46. Solution & Value

Bibidong was initially a kind and gentle person. After falling in love with Yu Xiaogang, She wanted to be with him. But because her master objected her to be with a waste like Yu Xiaogang, she choose to betray her master and became a white-eyed wolf. As one thing leads to another thing, She was raped by her master Qian Xunji and her personality changed to the worst.

She became cunning and evil. She was smart and calculating, she will hold grudges against those who despised her.

Because she hated the world and despised her previous weak self, she choose the path of Rakshasa god to force her own life path.

_ This is the change brought by her life experience. As a result of that, her personality and character changed.

But even so, she never shamed the name of 'Number One Love minded woman'. She still loved Yu Xiaogang and failed to see his true face because of love.


Thinking about Qian Renxue, Xie Yue's thoughts drifted and he thought about Bibi dong.

Shaking off those thoughts, Xie Yue thought about his main problem again.

' Didn't I choose STGT sect as my base after careful consideration? But still I didn't think I will come in to contact with her this early and didn't consider Qian Renxue's influence in my life'

' I also failed to take note of the trust between Master-Disciple relationship. If Ning Fengzhi wasn't her master, With his craftiness and intelligent, he would never tell her about us'

' Sigh... Even though I know about this world and most people's character, I am not omnipotent or Omniscient. I too will make mistakes in my decisions'

' But there is no point in regreting now, I should take note of this time and should never make the same mistake again' Xie Yue knows, Learning from a mistake is the way to improve oneself.

' So what can I do about this matter....' Xie Yue thought about a solution, he can't be sure about Qian Renxue not targeting him. If Qian Renxue felt he was a huge threat to Spirit hall in the future, She will surely kill him with her character.

'I can only think two ways for this solution... First I can stay in the sect until I am powerful enough. With my father, master and bone douluo here, I will not face any danger'

' Second is to keep a good relationship with Qian Renxue and join her camp when needed. But I don't have to rush in this regard, I can make decision after seeing the situation. And it is the best solution I can think of. The first one will restrict my future actions even more.'

' All In all, these solutions are only when Qian Renxue wants to remove me. But who said she will definitely kill me? Afterall, didn't Feng Xiaotian who was also Innate 10 level, Still alive and well? Even in the future, he will still be good'

' But I still can't be careless and let my guard down, Feng Xiaotian was an individual who wasn't affiliated with any super Forces unlike me. These super Forces allowed him to stay alive for now since he didn't join any sect or force. Once he shows any sign of joining a force, others will naturally won't sit idly by. They didn't kill him now just so they can rope him in in the future. Afterall, If every forces decided to kill every talented kids, the world and them won't improve. But my case is different, I am already from STGT sect. These top super Force doesn't want another one to grow Infront of their eyes, it is totally different matter compared to Feng Xiaotian...' Xie Yue knows, Super Forces won't kill every talented people, they are not short-sighted. Cultivating external seeds are also important for a super Force. Feng Xiaotian wasn't targeted until now because he didn't join any forces. Everyone is waiting patiently to rope in this excellent talented individual Feng Xiaotian. Super Forces has their way of doing things.

" Let's act according to the changes...." After thinking about everything and finding a way out for his survival, Xie Yue relaxed a little.

After relaxing his thoughts, Xie Yue was also able to see more possibilities and Able to think broadly;

'It's even better if I can take down Qian Renxue and win her heart. If I can win her, I will get an limit douluo as my handyman. Afterall Qian Daoliu was granddaughter slave. And Qian Renxue Identity wasn't small.... There is also 7 worshipers. Hehe. Eating soft raise is also good.' Xie Yue thought beautifully.

But he also knows, Taking down Qian Renxue is super hard. Her requirements are very high... He can't use any short cut to her heart unlike other women. They say, fucking is a way to win a women. But is fucking her pussy that easy? Don't even think about it. He can only fuck her after winning her heart, Her guards and backgrounds are not there for a show.

" But I can't Loose Dugu Yan for Qian Renxue... Dugu Yan is more important to me than Qian Renxue. Before I take down Qian Renxue I can't have relationship with Dugu Yan since there will be conflict. But I can't do that, So the possibility of getting Qian Renxue is low " This is the biggest problem here. Even though In this world having three wives and seven Concubines are possible, But these proud women's are not included in that... They don't like sharing, they has their own pride.

"If I were to have a wife, Qian Renxue was the best choice. Her background and talent was the number one among the women I knows. Maybe Bibi dong can rival her. She can also become god. Though it's only a first level god. But God is still god. So she was the best choice for me"

"But All these things about official wife and so-on are for later.... Now the most important thing is to Take whale glues sooner. Dugu Yan will also join Heaven Duo imperial academy in one year. I have to plan for this too" After Sorting out his thoughts and making plans, Xie Yue started his cultivation for the day.





