China. 10:59 AM

In a board Meeting.

First woman: "This meeting should have been held in Spain, I wasted my time coming here.

For what again? Aaa Investment meeting".

Second Woman :" In Spain you said?Your resident you mean? come on Ava you would have simply told us that you were running out of funds.We would have brought the meeting to your balcony you know. Personally I love to help the less privilege." [ She smiled but those around could see that it wasn't genuine].

With a slight chuckle the first woman replied

First woman : "Don't get me wrong Aria I'm just a very busy woman. That extra time I wasted to take a flight down here would have been more beneficial to me, if I was in my company and if you had known me better sweetheart you will know that I don't like spending time with some certain fools.

Third woman :" Luckily for me, I have a daughter a very beautiful one at that. I will gladly hand over my companies to her when she's of age.less stress for me you know HaHaHa she laughed loudly".

then continued "I am not so unfortunate like one or two persons I know".

(intentionally glancing to the first and second women)

The rest of the members of the board were silent, no one dared to interfere for fear of being harmed by either of the women. Round the table were billionaires, People of high class,owners of company and CEO's but among them were three most richest and biggest in the world.

Ava de la alta,-Estate management and affairs,A political share holder,

Reside in Spain.

Luna Lopez- Well known business woman owner of the biggest Gold mine 

Reside in Mexico.

Aria Gandel - Born from a family of art,Owner of the world biggest fashion company,Grand at design, art and crafts.

Reside in Australia.

These particular women have that thing that makes them outstanding, Although they were smart and hardworking,but they didn't start from scratch,wealth was in the root their families.

But rumors has it that Ava was barren while Aria refused to have children.

"When talking about Children,we don't involve puppies Luna."Aria ( the second speaker) spoke harshly.

 "Awuch that hurts" Ava (the first speaker) said in a mockery tone."Except for the fact that i have a baby girl too."

"An invisible one?" Aria asked almost immediately.

"You can say so Aria,I kept her invisible for Evil doers like you." Ava replied to her with much sarcasm.

"Oh No! please pardon me, Ava de la SAINT."

Aria spoke sharply to Ava with much Emphasis on the saint.

Knowing that the main matter was being diverted to insults by the three women,the organizer of the board said "The foundation is going for A hundred and fifty billion"

But luna stood up at once and said "Sorry Mr organizer, but the foundation is lame and not up to my taste." she walked out immediately followed by her securities.

Ava stood up too immediately and said to Him "You called me to sell your low budget foundation,I wasn't very interested but decided to do it in your favor but what did you do?

You embarrassed me by mixing me up with imbeciles" She looked straight at him and said " you are a clown" go to hell with your goddamn foundation."

She left immediately too.

When Aria stood up, the organizer quickly said Please ma'am I will give it to you for a hundred billion. but she ignored him and silently walked to the door but before she stepped out,she turned and looked at the organizer and said to him " You are so dumb,I never attend this meeting for a pathetic foundation, I heard that those puppets were coming and I decided to come and bash them."

Y'all should enjoy your meeting,Then she left.


Dario the head of the Underground miners who worked for Madam Luna Lopez, seized the opportunity that his employer went on a meeting in china to go on an adventure with his friends (lucas and manuel)in batanes Philippines.All through the storm in batanes,they were hiding in a building close to the cottage.

"Oh shit guys look,that little cottage just collapsed." lucas said pointing at the direction of the cottage.

 "Dario comeon, let's go check it out ."said Manuel

"After the storm guys please" Dario told them 

When the storm subside a little they went into the cottage and found a baby by the doorway.

The others turned to leave but Dario picked up the baby,he took pity on the poor little thing.

"We cannot leave her here, she will die" Dario said.

I'm taking her back to Mexico,perhaps I can find a couple to give the child to.

Then they left to the airport back to Mexico

Few second after they left An Old couple Mr&Mrs Smith from Spain were coming back from site seeing,they boarded a taxi but few meters away from the cottage, the taxi broke down.

"Oh no this is terrible,this storm will be back soonest" Mrs Smith complained

"I'm so sorry, please let me step down and check on the engine the driver apologizes."

"Calm down honey I believe that it isn't something serious"....Mr smith was still taking when his wife heard something and shuushed her husband.

She whispered to him "Did you hear that?"

"Hear what?" said Mr Smith

"There it is again,like the cry of a baby perhaps a day old or two."

They were surprised because there wasn't any building around apart from the uncompleted building beside the collapsed cottage.

They stepped down from the car then 

Tracing the cry of the baby, it led them to the half collapsed cottage.

They went in and found the two babies,(the children Maria hid when the building was collapsing).

 When they Got back to the taxi, the driver looked at them he was surprised to see that they were with babies. His continuous stare at the couple, sent a question to them and they quickly said in unision "We just found them" But the driver asked them"what did you plan to do with 'em"? We don't really know,was Mr smith response, perhaps find their parents.

The driver replied "Really?I thought your flight is in few minutes?"

"Oh Yea that is true but we really cannot leave the babies here."

 Mrs Smith suggested that they should take the children back to Spain and maybe give them up in an orphanage. There they'll be well taking care of.

"That is smart idea I believe that they will be well-taking care of there than here in the village." the driver added.

He ignite the key and alas the engine came to live and they left

Yahara return to see the collapse building from Afar she screamed and started calling for help.People gathered around and saw the terrible thing that the wind had done to the cottage, they quickly rushed inside in search of The mother and her babies. 

After the zinc and the woods were removed the body of Maria was found but neither of the babies were seen.

 Yahara was so sad she ran into their local temple and cry bitterly after which she pray for the safety of the kids.