

  Chapter 212 Add points! Breakthrough Dou Zong

  Time flies, and five months have passed.

  During this period, Lin Xiu spent most of his time in Yunlan Sect.

  He took time to visit the three surrounding empires.

  With almost no effort, Lin Xiu got what he wanted from their sects.

  Whether it was the Poison Sect, the Golden Goose Sect or the Mulan Valley.

  In fact, they had resisted, but the gap in strength was too big with Lin Xiu, and those actions were directly abandoned after a few hammers.

  The three sects did not have many good things. Lin Xiu picked and chose, and only took a few copies of Xuan-level high-level martial arts and fighting skills, as well as earth-level low-level fighting skills.

  Compared with Yunlan Sect, these three sects are much poorer.

  "Let's stop here today. In the next few days, I plan to go into seclusion, and you can rest for a while."

  On Yunlan Mountain, Lin Xiu distanced himself from two figures.

  The two people were Medusa and Yun Yun.

  Medusa, who had been hiding for a while, did not hear the news from Lin Xiu, and mistakenly thought that he followed Xiao Yan and others to leave and return to Canaan Academy, so she took the initiative to show up.

  As a result, as soon as she appeared, her aura was detected by Lin Xiu. Then, Medusa turned around and wanted to run, but was easily caught up by Lin Xiu. In

  the days that followed, she was almost the same as Yun Yun. As long as there was an order, she would obediently accompany Lin Xiu to practice.

  The only difference was that Yun Yun was very immersed in the process of learning from Lin Xiu.

  She almost seized every opportunity to become stronger.

  During this period of time, under her care, many disciples of Yun Lan Sect had left the mountain.

  Today, Yun Lan Sect is no longer as prosperous as it was before, but rather a little deserted.

  In Yun Yun's own words, she could not guarantee that she could protect these disciples from Xiao Yan's revenge.

  Therefore, she did not stop those who wanted to leave.

  "I heard that you are going to Zhongzhou. Can you take me with you?"

  Yun Yun asked.

  Turning around, Lin Xiu frowned slightly, "You are going to Zhongzhou? Don't you want Yun Lan Sect anymore?"

  "Without enough strength, Yun Lan Sect is just a target for someone's revenge. If I am strong enough, Yun Lan Sect will be wherever I am."

  The cruel reality made Yun Yun subconsciously show a bitterness at the corner of her mouth when she spoke.

  Yunlan Mountain carries his precious memories, how can he just let it go?

  But without strength, he can't defend it.


  Lin Xiu was slightly stunned. He didn't expect that Yunlan Sect would still be disbanded in the end.

  "I won't go to Zhongzhou."

  Feeling the eyes sweeping over, Medusa said decisively, with a very firm attitude. In

  a place like Zhongzhou, even Dou Zong can't be called a real strong man. Going there is no comparison to being the king of the snake people and being free.

  "You will change your mind in the future."

  Lin Xiu smiled and ignored the two of them. He left directly and went to his residence to prepare for retreat.

  For so long, the realm experience has been complete. Now I have to break through the Dou Zong, and the only thing missing is the attribute points.

  Fortunately, with the help of Medusa and Yun Yun, the attribute points have finally been gathered.

  [Realm: Nine-star Dou Huang (260w/260w)]

  [Space: Control progress 4% (reach 5%, you can officially step into the Dou Zong)]

  The eyes are slightly focused, and a line of text appears in front of him.

  As early as when the realm experience is sufficient, the definition of "space" has emerged.

  On the Douqi Continent, the biggest difference between Dou Zong and Dou Huang is that they have initially mastered the ability to control space.

  To be precise, this should be a kind of perception.

  Only when you can truly control space can you stand in the void without relying on Douqi wings.   

  Lin Xiu found that he could not break through the realm for a long time. With the help of the prompt, he immediately understood that in order to break through the Dou Zong realm, he must meet the conditions of controlling space.

  This is just like every time he wants to improve his qualifications, he must match the blood of the magic beast.

  Space has always been an illusory existence that cannot be seen or touched.

  It is very difficult to comprehend this.

  If there is no talent or opportunity, there are many people who are stuck at the peak of Dou Huang for decades.

  From Dean Hu Qian, and the guardian of the Jia Ma royal family, Jia Xingtian, Lin Xiu discovered it.

  "Fortunately, I don't rely on my comprehension. Nothing can stop me from breaking through the realm."

  Taking a deep breath, Lin Xiu decisively added all the 100 attribute points that he had just accumulated to "space".

  [Space: Control progress 5%]

  The text in front of him jumped and the characters changed.

  A happy expression flashed.

  Just as Lin Xiu was about to raise his mouth, a lot of information suddenly flooded into his mind, and many perceptions about space were poured into his mind like a tide.

  These perceptions were very chaotic and very mottled, mixed with the application of space transfer, sealing and other aspects.

  However, perhaps it was because of the slow progress of the palm control.

  Lin Xiu found that most of the information flashed by, and when he wanted to recall it, it was very vague and he couldn't remember anything at all. What he

  could really keep in his mind were only some basic usage methods.

  For example, walking in the air.

  "It's okay, it's not a big problem. Anyway, it's all in my mind. I will definitely remember it after adding attribute points in the future."

  Lin Xiu comforted himself and rubbed his temples with his hands to relieve the swelling of his forehead.

  "The perception of space, through the attribute points, the benefits I have gained seem to be more than just breaking through the Dou Zong."

  Lin Xiu frowned slightly and looked at the void in front of him. Then a few black cracks appeared in that area, as if a real painting was torn out of thin air.

  "As long as I concentrate, I can see the lines of this world."

  He was a little surprised.

  If this situation continues, I will fill up the palm control space. In the future, the clan realms of the eight major clans, and even the time and space locks of some ruins.

  Or those space seals like the Academy's Sutra Pavilion, seem to be useless to me.

  Being able to see the lines clearly, isn't it just about untangling the messy bundles of wires and finding a route to the inside?

  "That's good, the Burning Flame Valley is in a space barrier."

  Originally worried that he couldn't find the entrance when he got there, Lin Xiu was relieved.

  He gathered his mind, and the high-level "Mahayana Hunyuan Gong" in his body began to operate at high speed.

  Endless fighting spirit continued to pour into his body, impacting the nebula in his dantian.

  The rotating nebula became more and more condensed, and drops of liquid continued to fall.

  These liquids gathered together, and there was a faint intention to condense a magic core, and the outline could be seen initially.

  The only difference was that the size of this magic core was more than three times larger than that of an ordinary sixth-level magic beast.

  Lin Xiu, who was concentrating on breaking through, didn't know the situation outside.

  As his skills were fully operational, the clouds in the sky within a thousand miles of Yunlan Sect rolled back and gathered towards the top of Yunlan Sect.

  The majestic fighting spirit energy, after being pulled, formed a funnel, and liquid continued to drip.

  That position was exactly above Lin Xiu's retreat.

  "With such a strong energy fluctuation, is he going to break through to Dou Zong?"

  Yun Yun's face was filled with shock as she looked at the strange phenomenon in the sky.

  "Impossible! How could he break through to Dou Zong?!"

  Medusa could not accept Yun Yun's guess at all. She knew when Lin Xiu would break through to Dou Huang, and it had been less than two years so far.

  In less than two years, from Dou Huang to Dou Zong, what kind of concept is this? !