48. Hard Time

After discussing about some ways to improve his Self-created Soul skill with Chen Xin, Xie Yue Started his actual fighting practice with his master. Sword Douluo also Suppressed his cultivation level to level 25 and fought with Xie Yue.

Chen Xin trained Xie Yue's Actual Combat ability using two ways. First is fighting with other soul masters. But that seldom happened. Only some soul masters trusted by Ning Fengzhi were allowed to know about Xie Yue and Hu Liena.

Second is training Xie Yue by himself. Mostly Chen Xin trained Xie Yue by himself. He knows how to measure himself and planned the best route for Xie Yue's Practice. And he always Fought with Xie Yue after suppressing his Cultivation level.



After three hours_

Chen Xin kicked Xie Yue as he flew away. This situation happened more than ten times already today.

" You have improved again Ning Yue. This time You laster Nearly 15 minutes under my attack" Chen Xin helped Xie Yue up as he said.

" Master.... One day I will defeat you" Xie Yue didn't say more words after hearing Chen Xin. And only said this sentence with firm look. He also addressed Chen Xin as master this time. Even though Xie Yue was out and all devil, he still admired the strong and felt awe seeing them. He also respected Sword Douluo, But he only respected his strength. He, Xie Yue was threading the path to become a strong person, he will admire those who are stronger than him, That is natural. But that does not mean he will have Mercy or anything on them. If the situation arises, Xie Yue will kill his master without any doubt. He will even burn Chen Xin alive if it was beneficial to him.

"Haha.... Master will wait for that day" Chen Xin laughed again.

" Sigh... Even If I was able to defeat others who were High ranked than me, I was still unable to defeat you even when you suppress your cultivation to the same level as me" Xie Yue said with some emotion.

" Kid, Don't just see the Soul Power level. Even though I Suppressed my cultivation. My fighting experience is still there. And my physical strength is also there" Chen Xin explained.

" You are already far better than those so-called geniuses. When I am at your age, I was not as talented as you in fighting. With my teachings and training your fighting skills improved day by day so what are you worried about huh?" Chen Xin stated the fact. He trained his only student meticulously. He corrected every mistakes Xie Yue made in fighting. With his teaching and Xie Yue's talent, Xie Yue improved at an astonishing rate.

" Yeah~~" Xie Yue replied shortly.

" When You reach age 12 or more, You have to go and participate in soul fighting arena. Even though your fighting skills are superb and can defeat same level soul masters, You still have to get familiarize yourself with all sort of martial souls. Knowing every martial souls and their ability through books are not enough, you have to see their ability yourself. Your sister also need this training." Chen Xin made plan for Xie Yue's future cultivation.

" Mm Grandpa... I'll listen to your arrangements" Xie Yue eyes brightened. He can finally leave after 2 years. Chen Xin wasn't worried about their safety. In soul fighting arena they can hide their identities and can wear masks. Who will know they were geniuses or some oldmen?


Xie Yue left Sword Douluos' residence after discussing about his future cultivation and the mistake he made today in his battle.

While Walking towards his house tiredly, he thought about the solution to whale glue matter. He now has one melted whale glue in his hand that was unused. 3 days ago, he had melted 2 whale glues and had only ate one and preserved the other in soul tool. He can take that whale glue during this month. But who will help him with his release?

' Inside the sect, I don't have anyone other than Hu Liena to help me. Even though Hu Liena is level 23 and has strong Physique compared to those women I had fucked, It's still dangerous to fuck her mouth. When I take whale glue, I will loose my mind to lust. The least I can control is not to fuck her pussy and take her virginity. I can't control the force I use when I fuck her mouth. Even though she won't die unlike those weak women, there is some possiblity of getting injured. And if I act rough with her, it may even lead to some psychological shadow'

Xie Yue thought about it.

' But still... Without trying I won't know if it was possible or not. I can increase the roughness little by little every day and gradually let her get used to me. If she can endure my lust completely.... I can try taking whale glue at that time' Xie Yue made the decision.

Because of his sect, he don't have much freedom when Going out of the sect, there will be guards monitoring his safety. Only inside the sect can he do as he pleases.... And even so, he can't have sex with women openly right?

He has servants to serve him. But all of them are weak women. He never thought about fucking them. For his future plans, he need to keep his reputation clean. If he had sex with those servants inside the sect, no one will knows unless those servants spread them themselves. Xie Yue was not sure about their personalities, if they leaked the news, his reputation will be ruined.

Even if it gets leaked Ning Fengzhi won't say anything, afterall, Xie Yue was already at that age. But it will make Ning Fengzhi to Reassess Xie Yue's character again. Is his adopted son a lustful beast? Maybe he won't think about like that since he was also a man and had once experienced the lust. But it will still bring some impact. Xie Yue can't bet on that possibility.

'If Hu Liena can't handle me, I have to choose another person inside the sect. A level 40+ Soul Ancestors woman will suffice. But it's not that easy....' Choosing a strong woman is not easy. He have to think about their personalities, he also have to spent his time to take her down. Strong women won't bow down to just anyone. Although he has his big dragon as his asset, it's still not easy to take down stronger women.



