

  Chapter 193 Hu Qian, you are really good at judging people.

  "To be honest, I am also from the Jia Ma Empire. After so many years, I do have the idea of ​​going back to take a look."

  Lin Xiu did not rush to agree, but stared at Xiao Yan, watching his expression change.

  Xiao Yan had long known about this from Xiao Yu and others, and there was no surprise on his face.

  "Senior, I heard that you seem to be very interested in martial arts and fighting skills. If I can solve Yunshan this time, then everything in Yunlan Sect will belong to you. The only condition is that you help once when an unexpected situation occurs."

  This is the news Xiao Yan got from his second brother Xiao Li.

  Since Lin Xiu came out of retreat, he has appeared in Heiyin City, Diyanmen, Xuezong and other places.

  From the situation of the Eight Gates and Diyanmen, Xiao Li learned that Lin Xiu was particularly interested in these things, and he did not let go of even some yellow-level fighting skills.


  Hearing Xiao Yan's words, Lin Xiu did not refuse anything.

  However, whether Xiao Yan took action in Yunlan Sect or not, the things would eventually belong to him.

  In this, Xiao Yan's contribution did not play a big role.

  So, he added: "Besides that, you still owe me a promise."

  "Of course, I understand. Thank you, senior. It's great that you agreed."

  Xiao Yan couldn't help but flash a little excitement in his eyes. He hid it very well and didn't let Lin Xiu notice it.

  The two of them made an appointment, and Xiao Yan took the initiative to say goodbye.

  After that, Du Chaoping and others gathered around. The two of them didn't talk behind their backs, so they all heard it.

  "Junior brother, are you really going to go? I heard that Yunlan Sect is the largest sect in your Jiama Empire. Is it really okay to rashly get involved in such an incident?"

  Du Chaoping was a little worried about Lin Xiu.

  In his opinion, there was no substantial benefit in traveling thousands of miles to help a junior brother fight a battle. It would be better to use the time for cultivation.

  "Yes, and Elder Su Qian probably won't agree. He treats you like a treasure now. How can he let you go to such a far place to take risks?"

  Leng Bai thought that Lin Xiu agreed too readily.

  After all, the academy wanted to train Lin Xiu as the next great elder, and it was no longer concealed.

  "A sharp sword is sharpened by grinding. Staying in the academy will only make me sink."

  Lin Xiu shook his head slightly. "I will go to the elder to explain it in person. I believe he will agree."

  Hearing what he said, the two did not say much.

  Leng Bai, on the other hand, looked a little eager to participate after hearing what Lin Xiu said .

  But he was dismissed by Lin Xiu as a weakling. He

  was not even a Dou Wang. He could not participate in anything except watching from afar.

  On the night when Lin Xiu agreed to Xiao Yan, Lin Xiuya, Yan Hao and others walked into his courtyard.

  When they talked about this, it turned out that the news that Lin Xiu was going to help Xiao Yan and go to the Jia Ma Empire together spread in the academy.

  "Xiao Yan also came to me before and promised to refine a Huangji Pill for me afterwards, but I didn't agree because I thought it was meaningless."

  Yan Hao said carelessly.

  For things like fighting, there are monsters near the academy, and there are plenty of people in the Black Horn Region who can fight.

  Why go all the way to the Jia Ma Empire?

  What's more, he was not very familiar with Xiao Yan. Although Xiao Yan had a good talent for cultivation and his strength had surpassed his own, he was still far behind Lin Xiu.

  Lin Xiuya also nodded, indicating that he had also been invited by Xiao Yan.

  "Are you really going?"

  He looked at Lin Xiu for confirmation.


  Lin Xiu nodded lightly.

  Yan Hao and Lin Xiuya looked at each other, and the former said, "Then we will accompany you."

  "And uh..."

  Beside him, Zi Yan, with her mouth full of meat, spoke vaguely and raised her shiny hands.

  "It's all right. Anyway, there's no danger in this trip. Just go out and see the scenery."   

  Lin Xiu was very casual.

  As soon as he finished speaking, he felt a ray of contempt shot at him.

  "What? Is there something wrong with what I said?"

  He met Yan Hao's eyes.

  "Although I didn't deliberately ask, I know that there is a Dou Zong strongman in Yunlan Sect now."

  Yan Hao said seriously.

  "I know, but I was able to kill the peak of Dou Huang a year ago. Do you think Dou Zong is a threat to me now?"

  Lin Xiu said as a matter of course.

  Fuck! He pretended!

  Yan Hao had the urge to slap himself twice.

  "It seems that you have made great progress this year. I am looking forward to your chance to show it."

  Lin Xiuya smiled lightly.

  He only improved two realms in a year, while Lin Xiu was a Dou Huang. The difficulty of improving each realm was greater than his own.

  This year, with Lin Xiu's talent, how much will he improve? One star or two stars?

  He said that Dou Zong was not a threat. Could it be that Lin Xiu improved to three stars in a year?

  "There will be a chance."

  Lin Xiu also smiled.

  Putting aside Yunshan, the guardian Wu is worth his effort.

  It is impolite not to reciprocate. Last year, the guardian Wu dared to accept the invitation to come to the Black Horn Region to deal with me. Next year, won't he dare to kill me alone?

  This risk must be eliminated in advance.

  The next day.

  Lin Xiu went straight to find Su Qian and told him the news that he was going out.

  As expected, Su Qian disagreed.

  He hoped that Lin Xiu would concentrate and improve himself in the academy. There was no need to fight and kill.

  In terms of talent, Lin Xiu is better than anyone else. What he lacks is time to grow.

  And Lin Xiu also brought out the old rhetoric, which is roughly "The sword is sharpened by grinding, and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold."

  A truly strong person must go through hardships before he can grow.

  Seeing that Lin Xiu was determined, Su Qian had no choice, but he had to stay in Canaan Academy and could not leave at will, so he could only remind him to be careful.

  After Lin Xiu agreed, he went to the outer courtyard again and found Hu Qian and Elder Huo.

  These two people took good care of him. If he had good things, he would naturally not hide them.

  He gave Hu Qian a small amount of Earth Core Tempering Body Milk and gave Elder Huo a copy of the Sixth-Rank Alchemist Experience.

  The former was obtained from the wild, and the latter was obtained from Han Feng, but Lin Xiu added some details and his own understanding to it. He

  had not given it to them before, on the one hand because he was busy and forgot, and on the other hand because he was worried that the two would ask questions.

  Now that they were leaving the academy, Lin Xiu gave it to the two.

  Hu Qian and Old Man Huo were surprised and a little confused when they got their things.

  Especially Hu Qian, he was trapped at the peak of Dou Huang for a long time. With such a pure and rich Earth Core Tempering Body Milk, he had a great chance to break through Dou Zong.

  And Old Man Huo was also trapped at the fifth-rank alchemist for a long time and had not been promoted. With this experience, he was very sure to be promoted within half a year.

  The two caught Lin Xiu and did not let him slip away directly, but made a delicious meal to treat him.

  After a few years, Lin Xiu tasted the white carp. It was indeed soft and refreshing, with a sweet fragrance. No wonder Elder Huo loved it so much before.

  When he left their place, Hu Qian and Old Man Huo each held a wine flask, their faces full of alcohol.

  Not long after Lin Xiu left, their eyes became clear.

  "Hu Qian, you are really good at judging people."

  Old Man Huo sighed, a little sad and a little emotional.

  It has only been a few years, and the child who used to exchange fish for pills has become a strong man who can stand on his own.