What Do You Fear?

Dr. Tachibana pondered in his chair while looking at the three developing bodies in their respective containers. P5 who had been with him up till now, asked him,

"Is there something wrong?"

"Because of that mans Reiatsu which was fused into you, the spiritual pressure inside those bodies are unbalanced. This has caused the body which is still growing, to constantly change and adapt since its been separated from its original source. You were only able to keep yourself together because you read that book, but they won't even last 2 seconds out of their containers. At this rate it will take 10000 years until they finish adapting into new bodies which are independent from you. "

"Is there anything I can do to help?"

Tachibana patted their head.

"It's fine, I'll figure it out eventually, so just let me do all the thinking."

"How about you just remove some of the overflowing Reiatsu?"

"The Reiatsu is too dense, and its already mixed in with the others. If I try to filter it out now I will most defiantly fail."

P5 sat there, looking at the test tubes. The clump of flesh in the red one, began to rapidly grow and expand which excited the scientist. But then it just as quickly retracted, having only grown in size by half a nanometre. His hopes of revenge seemed to have been burnt out, but then P5 reignited him once as they said,

"If only there was a way to accelerate it somehow."

A spark then flashed in the doctors eyes, as they casually picked P5 up.

"P5, you genius! If I can synthesis an Enzyme from you, then maybe I might be able to speed up that process!"

He put them down on the ground before dragging them away else where.

Eastern District 64, Rukon

Shido started to shake Kai's body as violently as he could in attempt to wake him up, while screaming loudly in his ear.


Kai who was still snoring woke up in a deep haze, being met with a screaming Shido and a Kurenai who was being a menace on his head.

"Why are you shouting?"

Before Shido could explain, he was quickly dragged to the side. Just as he did, the ceiling to the village hut caved in, crushing the three. Shido who quickly manifested some Kido, created a clear box of yellow Kido to block the rubble. 

Kai then sprung wide awake and was then met with the screams of terror with many of the villages citizens. Some were running away, while others were being devoured by Hollows.


Kai's legs were paralysed with fear, Kurenai tried to push him to make him move, but it was to no avail.


Shido took a fighting stance and started chanting, as the hollow raised a fist over his head.

"Bound by spirit and bound by body, the two ends which meet and unite. Bakudo #4 Hainawa."

From the palm of his hand, a rope made out of a yellow Reishi sprung out of him. It wrapped around the Hollow, trapping it in place.

Shido then kicked Kai in the back which sprung him back to life,


That question which he heard in his dream sprung back into his mind? What was he scared of? Was it the hollow behind him? Or was it that people were dying around him? That thought didn't matter as the only thing which powered him now was fear.

He dragged himself back up, and quickly ran away from Shido, the hollow, the village, all his causes of fear. Kurenai tried to fight back against him, to make him go and fight, but he ran anyway.

"And now to deal with you."

The Hollow roared as it tensed up before forcing the binding rope to split apart.

"This village has been wiped out once before so I won't let it happen a second time. Because of my own fear, I hid away but now I have the power to fight back. This time I won't lose "

Right after he said that, 5 more hollows which dwarfed him in size surrounded him, having already devoured all the nearby citizens.

He fell onto his knees as he now drowned in despair.


Kai ran through the forest while Kurenai barely caught up behind him.

"Why today? Why today? Not again! Not again!"

He had already died once to one of these, and had no intentions of dying again. It was this fear which pushed him to survive. And then as if to punish him for his selfishness, by pure chance he stumbled upon Hikones' Hut.

"That's right! I can at least save Hikone if anything..."

This thought changed in the instance he saw something truly mortifying. Hikone was bleeding out in a crater and unconscious while surrounded by a horde of Hollows. Amongst them, there was a Hollow with a skulls face which was much more unique to all the rest. It stood at around 2-3 stories tall, and had a human shaped build. Unlike the rest, its skin was pure white, and its right fist was much larger than its left.

Despair once again began to overtake Kai as he fell to the ground. He tried to crawl away, but one of the Hollows noticing him, began to slowly march his way towards them.

The skull face hollow then said, "One of them got all the way out here? You can have that one I guess, but this one is all mine!"

10 Minutes prior to the Hollow Invasion

A garganta opened up in the middle of the forest, allowing a herd of around 20-30 Hollows to come spilling inside Soul Society. Amongst them, the skull faced hollow gathered their attention, seemingly acting as their leader.

"I've spent the last 5 years planning to devour that brat, and with this army we shall surely feast on her today!"

The intelligent Hollow then raised its smaller fist as it said, "20 of you shall follow me, while the rest of you lot go to that nearby village. We can't have them calling for those Soul reapers while we're busy with that thing."

The Hollows then assembled into separate groups that travelled to their own targets.

"That brats spiritual pressure is so complex. If I can eat even the tiniest piece of her, I feel like I could finally become a Vasto Lorde."