

  Chapter 183 Kill Han Feng!

  After hearing the news from Lin Xiuya, Su Qian set out first, fully exerting his Dou Zong strength, fearing that Lin Xiu and the others would have an accident.

  He really didn't expect to meet them halfway.

  The four elders explained the situation to Su Qian one after another.

  After listening, Su Qian's expression was full of surprise and astonishment.

  The two elders, Jin and Yin, were actually dead?

  He had fought against them and knew very well what strength those two had.

  Lin Xiu had just become a Dou Huang, but he could fight against Yin Lao alone without losing.

  It was unbelievable.

  Moreover, the pills made by Lin Xiu could even ask Dou Zong for help.

  This was also something that shocked Su Qian.

  To achieve this level, it must not be possible with second-grade or third-grade pills.

  In other words, Lin Xiu's pill level was already above the third grade.

  It seemed that not much time had passed since he cultivated the Fire Spirit...

  A series of news made the great elder of Canaan College, who had a high status, unable to come back to his senses for a long time.

  At first, Su Qian thought that Lin Xiu's practice of the Flame Soul Separation Technique would help the academy solve the hidden dangers of the Fallen Heart Flame.

  Facts have proved that his conjecture was established.

  Later, Lin Xiu showed his talent, and at the age of early twenties, he was promoted to Douhuang.

  Although there were some other factors in this promotion process.

  But that was also Lin Xiu's chance and opportunity.

  As a result, Lin Xiu has mastered the alchemy technique after a while of tinkering. This talent is really terrible.

  "The academy really picked up a treasure."

  Su Qian was very happy.

  Canaan Academy has been in operation for so many years, and there has never been a student like Lin Xiu.

  "Well, the death of the two elders Jin and Yin is enough to make those guys retreat for a while."

  Su Qian looked at Lin Xiu with a satisfied look in his eyes, "You did a good job, but don't be so impulsive next time. The academy will not give up any student, but your accident is also a major blow to the academy."

  "Thank you for your concern, elder."

  Lin Xiu responded with a smile.

  "Since the person has been rescued, let's go back to the academy first."

  Su Qian ordered.

  "Wait a minute, Great Elder."

  At this time, Lin Xiu spoke, causing Su Qian to look at him in confusion. "The mastermind behind this incident is closely related to Han Feng, including the previous fight for the Fallen Heart Flame, Han Feng was also the mastermind."

  Su Qian nodded slightly and continued to look at him.

  "As long as Han Feng is not eliminated, the academy will always be concerned about him. Great Elder, since you are out this time, why don't we go to Fengcheng together."

  Lin Xiu knew that Han Feng had colluded with the Soul Palace, but he was not sure whether it was the case now.

  What is certain is that as long as Han Feng is not resolved, he will definitely contact the people of the Soul Palace in the future and continue to take action against Canaan Academy.

  In this case, now that the two elders Jin and Yin are dead, Han Feng probably has no helpers around him.

  On the other hand, in addition to his own strength, he also has the Great Elder and Medusa, which is definitely an excellent opportunity.

  After listening to Lin Xiu's words, Su Qian, the four elders, Han Yue and others couldn't help but show a touch of shock on their faces.

  They all looked at him with some surprise.

  After killing the two elders, Jin and Yin, Lin Xiu actually set his sights on Han Feng, the famous medicine king in the Black Horn Region.

  Canaan College is a college, how come it suddenly seems to have become a cage for wild beasts.

  And Lin Xiu is the wild beast released from it.

  If he doesn't take action, it will be fine.

  Once he takes action, it will be as powerful as thunder!

  If Han Feng is also dead, plus the two elders, Jin and Yin, there will probably be no force in the Black Horn Region that dares to have any ideas about the college.

  Several elders looked at the thoughtful elder.

  They had to listen to Su Qian's opinion before they could determine the next action.

  At this moment, Su Qian was also a little surprised at Lin Xiu's decisiveness and ruthlessness.

  It must be said that he was very moved by Lin Xiu's proposal.

  The original plan of the college was to deal with Han Feng.

  After all, Han Feng was the one who really had ideas about the Fallen Heart Flame.

  "Okay, as you say, I'll go with you."

  After thinking about it, Su Qian thought that the success rate of this plan was very high.   



  In the attic, in front of a desk, a man sat upright, his eyes downcast, scanning the prescription spread out in his palm.

  On the back of his clothes, there was a striking word "Feng".

  "What's going on? Why do I suddenly feel uneasy?"

  Han Feng put down the prescription and pinched his nose.

  There was silence in the corner of the room, without any movement.

  "Han Beng!"

  He shouted to the outside.

  "Master, Han went out and hasn't returned yet."

  A voice answered outside.


  Han Feng patted his forehead, "How is the situation at Canaan College?"

  "My master, not long ago, a figure left in a hurry. It should be Dou Zong Su Qian who left for something."

  The man replied.

  "In a hurry, it seems that the plan has succeeded. The location is very far from the academy. Even if Su Qian is a Dou Zong, it is probably too late to rush there after receiving the news."

  Han Feng sighed, "It's a pity that Xuan Protector is not here at this time. Otherwise, we can join hands to go to the inner courtyard of Canaan Academy."

  He ordered the door, "When Han Beng comes back, let him come to see me as soon as possible."


  The man replied.

  After that.

  Han Feng was still a little uneasy and got up and walked back and forth in the room.

  "What's wrong with me?"

  He grabbed the window sill with both hands and looked at the sky in the distance. It

  was sunny and windy in the morning, but now it has suddenly changed, with dark clouds overlapping, the wind whistling, and the leaves shaking.

  It looks like a storm is coming.

  "What went wrong?"

  Han Feng was puzzled.

  Suddenly, his eyes focused, and a hint of doubt flashed in his eyes, "Could it be that something happened to Han Beng?"

  The thought flashed through his mind, and Han Feng immediately shook his head.

  How is this possible? !

  With the two elders Jin and Yin in charge, and Su Qian not going with them, how could Lin Xiu, a kid who had just entered the Douhuang realm, defeat those two?

  At this moment, Han Feng seemed to sense something, slowly turned around and looked at the corner of the room.   In

  that shadow, the darkness became thicker, with a chilling aura.

  "Protector Xuan, you're back, great, Su Qian has left Canaan Academy, now is a good opportunity for us to go in." Han Feng was overjoyed, with an excited smile on his face.   "Hehe..."   A human figure appeared in the shadow, but the specific face could not be seen, "You are still thinking about the Fallen Heart Flame, Han Feng, you are in big trouble, the two elders Jin and Yin you arranged have died in that valley."   "What?"   Startled, Han Feng's smile froze.   It was a little hard for him to accept, "Even if the two elders, Jin and Yin, joined forces, they would not be easily defeated against a Dou Zong. How could they die against a Dou Huang?"   "This protector did not see the specific process and does not know it, but the bodies of the two cannot be faked. Your subordinate also died in the valley."   Protector Xuan accidentally sensed some soul auras, so he went to the valley to collect them and saw several people who died tragically.   After tracking the auras all the way, he found that Lin Xiu, Su Qian and others were coming towards Fengcheng.   So, Protector Xuan decided to come to Han Feng first and make some arrangements.   "Are they all dead?"   Han Feng's face was pale. Although it was hard to accept, he still believed what Protector Xuan said.   Because he could not find a reason for the other party to deceive him.   "Protector Xuan, what do you mean by the impending disaster?"   Han Feng's heart tightened, and he realized that he had been uneasy and seemed to have a source, so he asked hurriedly.