Bai Xue And Li Na(4)

Zhao Feng was shocked by the talent that had been revealed. Space and time were very rare and powerful abilities, giving the user control over dimensions essential to the universe. With this talent, Zhao Feng could manipulate the space and time around him, giving him an incredible advantage in battle as well as in everyday life.

Realizing the great potential he now possessed, Zhao Feng decided to test this new ability. He raised his hand and focused his mind on the room around him. Moments later, he felt a different flow of energy than before, an energy that could affect the structure of space and time.

Carefully, Zhao Feng tried to move a small stone across the room without touching it. He imagined the stone moving, and with little effort, the stone floated and moved to where he wanted it. Zhao Feng smiled in satisfaction. This was just the beginning.

Additionally, Zhao Feng realized that the crystal artifact in his mind not only showed his status but also possibly stored other knowledge and abilities that he could learn and develop over time. This artifact was the key to greater potential.

Calming himself, he slowly opened the status panel through his mind.

Level: Flesh and Blood Warrior [Level 1]

Cosmic Energy: 100/100

Talent: Space and Time


Body Refinement (Entry) (10/0) +

Shadow Strike (Entry) (10/0) +

Telekinetic Focus (Entry) (10/0) +

Soul: 13

Seeing the busy panel, Zhao Feng felt more at ease, looking at the list of skills. He began to think seriously, and after a while, Zhao Feng made a decision.

Focusing his mind on the + next to the Telekinetic Focus skill, the number of souls immediately decreased rapidly.

And his status was different from before:

Level: Flesh and Blood Warrior [Level 1]

Cosmic Energy: 100/100

Talent: Space and Time


Body Refinement (Entry) (10/0)

Shadow Strike (Entry) (10/0)

Telekinetic Focus (Mirror Success) (100/0)

Soul: 3

After upgrading the Telekinetic Focus skill, a memory entered his brain like a dam gate being opened.

In that memory, he trained the Telekinetic Focus skill for many years: spring, summer, autumn, winter until spring again. Training like a maniac who never tired.

After receiving the memory, Zhao Feng's face showed a surprised expression and began to think: "Amazing, with the help of the panel becoming the strongest person is not impossible. As long as I don't fall along the way."

While Zhao Feng was thinking, he suddenly heard screams from the place where people were gathered.

A few minutes earlier:

Several people in the supermarket began to regain consciousness one by one; most of the people left were women.

When the women woke up, their faces turned pale because what they saw were blood-soaked corpses. Not just one corpse but more than ten.

One of the newly awakened women couldn't bear to see this and started screaming.

"Ahh, a murderer!! There's a murderer!"

"Call the police!"

"The police can't be reached!"

"Ahhh, my husband!! Husband, wake up!"

"Dear, wake up, we're getting married this week, didn't you promise me? Please wake up."


Chaos ensued everywhere, creating a heartbreaking scene. Even those who saw it felt pressured.

At this moment, among the many people in the supermarket, there were two young girls looking at the scene in front of them with pale faces.

They couldn't bear what they saw and immediately vomited the food they had eaten earlier.

They were people who had lived in peaceful environments and had never seen real tragic scenes, usually only seeing such scenes in movies.

Now they were witnessing it firsthand, and the sight made them unable to bear it. One of the girls fainted directly because she couldn't handle what she saw.

The friend of the fainted girl immediately caught her to prevent her from hitting the ground, catching her unconscious friend.

She slowly looked around her with a pale face and complex eyes.

It was difficult to describe what she was thinking and feeling.

The girl's name was Bai Xue, while the fainted girl in her arms was named Li Na.

They were both university students from a university near the supermarket, and they had come to buy some snacks.

But they didn't expect an unexpected event to occur, suppressing the anxiety in her heart, Bai Xue slowly carried her friend away from the crowd.

However, as she was walking, she heard terrified screams from behind her. Turning around, her pupils immediately contracted.

She even felt her legs tremble in fear because the scene in front of her was enough to make someone faint in terror.

At this moment, what she saw was a strange monster gnawing on someone.

After gnawing on the previous person, the monster immediately lunged at the next victim. Chaos erupted among the people. They all panicked!

"Ahh, monster!! Ahhh!"

"Run!! Run!!"

"Help... Help... Save me!!"

Seeing the scene before her, Bai Xue was terrified, even her body became stiff.

Although she tried to move, her body didn't seem to listen to her.

Realizing this, Bai Xue began to panic, and in her panic, her legs suddenly felt weak, causing her to sit on the floor.

Bai Xue couldn't move, leaving her to only witness the tragic scene in front of her.

She watched as the strange monster started attacking people viciously and brutally, and the people it attacked also turned into monsters.

Seeing this scene, Bai Xue began to think: "Zombies? Are these Zombies?" The more she thought about it, the more scared she became.

It didn't take long for the number of people in the supermarket to drastically decrease. Now, the number of people left was less than 6, including her and her friend.

Meanwhile, the number of strange monsters was around 14.

Seeing the remaining monsters eagerly walking toward her, Bai Xue was so frightened that she fainted.

However, just before Bai Xue lost consciousness, she saw a kitchen knife appear out of thin air and immediately kill the monster that was near her.


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Warm regards.