12. Arrived

Xie Yue and Hu Liena got into the carriage. The driver drove the carriage toward the heaven duo empire. He know not play tricks against soul masters...Even if it's just a small kid.

Many people died because of Their thinking, they thought they are smart and died without a burial place by trying to trick the noble soul master.

So he obediently drove towards the destination. He just Hoped, after reaching their destination, these devil children will spare his life.

Inside the carriage_

" Brother~ where is mother ? " Huliena asked.

" I knocked her unconscious and left her behind " Xie Yue said calmly.

" Why brother ? " Her eyes are full of curiosity.

" Because she is a bad woman " Xie Yue said.

" Why is she bad ?" Huliena asked again. There is no concern in her voice. She doesn't care about her mother that much. Since nothing happened to her brother, that's enough for her. She is asking these things just so she could clear her little doubts. Nothing more, Nothing less.

" She knows about orphanage bullying. But she didn't protect us. You say, is she a good woman ? " Xie Yue asked her back.

" Ahh~ but then why is she good to us ? "

" That's her acting. Now she is trying to sell us to slave traders. Thats why we escaped from her " Xie Yue explained to her patiently.

" Ahh. I understand brother~ you are really mighty !! " She shook her hands as she felt proud of her brother.

" And little Nana~ don't ask questions like this again ok ? I don't like it " Xie Yue hugged her and told her.

" Mmm~ Nana understood her mistakes. She won't ask questions if brother don't like it " she hugged her brother back and said in sweet voice.

Hearing their conversation, that driver also understood little bit.

' What a smart child. So this is what happened.... Bad woman indeed'

He also drove faster to escape from that woman. What If she catch up with them ?

" Driver uncle, will there be any bandits in the route we are going now ? " Xie Yue asked

" Yes young lord, but if we take the common commercial rute. The chances of that will decrease, there will be guards patrolling and protecting the safety of their goods. Even if we meet some bandits, We can seek help from the guards if they are near " Driver said.

" Oh okay, then you go through the commercial route. And how long will it takes to reach our destination ?" Xie thought about something and asked him again.

" Nearly 7 days, young lord ! " Driver replied without knowing his badluck.






8 days later_

This day, two children came near the tall city Gate of the Great Heaven Dou Empire border. It is also the location of Barak kingdom, ( south of the Heaven Duo empire )

They wore a black cloak, covering their whole body from seen by others.

After they came near the Gate guards, They were stopped by them.

After removing their hoods and giving the entry fee that is needed to go in to the city, they continued their walking after putting their hood.

" After 8 days of traveling we are finally here" Xie Yue thought about his journey.

On the sixth day, he killed that carriage driver and disposed him. Since there are no more people near them, he can't take another carriage.

So he tried to control that carriage horse. Only then did he learn that it's pretty easy to control the horse with his physique. After all he is a level 9 soul scholar. So they got on the horse and came in the direction of the empire. Because of the lack of care, the horse lost its energy some hours ago and died. so they here by walking for nearly 5 hours. They had enough water and food so it's not that straining to their bodies. They bought it from the supply points on their way.

_Even when killing that driver he didn't let Nana learn about that. He did it meticulously and told her the same reason as Bai wus' matter. ' I knocked out that driver '

_Now Nana is not at the age to know about killing. And how can he explain if she knows about his killing ? Xie Yue is also just a kid. There is also no justifiable reason that can fool her.

If she saw him killing others, it will be hard for her to accept that her brother is a killer. And it will leave psychological shadow. only after age 10 or so will the people of douluo continent will mature in their thinking. At that time he can kill openly.

He also thought about killing Hu Liena more than once. But he decided against it after thinking about her usefulness. It's not worth it to kill his obedient puppy just so he don't need to work little harder. If he wants to have a good sword and a puppy, he also need to be patient.

" Nana, let's go and search for a hotel to stay" he took her hand and went for a searching

" Hmm~ okay brother " she followed obediently.

After that they rented a room and settled in.

" Nana, let's wash up and go to bed. We haven't had a bath in the past few days. Let's bath together "

When bathing, he removed all his dress and sat in the bathtub. Nana bathed with her underwear on. When bathing she also did her duty by putting soap for him. But the difference today is..... He also told her to wash his little member.

She also did it with curiosity ' why does brother have something like this between his legs ? Hmm~ it looks like a little rat'

After they took bath, they ate their lunch and went for sleep. Afterall, traveling is very tiring.

Xie Yue also need a good rest. So he hugged her in his arm and slept without thinking about anything.






Time passed by and the morning came. They slept for nearly 16 hours.

After taking bath and having breakfast... Xie Yue talked with Nana

" Nana~ you stay here. Brother will go and and buy some dresses for you "

" Brother~ can't I come with you " Nana asked him.

" No nana~ it's a new place for us. So it is best if I go and learn about this new place alone. You stay here. Brother will come back before noon " Xie Yue patted her head and said.

" Ahh~~ ok brother. I'll listen to you. Be careful when you are outside " Nana nodded her head while enjoying his patting.

Xie Yue put on his little cloak before leaving...



