The cruel Zhao Feng(6)

After examining the monster's body and understanding its infection mechanism, Zhao Feng realized that the threat was not yet entirely gone. He observed the remaining visitors, scrutinizing them closely. Although they appeared to be fine, Zhao Feng knew that a monster's bite could cause a rapid and deadly infection.

With a cold face and calm eyes, Zhao Feng made a decision. He approached the remaining group of people, including two students, an old woman, a middle-aged woman, a plump woman with a 3-5 year old child, and a scrawny young man who was the supermarket cashier.

"I'm sorry, but I have to ensure none of you are infected," he said in a firm yet calm voice.

The visitors looked confused and frightened, but they did not resist when Zhao Feng began tying them up with ropes he found near the cashier. He worked quickly and efficiently, binding their hands and feet carefully yet tightly.

The middle-aged woman, with a trembling voice, asked, "Why are you doing this? We're not hurt..."

Zhao Feng looked at her seriously. "The monster's bite can infect you with foul cosmic energy. That infection can make you mutate into monsters like them. I can't take that risk. If you don't cooperate, don't blame me for being ruthless."

The beautiful adult woman, holding her baby tightly, pleaded, "Please, we're not hurt! We just want to go home!"

Zhao Feng ignored the plea. "You stay until I can ensure you're not infected."

At this moment, the supermarket cashier, feeling threatened, stepped forward to stop Zhao Feng. "You can't do this! This is wrong!"

The young man held his head high, his bravery driven by the beautiful woman holding the baby behind him.

That beautiful woman was his widowed sister-in-law, whom he had a deep affection for. Who wouldn't be attracted to a mature, alluring woman who could even make adult film stars feel inferior?

Therefore, he didn't want to lose face in front of the woman he liked. While his mind was filled with lewd thoughts about his sister-in-law, he didn't notice Zhao Feng's cold gaze.

Zhao Feng looked at the young man with cold eyes before delivering a slap to his face, causing him to fall to the floor with several teeth knocked out. "I told you this is necessary. Don't resist."

The trembling old woman tried to retreat, but Zhao Feng roughly grabbed her hand. "Please, don't!" she cried.

With an expressionless face, Zhao Feng slapped the old woman, causing her to fall with a handprint on her face. "Be quiet, this is for your own good."

Seeing Zhao Feng's actions, the visitors began to rebel. They tried to escape, but Zhao Feng quickly captured them and tightly bound their hands and feet. "Don't even think about escaping."

The plump woman holding her baby begged with tears. "Please, don't hurt us. My baby..."

Zhao Feng ignored her and tied the woman to a chair, ensuring the baby stayed safe in her arms. "I don't want to hurt your baby. But I can't take any risks."

After everyone was securely tied and unable to resist, Zhao Feng stood in the middle of them, breathing heavily but his face remaining calm and expressionless. "Listen, this isn't about what's right or wrong according to the law. This is about survival. The world has changed, the law is gone. So, even if I kill you, no one will care."

"So, I hope you don't do anything stupid that costs your lives."

Hearing Zhao Feng's words, everyone's faces turned pale, their eyes filled with fear.

After ensuring the remaining visitors were safe and showed no signs of infection, Zhao Feng began to feel a deep exhaustion. The battle against the monsters had drained his energy, and he knew he needed to recover as quickly as possible.

He looked around the messy supermarket, searching for food and water. Some shelves were still intact, though some had been damaged during the fight. Zhao Feng headed to the ready-to-eat food section and grabbed some bread and a few bottles of mineral water.

With food and water in hand, he found a relatively safe and quiet corner of the supermarket, away from the sight of the tied-up visitors. He sat on the floor, leaning against the cold wall, and began to eat quickly. Each bite of bread and gulp of water helped restore his energy bit by bit.

Zhao Feng closed his eyes for a moment, trying to calm his adrenaline-filled mind from the battle. In the brief silence, he thought about his next steps. He knew relying solely on his physical strength wasn't enough. He needed to plan a better strategy to face the threats that might arise again.

After a few minutes, he opened his eyes and continued eating, finishing the food and drink he had taken. Feeling a bit more refreshed, Zhao Feng stood up and stretched his stiff muscles.

He then returned to the kitchen appliances, searching for more weapons he could use if other monsters appeared. He found several large kitchen knives and smaller knives that could be used as emergency weapons.

With his new arsenal in hand, Zhao Feng walked back to the place where the visitors were tied up. They still looked frightened and anxious, but there were no clear signs of infection.

"Are you all okay?" he asked, his voice still cold and firm.

The visitors nodded like chickens pecking at rice, clearly still afraid of Zhao Feng. They did not dare to resist anymore, realizing that he was stronger and would not hesitate to use violence if necessary.

However, at this moment, Zhao Feng realized that someone was looking at him with intense hatred and murderous intent.

Yes, the one glaring at him with such hatred was the young man Zhao Feng had slapped earlier.

Because of Zhao Feng, he had lost face in front of his sister-in-law, the thought of it making him want to tear Zhao Feng apart.

His eyes filled with clear hatred, Zhao Feng easily noticed.

Zhao Feng saw Zhang Wei, whose face now looked like a pig's, thanks to the hard slap he had received earlier, which had caused half of his face to swell. One of his eyes was even closed.

Seeing this sight, Zhao Feng looked at Zhang Wei with a scornful gaze, as if saying, "A pig trying to fight a tiger."

Zhang Wei, seeing Zhao Feng's contemptuous look, suddenly lost his patience and roared loudly, "Damn it! If I don't kill you, my name isn't Zhang Wei."

His roar was so loud that it woke up two girls who had previously fainted. Yes, those girls were Bai Xue and Li Na.