloak. It can cover one's full body. It even comes with a hood.

" Mama, If you and Nana can also put this on, it will look cool right ? This is our first time going out together. If we can wear similar dress, I will be happy" Xie Yue asked her with expectant eyes.

" Okay dear~ " Even though Bai Wu Don't want to hide her figure. She still accepted him since what he said also made sense.

Most of the women likes to show their body shape to others. Their vanity will be satisfied whenever someone look at them. She is also one of them. She is also proud of her two melons. But wearing cloak for a day won't hurt her since it can also make her son happy.

" Nana, wear the cloak that mother gave you" Xie Yue said to nana.

Sometimes Xie Yue will ask Bai Wu to give him gift. And she also gave him since everything he asked thus far are just some simple things. This cloak is also one of them. He told her that he wants to wear cloak and play with his sister, 'Hide and Seek' . So she made these cloak personally for him and Nana. She also has one.

Now they are planning to go to spirit hall city to register their martial soul Awakening results and join spirit hall academy for their studies. Bai Wu is already impatient waiting, she wants to show off her kids to others. They are the most talented she had ever seen. She is very proud thinking about yesterday's awakening. Which mother don't like to show off her genius child ?

But because Xie Yue made her faint unexpectedly yesterday, this matter delayed by a day.

" After we move to the spirit city, we may not be able to come here since you will study at spirit hall academy. So kids~ pack whatever you need " Bai Wu told them.

" Okay mama/ mom" Xie Yue and Nana said in unison.

After going out of their stone house. They were greeted by the carriage driver. He is a fellow villager.

"Greetings my Lord. Are they your kids ?

They looks so cute lord. You gave birth to a tiger and a tigress. Wonderful my Lord"

The carriage driver tired to lick her foot.

" Yes. They are my kids. They will also become powerful in the future " she showed a proud look as she said. She didn't correct him by saying they were her adopted children. Why would she correct them ? She won't. They were her kids now. She isn't going to allow others to take advantage of her. Even If their own mother came out from the grave, she will fight tooth and nail with that ghost.

" Wonderful my Lord, please get into the carriage " Driver asked them to get into the carriage respectfully as he bowed his head.

Bai Wu trio also got into the carriage.

In few minutes they already left their village.

If they travel south for a few hours they can reach the martial soul city gate. Its just that....




Inside the carriage.

Xie Yue continued talking with his mother Bai Wu

" Mom. Can you let me drink milk from there again ? I am very thirsty " Xie Yue asked her with a pleading eye.

" No moon. You can't drink from there. You are already past that age. And Don't talk about this when we are traveling with outsiders " she said in a low voice and reprimanded him. She didn't want that driver to hear about that either.

"Oh~" he hung his head low.

Seeing him sad, Even though Bai Wu wanted to console him and explain him that it's not good to still suck tits at the age of 6. But After contemplation she didn't console him as he have to learn it in the hard way.

After few minutes, he talked to her again.

" Mom, I want to pee.... Can you tell the driver to stop the carriage "

Now they just past by a small forest with just over hundred or so trees.

" Okay dear~ " She told the driver to stop the carriage and got out of the carriage with him.

But then again.... Hu Liena also wanted to come with him.

" Little nana.... You can't see your brother pee. It's a bad habit. So stay in the Carriage. I will take him to the near tree and show him the way. You stay here, we will be back " Bai Wu told Hu Liena to wait in the carriage.

But what she didn't know was this will be the last time she can see her child Hu Liena.

After that both Bai Wu and Xie Yue walked in the direction of trees. Just 300 meters or so.

Xie Yue also started peeing. Bai Wu acted as a guard.

Suddenly Xie Yue called her

" Mama, there is something in the bush " he said a fear... Bai Wu also came to see what it was.... When she came what she saw was....

Xie Yues'o pant is still down. His dick is five inch long and diameter is full 2 inch. And under that hung his ball sack. But she didn't stop at that, she became a mother hen and continued surveying her surroundings. There is only a squirrel.

" Darling~ it's just a squirrel " after making sure there is nothing to fear. She turned around and said to him. But her eyes are glued to the member between his legs.

' he just turned 6 years this year.... After awakening martial soul yesterday. I didn't expect his little brother to grow in size. Oh my goodness. What size will he reach when he become an adult ?! ' she really can't imagine his future prospects.

" Mama, I want to kill that squirrel, It scared me...." As he said he summoned his martial soul. Bai Wu also didn't mind. It's just a little squirrel. It didn't pose any threat to him.

Two crescent shaped Moon blades appeared in his each hand. Each moon blades circumference is nearly one and half meters.

As he carried his moon blades with his little hand. He walk in the direction of the squirrel.

As he walked past Bai Wu to reach the Squirrel.... A head fell down.








AN : Little introduction about his little Dragon. But can't be used since it's still sleeping. Keke. But wait for few chapter. You will see it's might