

  Chapter 196 Show Me

  Everything happened in a flash.

  When Yue Mei came to her senses, the formation that troubled the snake people had been broken by Lin Xiu.

  Lin Xiu was so powerful that he scared off several Dou Huangs led by Yun Lan Zong by himself.

  This scene felt extremely unreal to Yue Mei.

  Why did such a strong man appear in the human world, but she had no news at all?

  How did the queen know him?

  Could it be during the time he disappeared?

  All kinds of questions surrounded her mind.

  In the big city of the snake people, the fully armed snake warriors on the city wall had blank and confused faces.

  Why did all the people from Yun Lan Zong retreat in just a blink of an eye?

  In the last second, they were still fighting to the death.

  Several snake people with strong auras climbed up the city wall one after another and looked around.

  The reinforcements came too strangely.

  They had not received any notice before, and the other party attacked like thunder, but watched the people from Yun Lan Zong leave without stopping them.

  Why is this?

  Mobas, Yanci, Yin Lao, Hua She'er and other powerful snakemen exchanged glances and saw the confusion in each other's eyes.

  Fortunately, a familiar figure appeared from outside the city at this time.

  Yue Mei barely propped up her fighting wings, and flew to the top of the city in a messy figure.

  Halfway, she saw Lin Xiu and Zi Yan appear beside her, and hurriedly shouted, "Don't do it! It was him who scared off the people of Yunlan Sect just now!" On

  the top of the city, the snakemen soldiers who had originally made fighting postures, as well as Mobas and others, heard Yue Mei's voice and couldn't help but put away their actions.

  "A young man, a little girl, can they scare off the Yunlan Sect?"

  "I don't believe it. Even if they have been practicing since their mother's womb, they have the strength of Dou Wang at the top now, and they can't be Dou Huang."

  "I guess it was the elders behind those two who just did it."

  Amid the whispers of Mobas and others, Yue Mei, Lin Xiu and Zi Yan landed on the wall smoothly.

  Among the few people, there were those who were familiar with Yue Mei, and they hurried to Yue Mei's side and cared about her miserable appearance.

  Yue Mei had adjusted herself by now. Although her breath was weak, she was not dead.

  "Old Yin, this..."

  Just as she was about to introduce him, Yue Mei suddenly remembered that she didn't seem to know the other person's name yet. She paused and looked at Lin Xiu.

  "Lin Xiu."

  He saw the meaning of the other person's eyes.

  "This brother Lin Xiu has the Queen's token. Before, I was chased by two Dou Wangs from the Yunlan Sect. At the critical moment, he took action and killed the two Dou Wangs with one move. That's why I had the opportunity to come back here."

  Yue Mei knew that the tribe members rejected humans and was worried that they would accidentally offend Lin Xiu.

  Therefore, when introducing him, she emphasized the tone of the four words "kill with one move" in order to make several people put away their arrogant attitude.

  Now that the queen is not here, Yue Mei is very afraid that Mobas and others will provoke Lin Xiu.

  The other party has the strength to easily slaughter several people present.

  After hearing Yue Mei's words, the faces of several people present suddenly became alert, with a little more caution and less contempt between their eyebrows.

  They are all Dou Wang realm. According to Yue Mei, they will die in the hands of this young man in two moves at most.

  "Where's Medusa?"

  Lin Xiu glanced at several people casually.

  Hearing that the other party actually called the queen's name directly, Mobas and others' faces changed, and a hint of anger surged on their faces.

  But seeing Yue Mei standing behind Lin Xiu, waving her hands frantically, signaling them to calm down, they had to suppress it.

  However, several people still had no intention of answering.

  Lin Xiu took out the token again, "If she is in danger, tell me her location now, maybe she can still be saved."

  After all, Medusa has been the king of the snake people for some years, and where the precious things are, she must know better than these people in front of her.

  In a sense, being able to keep Medusa safe is also saving time for himself.

  The Tagor Desert is very large, and the snake people cover a wide area. He doesn't want to miss this long-standing racial treasure.   

  "Where is the queen? Tell me now."

  Yue Mei urged. Having seen Lin Xiu's strength, she believed what Lin Xiu said.

  With Lin Xiu's speed, as long as he knew the queen's location, he would definitely be in time to rescue her.

  "The king is fine."

  Suddenly, a cold and crisp female voice sounded quietly.

  The snake people present breathed a sigh of relief .

  A void twisted, a halo flowed, revealing a plump woman.

  Her face was a little pale, her breath was disordered, and she seemed to have not expected Lin Xiu to appear. Her eyes were filled with a hint of surprise, "Why are you here?"

  Without waiting for Lin Xiu to speak, she continued, "You have thought it through and decided to surrender to the king, right? Although it has been a year, you can rest assured that the king's previous promise is still valid."

  The conflict between the snake people and the Yunlan Sect has completely entered a white-hot stage.

  If it weren't for the mid-to-high-end powerhouses, there would be a disadvantage with the Yunlan Sect. I would have been ready to lead my people to attack Yunlan Mountain.

  Lin Xiu came at this time, and the timing was just right.

  After seeing Lin Xiu fight with Han Feng, Medusa knew that he had a strength that was not inferior to the peak of Douhuang.

  With Lin Xiu restraining him, he could fight Yunshan with peace of mind, instead of being besieged by several people at the same time like this time.

  Although he successfully returned to the Snake Man Temple, he was still seriously injured.

  "I suggest you treat your injuries first. It's not easy to hold on."

  Lin Xiu was a little speechless.

  Why do you always want to take me as a subordinate? Don't you know how strong you are?

  Even a year ago, I had countermeasures.

  What's more, after another year, my strength has improved by leaps and bounds. After a while, it won't be a problem to

  be promoted to Dou Zong. Mobas and others came back to their senses from their immersion, and looked at Queen Medusa with concern.

  "It's just a minor injury, it won't be a problem."

  Medusa shook her head slightly, and then looked around, "Where are the people from Yunlan Sect?"

  The Snake Man Clan had friction with Yunlan Sect before, but it was a minor fight.

  This large-scale attack was really beyond his expectations.

  Several people present immediately talked about the situation.

  Since they didn't see the target of the attack, Mobas and others revealed in their words that there was a strong person in the dark.

  But Medusa knew it well. There was no master. It was clearly Lin Xiu who did it.

  It had only been a year, and he seemed to have improved a lot.

  She was shocked.

  Then, Medusa summoned them to the main hall.

  After asking Lin Xiu again about his purpose, Medusa learned that Xiao Yan had brought people back to the Jia Ma Empire.

  "No wonder the old man Yunshan suddenly started a war. It turned out that he was worried about being attacked from both sides, so he planned to hit our snake people first."

  After a rough understanding, Medusa immediately deduced the reason why Yunlan Sect suddenly took action, and a sneer appeared at the corner of her mouth.

  If Lin Xiu hadn't appeared, the old man would have succeeded.

  Because he was restrained, the main force of the Snake Man Temple suffered heavy losses.

  And he would also be injured. When he returned to the tribe, he would definitely not be able to regain his strength and attack Yunlan Sect after seeing the situation.

  She looked at Lin Xiu, "You are not with Xiao Yan, why did you come to me?"

  "You invited me yourself, have you forgotten?"

  Lin Xiu noticed the confusion in Medusa's eyes, he smiled, "I heard that the foundation of the snake people is not inferior to that of the Yunlan Sect.

  I want to see it before going to the Yunlan Sect, and after I take over the Yunlan Sect, it will be convenient for me to compare, whether the snake people have a long history or the Yunlan Sect has a strong foundation." As soon as

  he finished speaking, Medusa's face changed.