

  Chapter 204 Nine Forests, Hundred Soul Devourers!

  The color of the lotus is composed of cyan, white, and transparent, with a cluster of flames swaying in the middle.

  The nearby space seemed unable to withstand this force, and tiny black cracks appeared.

  "Old dog Yunshan! Today, I, Xiao Yan, want you to pay for my Xiao family's life!"

  Xiao Yan's face was distorted and somewhat ferocious, and he threw the large Buddha's wrath lotus towards Yunshan.

  The fire lotus swept through the void, and cracks appeared in the space wherever it passed, forming a dark color, as if dragging a tail. At

  this moment, time between heaven and earth seemed to stop, and eyes stared at the beautiful fire lotus and forgot to breathe.


  A loud noise was heard, and the erupting flames expanded rapidly, like a mushroom that continued to grow.

  The range of the fire cloud expanded rapidly, almost covering the entire square.

  Some elders or disciples of the Yunlan Sect were unable to dodge and were swallowed up by the fire cloud in an instant.

  Miserable wails came from inside.

  Even the Wu protector and Yao Lao in the sky were swept into the fire cloud.

  After dodging to a distance in advance, Hai Bodong, Jia Xingtian and others saw this scene, and still felt a chill in their backs, and their bodies trembled slightly.

  After a long time.

  In the spotlight, two figures rushed out from inside. Everyone looked closely and found that they were the guardian Wu and Yao Lao.

  The black mist on the guardian Wu disappeared, revealing a dark armor. There was a mask on his face, and his specific face could not be seen, only a pair of red eyes.

  There were some cracks on the armor, and it seemed that he had suffered a lot from this fire lotus.

  Although the two came out from inside, they still didn't understand the situation.

  At this moment, they were all staring at the fire cloud that had not yet dissipated.

  "The power of the fire lotus is stronger than this king's strong attack. Xiao Yan is only at the peak of Dou Wang. Is he dead if he is involved in such an explosion?"

  Medusa turned her head to look at Lin Xiu. The energy of the fire cloud was violent, blocking her perception of the situation inside.

  "No, how could Xiao Yan die here?"

  Lin Xiu thought to himself. You have no idea about the power of the protagonist's halo. He changed from leaning on the back of the chair to sitting up straight. "However, this battle is coming to an end."

  When Yao Lao was caught by the guardian Wu, it was almost the critical moment that Xiao Yan asked for. It was almost time for him to take action.

  Alas... Who made me keep my promise so well?

  Medusa wanted to ask something else, but suddenly she felt the energy fluctuation and turned her head immediately.

  The huge fire cloud continued to collapse and shrink. When it was compressed to a certain extent, two figures were spit out by the fire cloud.

  The two fell to the ground together.

  When they were about to hit the ground, one of the figures suddenly propped up a pair of emerald green Dou Qi wings behind him.

  "Xiao Yan! Xiao Yan won!"

  "The peak of Dou Wang can actually defeat Dou Zong. If you don't see it with your own eyes, who would dare to believe it?" "With

  Yun Shan's death, Yun Lan Zong is now completely defeated."

  Hai Bodong and others who had been holding their breath finally breathed a sigh of relief.

  If Yunshan doesn't die, all of them who participated will be held accountable afterwards.

  Fortunately, Xiao Yan did it.

  "Hahaha, my third brother is still the genius he always is. Awesome! After getting rid of Yunshan, there is only the guardian Wu left. It seems that Lin Xiu's absence doesn't affect anything."

  Xiao Li's tense body relaxed slightly, and his eyes lit up.

  Lin Xiu didn't come to this battle. After taking down Yunlan Sect, he shouldn't have the face to ask his third brother to fulfill his promise.

  With the foundation of Yunlan Sect, the Xiao family will surely grow rapidly in the next few years.

  "This kid actually beat Yunshan."

  Medusa looked at Lin Xiu, who was still sitting upright, with a little distraction, feeling a little strange, "Why don't you look anxious at all? Xiao Yan defeated Yunshan, and it seems that he doesn't need your help at all."

