38. Terrifying Luo Sanpao

Next day evening_

At the entrance of the Moon pavilion. Xie Yue got down from the Carriage. He was wearing black and white robe with gold patterns.

His hight was already 150cm now. His fair face looked handsome but there is still some immature look that belongs to a child. When he got down from the carriage, a circle of noble aura radiated around him.

He started walking in elegantly, seeing who it was, no one stopped him. He got inside the moon pavilion with small steps and went straight towards the fourth floor.

On the fourth floor Tang Yuehua was teaching her new students of this year about basics. She also saw him coming, but still concentrated in teaching her students. Xie Yue also didn't disturb her.

He sat on one of the free mat in the last raw, listening to her teaching, leisurely without much concern. He looked around to see whether there was anything new here. Seeing nothing interesting, he started meditating.

Everyone looked at him strangely. Afterall, not many people know about his graduation from here. Because of Ning Fengzhi's request, Tang Yuehua didn't allow him to participate or perform in the graduation ceremony. And most of the time Tang Yuehua taught him personally. Since his learning ability is faster than others, even if she were to assign him to study with Senior students, he will overtake them in 2 or 3 weeks. So she didn't bother with that and taught him alone. So even many senior students don't know about him.

"Don't trun around, Concentrate on learning" Tang Yuehua told those students who turned around to see Xie Yue.

Everyone turned back, but some brave students still asked her back,

" Teacher, who is that boy?"

"He is so young, why did he come here?"

Hearing their question Tang Yuehua answered them simply,

"He is your senior"

"WHAT....!" Everyone exclaimed,

"Teacher, you mean.... He already graduated?" One of them asked to confirm what she said.

"Yes" Tang Yuehua answered them proudly, she didn't get the chance to show off in the graduation ceremony, but now she got the chance to introduce her proud student. So how will she miss it?

Everyone silently turned back again to see Xie Yue, Xie Yue also didn't mind them knowing little about him, anyway he didn't show off his cultivation talent,That's enough. So he Let Tang Yuehua feel proud, if her mood is good, maybe he can take advantage of that tonight.

Tang Yuehua let the students discuss for a while and ordered them to concentrate on learning afterwards.

Xie Yue continued his meditation, he wasn't cultivating now, he was thinking about his second martial soul.

'I can get any soul beast as my second Martial soul, Even though my second martial soul won't give me any immediate help for now and is only there for a show, but It's not bad to plan my future actions beforehand. Afterall, when I get my 9th soul ring, I will surely have enough physical strength to avoid conflict between my two martial souls and can start adding soul rings to my second martial soul'

But what Soul beast to choose? There a many good soul beasts such as Blue silver emperor, Dark Gold Terror Claw, Titan giant ape, Azure bull, Man faced demon spider, mirror beast, Dark devil god tiger, ect.

but he also have to think about availability and their future potential. And there are many possibilities, he can even choose normal soul beast and continue to evolve them by adding soul rings. It can be developed in the direction he wants.

'if I think about potential, Ghost vine is also a good choice. If I can evolve it in the direction I want, I may even able to control other soul masters' Xie Yue thought about Ghost vine.

The Ghost Vine is a kind of exceedingly horrifying plant system spirit beast, it has extremely powerful nerve poison, one need only be stung by one of its piercing thorns, and poison would immediately circulate, until dissolving into pus and becoming the Ghost Vine's fertilizer.

What spirit masters fear the most is the ghost vine's parasitic ability. When it attacks, it would by its own accord send out countless minute seeds directly attaching to the victim's body, These seeds absorb sufficient nutrients and grow on the host's body spreading a nerve poison in a short period of time.

'A 600 year old Ghost vine became Tang San's 2nd soul ring and gave him the ability to parasite in the original work' Xie Yue recollected his Knowledge.

'There is also Manager Aude, He has Ghost king vine martial soul, but he wasted his martial soul potential. If he had cultivated in the evil soul master direction, he would have been a terrifying soul msster. What a looser...' Xie Yue thought in his mind.

'Even though High and low level martial souls can evolve easily to reach the level of top level martial soul by adding soul rings. But It can't be done by everyone. Only someone with twin martial soul can do it easily'

Low level martial soul awakeners will have low innate soul power level. Like level 1 or 2.

Even if they have potentially good martial soul. They can't evolve it by adding suitable soul rings. Because, in their life time maybe they can't even add more than 2 soul rings. Even reaching level 20 is hard for them with their talent.

That's why not everyone can evolve martial soul easily. Isn't Yu Xiaogang the best example?

Yu Xiaogang is born to be a terrifying evil soul master. If someone asked Xie Yue about the most potential Evil soul master, Xie Yue will say it was Yu Xiaogang without a doubt.

Yu Xiaogang's martial soul, The Luo Sanpao, is a variant spirit of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon. It has its own consciousness and can manifest externally unlike other beast martial souls. This very spirit is exclusive to Yu Xiaogang and is considered a trash spirit.

But In Xie Yue opinion, it is very very terrifying. Not because it has holy dragon bloodline or anything, But because it can eat.

What does that mean? It means, Luo sanpao can be fed.

What will happen if Yu Xiaogang fed it high level soul beast blood, Immortal Grass or let it eat other soul masters?

Hehe.... No need to think about it.

Unlike other evil soul masters, he, Yu Xiaogang, the owner of the variant martial soul won't have to face side effects of evil cultivation. Other evil soul masters have to absorb bloodlines and impure soul power directly into their own body. But Yu Xiaogang has his martial soul to do the dirty work.

'But that trash Yu Xiaogang only fed it some radish and let it fart.... What a waste of potential' Xie Yue felt pity for Luo Sanpao.






AN: Readers Can share your thoughts about what soul beast to choose as his second martial spirit.