26. First Soul Skill

Seeing Xie Yues' puppy eyes, Chenxin also thought about it and simply used little of his soul pressure to capture it.

That bird frightened, but what can it do? It's already a done deal.

Because of Chen xin's instant capturing method, Emerald demon bird didn't get a chance to show case it's talents. Xie Yue was also helpless. Even though sword douluo captured it, he kept it with himself. A 100 years soul beast is equal to a 20+ level great soul master. So If he gave it to him, Xie Yue will die.

Even though sword douluo don't know what type soul beast this bird is, he can still guess its age.

They continued walking. Xie Yue thought about what to say, after thinking for a while he came to a decision...

" Grandpa, why don't we find out what soul beast it is ? " Xie Yue asked

" I don't know it's name. It's my first time seeing this bird. If I have to guess it's ability. It must be a speed type soul beast. But it's age is only around 200-250 years " Even though he guessed something using common knowledge. He didn't even think about letting Xie Yue absorbing its soul ring. In his opinion, its age is so low.

" Oh~ then grandpa, let it fly~ if we let it fly we can know it's ability right? I want to see it fly. You can catch it again after we sees it's ability" Xie Yue pleaded again.

"Okay" sword douluo said. It's just some childish wishes, Fulfilling is not hard for him.

It's just that, when he let it fly.... In a flash it disappeared.

Xie Yue thought 'why teleportation ability? did I remember it wrong. No way'

But sword douluos' eyes narrowed, only his eyes captured it's movements. It's so fast... Extremely fast. Knowing it's power, he acted decisively. He used his mental power to scan the whole area, And he too disappeared.

When appearing again, in his hand there is the same green bird. But in his face, there is astonishment.

" It's speed is faster than most of the 3000 years beast.... What the hell is this beast " Sword douluo asked himself loudly.

Without talking nonsense, he said to Xie Yue forcefully

" Moon, forget about rising it. You must absorb it's spirit ring " he don't want Xie Yue to raise this beast in vain. Only if he gets its soul ring, will it be useful.

Xie Yue still acted like a child....

" But grandpa~ I want to keep it as pet" Xie Yue said unconvinced. Because of Chen xins' forceful tone he also showed some tear mist in his eyes.

" Moon~ it's not the time for playing. Grandpa will make it upto you later. First absorb it's soul ring " He said forcefully again.

' hey....I shouldn't have thought so much. I didn't expect it to be this simple. If I had known, I would have just thrown a stone at this bird. There is no need to waste my acting talent so much ' Xie Yue thought.

If he had made that bird fly earlier. He don't have to act so much. Simple stone is enough to make it fly. Because he is worried about making that bird escape, he had chosen a roundabout way. It's an idiot choice indeed.

' hehe, but in the end I still got my bird ' Xie Yue laughed in his heart. He can't always find the best solution for every problem. He is also a human, He is not perfect. He will aslo act stupid sometimes

" I'll listen to you grandpa~" Xie Yue said pitifully... Crying. He have to finish the act he started.

Chen Xin injured the emerald demon bird and put it Infront of Xie Yue.

" Moon, kill it and then absorb it using the method I taught you " he said.

Xie Yue summoned his martial soul and slashed its neck while shedding some tears...

He sat crossed leg and started absorbing it.

After a while he finished absorbing it. His height and body shoulder size also increased little bit. But his soul power didn't increase that much. Only at level 11.

After feeling his first soul ring, His eyes shone Brightly...

His Soul skill name is 'Flash Attack'. A simple name, just like Emerald demon Birds appearance.

But the skill is super extraordinary. It is an amplification soul skill.

_120% improvement in movement speed while holding the moon blade in his hands.

_ When moon blade flies, it will have 150% speed boost.

_ 120% improvement in attack power While holding

_ 150% improvement in attack power while flying.

These amplifications will increase with his soul power improvement. 2% increase per every soul power level improvement. Absolutely top skill. (AN: It's within the limit. Super soul beasts will indeed give this much skills. Maybe more than this)

Xiao wus' fist soul skill is also amplification soul skill.But Compared to Xiao Wus' first soul skill, Xie Yues' soul skill is better.

Xiao Wu:

Skill Name: Waist Bow

Skill Effects:

Increase waist strength by 100%, and 1% for each rank above 10

Increase body toughness by 50% and 1% for each rank above 10

(So At level 90, she will have the increment of 180%)

Xie Yue knows, compared to Emerald Demon Bird's bloodline, Xiao wus' rabbit bloodline is not that strong....

Xie Yue also know the history of Emerald demon bird. It is a terrifying beast.

The Emerald Demon Birds once caused a major catastrophe in the ancient world. During those times, an Emerald Demon Bird once fed on a true dragon's brain and continued evolving to become the most terrifying killer of that era.

To avenge the murder of a dragon, the Dragon Clan which dominated the continent during the era gathered its forces to massacre the Emerald Demon Birds and annihilated them completely.

Thereafter, the Emerald Demon Birds were exterminated in an operation that was carried out in the soul beasts' world. They were singled out to be killed under the leadership of a few soul beast kings. Only a few survived the massacre. From then on, the Emerald Demon Birds' threat to the living creatures on the continent was greatly reduced. Even when the birds appeared occasionally, they were extremely cautious and vigilant.

The way Xie Yue killed may seemed easy. But If it wasn't for Sword douluo, he can only watch it fly away. 100 years old emerald demon bird can fly faster than the 1000 years old speed type birds. And it has the same potential of attack abilities.