  "Really? How about we make a bet?"

  Lin Xiu glanced at her, remembering that he hadn't gambled with anyone for a long time, and suddenly became interested.


  Medusa was stunned, "What are you betting on?"

  "You've always wanted me to be your subordinate, so let's make this the bet. If I need you to take action, you will have to obey me in the future, and vice versa."

  Lin Xiu said calmly.

  "You dare to let me..."

  Medusa frowned, and fire suddenly flashed in her eyes.

  But she was interrupted by Lin Xiu, "Hurry up, there is not much time. It's up to you whether you agree or not."   

  Yunshan couldn't even control his body when he fell, and he was obviously seriously injured.

  On the other hand, although Xiao Yan's people were not in their prime, they still had the strength to fight.

  With the support of the Medicine Venerable, it shouldn't be a big problem for them to deal with a Wu guardian. After

  quickly reviewing the combat power of both sides in her mind, Medusa still thought that Xiao Yan had a greater chance of winning.

  She looked at Lin Xiu, "I'm betting with you! Just wait! When I win, I'll ask you to serve me tea and water every day, wash my clothes and wash my feet!"

  "Wash my feet?"

  Lin Xiu was stunned, and his eyes fell on the white jade feet under the purple skirt.

  Is there such a good thing?

  Noticing his gaze, Medusa snorted coldly, pulled the hem of her skirt with her fingers, and covered her feet.

  In mid-air, Xiao Yan clenched his fists and swooped down.

  Looking at the young man getting closer and closer, Yunshan's face was filled with horror and fear.

  "Xiao Yan, don't!"

  Suddenly, a woman's scream came.

  This voice fell into the ears of Xiao Yan and Yunshan, and they were both very familiar.

  Yunshan found that Xiao Yan's fist stopped in mid-air, and a glimmer of hope flashed in his eyes.


  Xiao Yan just turned his head to look at Yun Yun, who was kneeling on the ground with a pale face, and then retracted his gaze.

  He roared in an indifferent tone: "Yun Yun, the blood debt of the Xiao family... must be repaid by someone!"

  After the words fell, his fist fell down without hesitation.

  A series of horrified and ecstatic eyes followed Xiao Yan's fist.

  But Yun Yun, who was pale and trembling, did not pay attention to anyone.

  With misty eyes, he watched the young man hit his teacher and made a sound of broken bones.

  "Old dog, this is for my father..."

  "This is for death..."

  Xiao Yan would roar furiously every time he hit a punch.

  I don't know how many punches he had thrown, Xiao Yan just felt exhausted all over, and all his strength seemed to be exhausted.

  At this time, a force supported him.

  "Teacher, I succeeded."

  Looking at the old face, Xiao Yan squeezed out a smile on his weak face.

  "Well, I saw it, don't be so crazy in the future."

  Yao Lao sighed lightly, with a complicated look in his eyes.

  As the two were talking, a black shadow passed by and fell directly towards Yunshan's corpse.

  "Teacher, the corpse of a Dou Zong master!"

  Xiao Yan immediately reminded him that this was one of the materials for refining the body. After the Yunlan Sect was done, he should help the teacher recover his body.

  "Hehehe... Now that you think of the corpse, you are too slow."

  The guardian Wu laughed strangely.

  "Guardian Wu, you are the only one left and you still dare to snatch it. Do you want to die?!"

  Pointing the spear at him, Xiao Li shouted loudly, with murderous intent in his eyes.

  "Hehehe... Who is looking for death, it's still unknown."

  Under the attention of the crowd, the palm of the guardian Wu was surging with black mist, and suddenly slapped Yunshan's head.

  In an instant, a comatose illusory soul body was pulled out from Yunshan's body by him.

  "Yao Chen!"

  Being shot at by the guardian Wu's gaze, Yao Lao's soul trembled, and seeing the sneer on his face, he felt a little uneasy, "This guardian said that no matter how much it costs today, I must capture you back to the Soul Palace."

  He quickly changed hand seals with both hands.

  "Nine Forests, Hundred Soul Devourers!"