

  Chapter 190: One year later, Xiao Yan left

  the tower Qian's request was not particularly demanding, and it was for his own good.

  Lin Xiu nodded and agreed.

  The main reason was that he really had no intention of leaving the academy during this period.

  After receiving the inheritance of the Eight Gates, the Earth Flame Gate, and Han Feng, Lin Xiu finally needed some time to digest it.

  After leaving, Lin Xiu returned to his residence.

  In the following days, he began a boring life of cultivation.

  The encounter with the guardian Xuan and the guardian Wu made Lin Xiu realize that his own strength was still insufficient.

  If he had enough attribute points at that time, he could have completely upgraded his physique to the seventh level.

  Although he was still at the one-star Douhuang realm, the changes in combat power would still be different.

  In a blink of an eye, a year passed.

  [Name: Lin Xiu]

  [Age: 22]

  [Realm: Eight-star Douhuang (80w/240w)]

  [Physique: Perfect Seventh Order (99%)]

  [Soul: Mid-stage Spirit Realm (60%)]

  [Qualification: Seventh Order]


  Earth Rank High: Mahayana Primordial Mixed Merit lv12 (Full)

  Mysterious Rank High: Burning Decree lv9 (Full)

  Earth Rank High: Spark Spirit Body lv12 (Full)

  Earth Rank High: Heaven and Earth Nirvana Wheel lv12 (Full)

  Earth Rank Intermediate: Thunder God Finger lv11 (Full)

  Earth Rank Intermediate: Shattered Mountains and Rivers lv11 (Full)

  Earth Rank Intermediate Body Skill: Six Thousand Thunders lv11 (Full)

  Earth Rank Low: Return to Origin Decree lv10 (Full)

  Earth Rank Low Secret Technique: Burning Origin Secret Technique lv10 (Full)

  Earth Rank Low: Flame Soul Separation Technique lv10 (Full)


  [Occupation: Alchemist]

  [Grade: Nine]

  [Attribute Points: 5]

  As he scanned the panel from beginning to end, Lin Xiu felt that it was not easy.

  This year.

  Although he didn't need to worry about the realm upgrade, the trouble of attribute points has always entangled him.

  Because of the improvement of strength, Lin Xiu's combat power has become more and more terrifying, far surpassing people of the same realm.

  The experience gained from fighting skills is closely related to fighting. Simply practicing will make the progress too slow.

  This also led to the fact that Lin Xiu could not drag Su Qian to fight with him.

  In desperation, he could only focus on the forests around the academy and fight with monsters.

  After unremitting efforts, the cultivation method was successfully integrated and turned into a high-level earth-level. The speed of absorbing fighting spirit was faster than before, and the condensed fighting spirit was more condensed. The

  starlight body casting technique was also integrated with the other two body-refining fighting skills to become the starfire spirit body, which is more suitable for Lin Xiu's monster-like physique.

  Now that he has activated the starfire spirit body, his entire appearance can even change, and there is a hint of the true body of the Yan Emperor.

  The attack fighting skills are integrated into one high-level earth-level and two intermediate earth-level.

  As for the low-level earth-level and Xuan-level fighting skills, there are more.

  If he hadn't suffered from the lack of sufficient experience and attribute points, he could have obtained several high-level fighting skills.

  "I have to go out. Staying in the academy all the time won't provide much help in improving my strength."

  Lin Xiu pondered.

  Not long ago, he went to the bottom of the Tianfen Refining Qi Tower. Xiao Yan's strength has broken through the Dou Wang Seven Stars, and it won't take too long for him to completely devour the Fallen Heart Flame.

  "Hey, here he comes."

  Suddenly, Lin Xiu looked up and looked at the door. Although the door blocked his view, he could still recognize the approaching breath from the outside world. It belonged to Xiao Yan.

  After a few breaths, there was movement outside the door.

  "Xiao Yan? Are you still alive?"

  "No, Lin is practicing, and no one knows when he will finish. I can't let you disturb him."   

  "What? Let me ask. No, no, no, you should wait for him to come out of retreat first, then come."

  Du Chaoping and Leng Bai stopped a figure.

  Not far away, Zi Yan put one hand on the table, half turned his body, stared at Xiao Yan with a pair of eyes, and looked a little wary.

