Ximena could be seen dressed for school,she was having breakfast on the dinning table while her Nanny sat beside her and stared at her.Aitana could notice the worries and uneasiness on Ximena's face.

Luna left for work very early that morning.

"You are not looking happy dear" Aitana asked

"I'm fine"Ximena replied

"You know that you can tell me anything" Aitana told her In a calming voice

"I know Nanny Tana, but it's fine" Little Ximena said with a smile,took her bag and left for school.

Just a little while dear Ximena,you will soon be rekindled with your father,Aitana thought aloud.

In a little damp house located in a desert, a deep angry voice could be heard


That was Ronto speaking.A man dressed in black was seen standing beside Ronto who was sitting down comfortably on a sofa.(His name is Sentry and he is One of Luna's bodyguard) He is Ronto's secret spy.

Thugs and dangerous looking men could be seen walking around the place.

The house was more like a hall, big and spacious located in a desert in the outskirt of Mexico.The entrance is like a tunnel.

That was Ronto's hide out,the thugs were his eyes and ears.

"I've wasted too much time already,that chick (referring to his ex-wife Luna) is out there enjoying,having her best time with what supposed to be mine.Sentry here I am wailing in pain,looking so useless and pathetic with my one eye.I need her down I WANT HER DOWN."

Everyone was shaken by the power in his voice.

Ronto was depressed and desperate,all those around see it. Ever since he survived from the gunshot of Mr frakis,all that was on his mind was revenge,He really needed to pour his vengeance on someone,anyone at all.

"Boss, Luna isn't the little girl of before,she's grown.I'm not talking about physical growth but mentally and financially.She smarter Than before."Sentry Replied

Flash of anger crosses Ronto's face

"Really? You have the guts to come here and tell me how powerful my rival is?

Nefarious,get rid of him".

"No ...boss...please....No" Sentry pleaded

While Nefarious (A thug)cocked his gun and shot him on the head. Sentry fell down dead.

Bastard"Ronto said amiss Anger

Nephew"Ronto turned to see His Aunt,he was pleased to see her.she is the only family he have left,he planned to take all of Luna's wealth and vacate to another country with her.He stood up from the sofa and went to hug her

"Aunt Tana" Ronto said Hugging her (Yep don't be surprised it is the same Nanny Aitana,Ximena's nanny Who started working for Luna the very first day Ximena was born.

She has been looking for ways to revenge for her nephew who she thought was dead. luna didn't know that Aitana who she employed to be her baby's Nanny was Ronto's Aunt. Some years later,Aitana got a strange call and it was Ronto her nephew)

She looked on the ground and she saw the dead body of the bodyguard Sentry,She gasped and said to Ronto "I thought i told you to calm down"

"He was getting on my nerves"Ronto replied.

"We do not want Luna to be suspicious and she will definitely be suspicious when she finds out that one of her bodyguard is missing. learn to control your anger Runto,so that you won't ruin the plan."

You'll find a way around this, I know aunt,i trust you"Ronto said to her smiling Mischievously.

"So I believe you brought good news right Aunt?" Ronto asked.

"Stop scaring the little kid, I mean Xemina.She has been complaining of seeing your face everywhere. Tomorrow I'll be taking the little girl to school as usual and that is when we will put our plan to Action.Do not forget our plan and please Ronto be patient until tomorrow."

"Of course Aunt,i wouldn't like to ruin this beautiful moment.It is the moment that i have been waiting for"Ronto replied

"I just have to remind you because I know what you are capable of. I'm looking for ways to make Luna sign the document then I can kill her."

"Oh! that was why I failed in my last mission I didn't involve you aunt,You are wiser than the wisest.Unlike that fool Farkas." Ronto said with a scorn on his face.

Hahaha his Aunt laughed"Well I will be going now,Luna will soon be back from work."See you tomorrow nephew after our successful operation."

"See you Aunt" Ronto replied and she left the building.When his aunt Aitana left,Ronto began to think about the plan."If i try to kidnap the little girl while she's going to school or at school,there would be an open fire and a bullet might hit her and this entire operation would fail...hmmm...what if I kidnap her at night instead,when she's asleep.Brilliant."

"Nefarious,Put a call through Arnulfo (Luna's chief bodyguard) tell him that I'm coming tonight."Ronto said to one of his thug with an evil smile on his lips.


Luna was in the dinning eating with her daughter Ximena when she suddenly noticed her the sad look on her face.

"What's up with that face?" Luna asked her daughter Ximena

"Nothing" Ximena replied sharply, hint of anger could be detected from her tone.

"You don't like the food?"Luna asked her again.

"It's not the food"Ximena replied

"Then what is it?" Luna asked eyes fixed on her laptop.

Ximena wanted to tell her but when she noticed that her mother's eyes and attention were on the laptop beside her on the table,she got angry, got up from the chair and was about leaving,when Luna looked at her and said...

"I thought you were about to say something?"

"No it's Fine"Ximena answered and went upstairs to her room.

"What's up with her?" Luna asked Aitana who stood closed by

"Don't worry ma'am I find out from her myself."Aitana replied.

OK" Luna said and stood up but as she was about to leave the dinning she said to Aitana "By the way,where is Sentry? Have you seen him today?"(The bodyguard that Ronto commanded to be killed).

Oh yes....I..sent him back to the groceries store that I got something from today,I forgot to get few things, I'm sorry ma'am."Aitana said Looking a little bit frightened but Luna didn't notice.

"Sentry is a bodyguard not a messenger nor a housekeeper,I know that you two are quite close but next time Aitana send one of maids" Luna instructed her.

"Yes ma'am" Aitana said with a slight bow.

Luna left and Aitana sign In relieve.