
Shinigami Research and Development Institute

Akon, the current lieutenant of squad 12 and the vice president of the Shinigami and development institute was busy working away at his computer as he always had. In this new era of peace, not much had changed within the last 6 years, well at least not until now.

"Lieutenant Akon?"

Rin who was also a researcher at the institute seemed very bothered by something.

"What's wrong?" Akon asked.

"The Spiritual stability in Soul Society has changed."

"It fluctuates constantly because of all the new souls that come in, you don't need to be worried about every little thing."

"But that's the problem! These changes don't fit the analyses for any of the new souls. And what's strange is that it instantly stabilized! What if those Quincy or Arrancar broke into Soul Society again?"

Akon thought about it carefully. Soul Society had gone through 5-6 long years without any massive incidents aside from the one with the Tsunayashiro family, which would ordinarily be something to celebrate, but that only meant they had to keep theirs eyes open to make sure nothing ruins it.

"Do you know where the fluctuations occurred?"

"Eastern district 64 in the Rukon district."

"That place sounds familiar... Something happened there before, but I can't put my finger down on what...?"

"Lieutenant Akon?"

Akon then grabbed both of Rin's shoulders while making a deathly serious face. This made him sweat bullets.

"Don't tell Captain Kurotsuchi about this, at least until I've figured out what this is myself."

Rin silently nodded.

Rukongai, Eastern District 64

Kai slept peacefully in the comfort of his futon bed. He enjoyed a great nights rest, which followed him even into the daylight. At some point he thought, "I should probably get up.." But the second he did, he sank right back into the futon. This was his first time sleeping on something this soft in a month, and so he was going to savour it.

While trapped in his dreams, he remembered the summer days that he used to share with his group of friends back in the living world, and wondered what they were up to today.

Before he could delve into that dream any further though, the loud sound of a bike engine echoed around him, waking him up.

"Who the hell is being that loud with a motorcycle... I thought this was meant to be a resting place..."

He went back to sleep while wrapping his head around a pillow. And then 2 seconds later he realized.

"... A bike... A BIKE IN THE RUKONGAI??"

He quickly jumped out of the Futon, and slapped his clothes. He took note of Shido still not having returned to the hut, and so he quickly left.

Once he arrived at the village centre he saw a large crowd gathered around, something which he couldn't make out. He tried to tip toe over them, but the crowd was too thick that he could only make out the back of Shido's head, and one other persons.

Kurenai, his butterfly then flew above him and began to head towards the centre which annoyed Kai.

"You think you're better just because you can fly??"

He then attempted to try and jump over the crowd which failed terribly. He ended up falling into them, and began to stumble through everyone while struggling to maintain his footing.

Once he reached the center, he fell and crashed into the floor. As he laid there, Shido's hand extended towards him.

"You okay there?"

Kai grumbled as he accepted Shido's help. Once he got back on both his feet, he took notice of the Soul Reaper, and his Motorcycle which he stood next too.

The Soul Reaper in question was a tall and lean-built man with dark grey eyes, short black hair and three scars straight over his right eye that lead down his cheek. Additionally, he has the number "69" tattooed on his left cheek.

Upon seeing the 69, Kai giggled slightly which annoyed the sleeveless Soul Reaper. Although he wasn't the type to get visibly angry about small stuff, he felt a certain itch this time around.

Shido noticing this pinched Kai's ear.


He then pulled Kai aside and whispered into his ear,

"This man is a member of the 13 court guard squads, Shūhei Hisagi! I was just telling him about you, but now you've went ahead and ruined it all! Whatever happens now is on you!"

The two quickly turned around although this time Kai was sweating bullets. He extended his hand out to try shake his as he introduced himself,

"My name is Kai Kureno, that is a nice bike you have their?"

Shūhei's face turned into one of enthusiasm.

"It's cool right? I got it from a guy in the world of the living. It's powered by Reiatsu so I don't have to refill it with gas every time."

"Very cool."

There was then an awkward silence between the two as they simply kept shaking hands. Shido eventually intervened while sensing the tension. He patted Shūhei on the shoulder,

"I think it's time we go do the thing?"

"I think we should."

Leaving his bike behind, Shido and Shūhei walked off into the forest. Noticing that Kai wasn't following them, Shido wagged his finger towards him,

"Aren't you coming? You should really see this too."

"I can come?"

Shūhei simply nodded, acknowledging Kai.

A couple minutes later

The group walked down the dirt path for a little bit before completely deviating into a forest, similar to the one which Kai woke up in. Shūhei decided to start some conversation.

"So how is you're training coming along then?"

"Its fine, I still can't wrap my head around Bakudou."

Kai who was clueless as to what they were talking about asked, "Bakudou?"

"Oh right.. you wouldn't know yet."

Before Shido could continue to educate Kai on Kidō, he was interrupted by Shūhei.

"Don't tell him anymore than necessary. I want to confirm his intentions before teaching him anything like that."


The two eventually reached the centre of the forest, where a run down village hut rested. Compared to the others in the village, this one was much more deserted. Within the same instance that they arrived, a dark-skinned young child with short dark hair and red eyes jumped out of it.

"Mr. Hisagi!"

They ran out of the shelter and jumped into Shūhei's embrace. Upon seeing the them, Kai experienced a strange sensation which felt awfully familiar.

"Let's play!"

"Wait give me a second."

Shūhei went through one of his pockets, and pulled out a capsule looking thing. He pressed a button on the top of it, which made it release a steam like gas. He then threw it into an open area, which made it spread its gas cloud even further. Once the cloud cleared, a tightly sealed crate was left behind.

The child, then dragged Shūhei away while they were laughing.

Kai stunted at this said,

"Who are they? A 1000 year old god or something like that?"

"Her name is Hikone, and she is 8."

Shiro was a little flabbergasted from that response. Although she resembled something closer to an 12 year old, he was still happy to see someone that actually looked their age in this place.

"What is she doing living all the way out here? Why doesn't she live with the others in the village??"

"She is very distrustful of others. I've known her since the day she came here, but even then she is still very wary of me. The only one that she's comfortable around is Shūhei."

Hikone climbed onto Shūhei's back and started to scream into the air,

"Lets play spinning top!"

Shūhei was then forced to spin in circles rapidly, disorienting him. He eventually fell onto the ground from the dizziness which Hikone laughed at.

"I think I'm going to be sick..."

  1. Rin has shoulder length brown hair, part of which is arranged into a small topknot at the front of his head, which is secured by a red tie.