  Being stopped by the two, Xiao Yan looked a little anxious.

  This time, it took longer to swallow the Fallen Heart Flame than he thought.

  After coming out of the tower, it was only about a year and a half. Xiao Yan thought that the outside world would not change too much.

  And his own strength directly jumped from the peak of Dou Ling to the peak of Dou Wang.

  Xiao Yan prepared a plan, and then went to find Han Feng for revenge and clear the door for his teacher.

  His idea was perfect. Getting rid of Han Feng would not only clear the door, but also get Han Feng's strange fire.

  Originally, swallowing the Fallen Heart Flame, the Burning Decree achieved an evolution, raising his own strength to the peak of Dou Wang.

  If he could swallow Han Feng's strange fire, there would definitely be hope to impact the Dou Huang.

  With the strength of Dou Huang, combined with the Three Mysterious Changes of Heavenly Fire, and the Buddha's Wrathful Fire Lotus, he would be able to fight against Yunshan when he went back.


  The words of the elder in the tower made Xiao Yan's brain crash on the spot.

  "Fengcheng was destroyed, and Han Feng died a year ago."

  After some inquiries, it was learned that it was Lin Xiu who led the incident and completed the killing of Han Feng.

  Xiao Yan didn't care about resting, and went straight to Lin Xiu's residence.

  After a year, will the Sea Heart Flame still be in the hands of Senior Lin Xiu?

  He was a little worried.

  Just when the two sides were deadlocked, a door was opened from the inside.

  A handsome young man walked out.

  "Senior Lin Xiu!"

  Xiao Yan looked over and immediately shouted excitedly.

  "Xiao Yan? Seeing you here, it seems that you have successfully survived."

  Lin Xiu pretended to be stunned, with a look of surprise on his face.

  Du Chaoping and Leng Bai saw Lin Xiu coming out of retreat, so they stopped stopping Xiao Yan.

  Passing by the two, Xiao Yan quickly stepped forward and came three steps in front of Lin Xiu.

  He had a serious expression, clasped his hands together, and then bowed respectfully to Lin Xiu.


  Lin Xiu was slightly startled, and held him up with his hand, not letting Xiao Yan really bow down, "Junior, what are you doing?"

  "Senior Lin Xiu, if you hadn't helped me that day, I, Xiao Yan, would have been buried in... that lava. You saved my life, so you should accept my bow."

  Xiao Yan's tone was sincere and his expression was excited, not like he was pretending at all.

  Because he couldn't imagine how he would face the Falling Heart Flame if Lin Xiu hadn't appeared at that time.

  If he didn't make it and was swallowed by the Falling Heart Flame, how would the Xiao family avenge themselves? Who would save my father? Who would settle the account with the Yunlan Sect?

  This scene made Zi Yan and the other two stunned, and they couldn't understand it at all.

  When did Lin Xiu save Xiao Yan?

  He said the lava world? Could it be that Xiao Yan had been staying at the bottom of the tower for so long?

  The three of them hadn't had time to find out, and didn't know that Xiao Yan had walked out of the bottom of the tower.

  "You're polite, junior."

  Lin Xiu said politely, but his eyes were very satisfied with Xiao Yan's attitude.

  If he hadn't known Xiao Yan well, he wouldn't have spent the effort to check on Xiao Yan every once in a while.

  "Senior, I just got out and heard that the Medicine King of the Black Horn Region was killed by you. Is that true?"

  After thanking him, Xiao Yan finally asked the question that he was most curious about and most looking forward to.

  He looked a little nervous.

  "Yes, it's true."

  Lin Xiu would naturally not hide the well-known things. He glanced in the direction of Zi Yan, "Han Feng arranged for someone to kidnap Zi Yan in order to target me. This matter touched my bottom line."

  "Good kill! Han Feng is a sinister and cunning villain with no bottom line."

  Xiao Yan was a disciple of Yao Chen and knew what Han Feng had done to his teacher. His hatred for Han Feng was deep in his bones.

  What's more, Han Feng also practiced the Burning Decree.

  The two practiced the same technique and both needed strange fire, which was even more incompatible.

  "Senior, I want to ask you something about Han Feng's personal affairs. Do you think we can talk alone?"

  Xiao Yan's eyes revealed a glimmer of hope.