

  Chapter 179: The Two Elders of Gold and Silver!

  Boom! Boom!

  In the valley, two breaths as heavy as a mountain and as majestic as the sea rose to the sky.

  Several elders present, as well as Han Yue, Yan Hao and others, suddenly felt a strong pressure, like a wave.

  Breathing stagnated.

  The heart was depressed.

  The Douling around them, their backs half bent, their bodies trembling constantly, barely holding on without being overwhelmed.

  And those great Dou Masters with weaker realms were even more unbearable, all kneeling on the ground.

  "Finally, they are willing to come out. These two old guys are relying on their age to bully others."

  Han Beng, who was also in the valley, also felt this pressure and felt a little uncomfortable.

  But his expression was full of laughter.

  "The two elders of Gold and Silver have been famous in the Black Horn Region for a long time. The two of them practiced the same technique, and their Dou Qi had the same goal. The two of them could join forces to face Dou Zong without losing the upper hand. With them taking action, it is absolutely a sure thing to take down Lin Xiu."

  Han Beng actually had some hope for the middle-aged man, after all, he was also a Dou Huang who had been famous for a long time.

  Unfortunately, the speed at which the opponent was defeated was beyond his expectation.

  Sensing the powerful momentum, Lin Xiu paused, frowned slightly, and looked up slightly in the direction of the burst of breath.

  Not far away, two figures dressed in gold and silver clothes, respectively, were floating in the air with their bodies supported by fighting wings.

  "Old Jin, Old Yin, help me!"

  "Save me!"

  Seeing the two people appear, those who were defeated by Lin Xiu seemed to see hope.

  "Lin Xiu, kneel down now, and I can spare you for now."

  The old man in the silver robe had a serious face and a majestic tone, as if he was giving an order.

  His eyes were like lightning, covering Lin Xiu's figure.

  A faint pressure surged towards Lin Xiu.

  "Oh no, it's the two elders, Jin and Yin!"

  "Why are they here?!"

  "This is a big trouble. The first elder will not be able to determine the winner for a while. Lin Xiu has just entered the Douhuang realm and is no match for him."

  "Find a chance to hold them back and give Lin Xiu a chance to escape. He has an advantage in speed and may be able to escape back to the academy."

  The four elders turned pale and looked helpless.

  If it weren't for the appearance of the two elders, who would have dared to imagine that these two would ambush here.

  However, this also explains where their confidence in setting up this trap came from.

  Obviously, it was the two old men in front of them!

  "Two old things who are about to be buried dare to ask me to kneel down! Who do you think you are?"

  The power of the spirit realm soul burst out, and Lin Xiu directly ignored the pressure released by the other party.

  He ignored the twitching faces of the two elders, Jin and Yin, and cast his cold eyes on the few people who were knocked down before, "Dare to attack Zi Yan, even if it's Dou Zong in front of you today, you must die!"

  Those people heard the resolute killing intent in Lin Xiu's voice, their bodies trembled violently, and their eyes were filled with terror.

  One by one, they turned over and prepared to flee in all directions.


  In terms of speed, Lin Xiu was not afraid of anyone below Dou Zong, even if the opponent practiced the Three Thousand Thunder Movements, he didn't care.

  To be able to practice the Three Thousand Thunder Movements to perfection at his level, unless you are a true child of destiny, otherwise, there is absolutely no chance.


  "Boy, you dare!"

  The two elders, Jin and Yin, were very surprised. Seeing that Lin Xiu dared to attack, they couldn't help but get angry.

  But the attacks they launched were far slower than the speed of Lin Xiu's afterimages.

  Almost in one breath, several wails resounded through the valley.

  The lightning light dimmed slightly, and Lin Xiu's figure appeared in a position.

  In front of him, the black ash left on the ground announced that there might have been a person here not long ago.

  "Not only do I dare to kill people in front of you, I also dare to kill both of you!"

  Lin Xiu ignored the murderous gazes of the two elders, Jin and Yin, and the lightning under his feet lit up again.

  Chi Chi!

  Three thousand thunders!

  In a blink of an eye, Lin Xiu appeared in front of the silver-robed old man who was relatively close.

  "Dragon soars and breaks the four seas!"

  Lin Xiu shouted in a low voice, coming from his throat.

  In the dantian.   

  The chaotic nebula trembled slightly, and the majestic energy roared, rushing into the meridians and rushing to the arm. Wind   and

  thunder alternated, and fire rushed. A giant dragon with fire and thunder emerged and wrapped around Lin Xiu's arm.   At his clenched fist, the ferocious dragon head roared.   Boom!   The silver-robed old man's fighting spirit was agitated, and his robes bulged. He punched Lin Xiu.   Energy exploded, and circles of energy ripples appeared where the two fought.   Everyone saw a flash of silver light.   "What?! He can actually hit Old Yin head-on?"   Han Beng's eyes almost popped out of his sockets.   He inserted his ten fingers into his hair and hugged his head tightly.   The scene he saw with his own eyes made him completely unacceptable.   Old Yin was a top powerhouse who had entered the peak of Dou Huang for many years in the Black Horn Region.   Such a person, with strong strength, has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of everyone who has been in the Black Horn Region.   But now what they saw was that Old Yin was the one who was hit and flew away when facing a one-star Dou Huang in his early twenties.   Various exclamations echoed in the valley.   The four elders, as well as Han Yue, Yan Hao and others, all had trembling eyelids.   Especially the latter.   Han Yue and others knew that Lin Xiu had always fought tough battles and was good at fighting above his level.   However, a one-star Dou Huang beat a peak nine-star Dou Huang.   This was a bit too outrageous.   After all.   This was a Dou Huang, not a so-called fighter or Dou Shi.   The stronger the strength, the higher the realm, and the greater the gap between each level.   Why did this theory seem to be completely insufficient for the junior brother?   Han Yue was a little embarrassed and had mixed feelings.   On the other hand, the four elders breathed a sigh of relief, as if the result could still be reversed.   "Are you okay?"   The muscles on Old Jin's face twitched, and he was also shocked by the result he saw.   "It's okay."   The silver-robed old man's clothes were stained with dust, but he looked a little embarrassed. "This kid is just like Han Feng said, he has a strange power, and his strength is not very good. It may be that the cultivation method is more advanced, and his fighting spirit is probably close to that of an ordinary three-star Douhuang."   Elder Jin nodded slightly, "Then let's attack together, solve it early, and avoid more trouble at night."   "Yeah."   Elder Yin responded.   The two have been in the Black Horn Region for a lifetime, and they know very well that the remarks of bullying the weak and the old are extremely stupid.   As long as the opponent can be solved, it doesn't matter whether it is glorious or not.   "Not good, they want to join forces to deal with Lin Xiu, go and help!"   The elders noticed the actions of the two elders, Jin and Yin, and their faces changed, and they rushed up one after another.   As a result, the four elders faced Elder Yin, and they were only hit by a palm, and they flew back with blood spitting out of their mouths.   The four elders were horrified.   "Do you really think I'm a soft persimmon that anyone can pinch? Why don't you take a piss and look in the mirror?"   Elder Yin glanced at them with disdain, and then ignored them and rushed towards Lin Xiu and Elder Jin who were fighting.   The four elders looked pale, and their impression of Lin Xiu in their hearts was raised a little bit.   The four of them combined could not withstand the opponent's palm, but Lin Xiu was able to knock him away.   "Even if it costs your life today, you must protect Lin Xiu and leave."   An elder's tone was resolute and firm, which prompted the other three elders to nod in response.   Such an outstanding and talented student must not bury his life here today.   As long as Lin Xiu is given time, in time, he may have the strength of the old dean.