The Conqueror Of Fears(2)

The Adjuchas picked up Hikone by his leg and hovered his body just above its mouth. His body shivered with excitement as his dreams of evolving into a Vasto Lorde were about to be achieved.

A pillar of bright yellow Reiatsu then erupted from where Kai once was. It climbed towards the heavens while also eliminating the Hollow which threatened to kill him earlier.

"What the hell is that?"

The Reiatsu only kept climbing and growing while his spiritual pressure engulfed the entirety of district 64 and then expanded to the whole of Soul Society. Its appearance morphed and mimicked that of a skull, until it disappeared altogether leaving behind a small crater where Kai once was.

The Adjuchas backed away in fear of the unknown event which just took place before him. It quickly tried to devour Hikone only to realize that its entire left arm was missing.

Once it looked back, it saw Kai whose outfit had completely changed. They now wore a dark purple haori which hid his blood red Shihakushō underneath. His spiritual pressure had also become completely invisible to the enemies as well.

He slowly walked over to them while the Adjuchas continued to back away,


The hollows rushed towards Kai as he opened the palm of his hand. A much smaller bright light appeared before transforming into a wakizashi katana.

"Is that a Zanpakutō? Why is it so small? If that is your blade then I have nothing to fear!"

Kai then made a horizontal slash at the air, which instantly cut all the hollows in half. Their torso fell onto the ground while their bodies eroded into dust. Oddly their remains were sucked into Kai's blade.

The Adjuchas fired a powerful cero at him, and in return Kai extended the palm of his free hand, and let the cero consume him.

Once the smoke cleared he was completely unharmed.


The Adjuchas charged up and fired another cero, to which Kai easily blocked yet again, all while Kai walked to him at an astoundingly yet terrifyingly slow pace. Just before Kai could cut down the last remaining hollow, he then said,

"Cogito, ergo sum."

Kai raised his blade over the Adjuchas head, and prepared to decapitate it in one blow.

Then suddenly a square yellow beam fell on the Adjuchas which came from a crack in space. The crack widened before eventually becoming a Garganta, in which the body of a Menos Grande class hollow, the Gillian watched his comrades body on the ground.

"How pathetic... I turn my eyes off you for one second and you've ended up in this miserable state."

"Shut-- Shut up!!"

The Adjuchas body began to float while slowly approaching the Garganta. Kai struck the light with his blade, yet his Zanpakutō had bounced right of it. The Adjuchas laughed and mocked at his futile attempt.

"This is the light of Negación! Not even the former lord Aizen was able to make a dent in it."

Kai's Zanpakutō began to erode and rust, until it eventually snaped in half and dissipated. The Shihakushō which Kai himself wore, warped around his body until it turned back into his high school uniform.


Before Napillion could even fully make its escape, Kai fell unconscious.

4 days later

Kai awoke in a decently lit empty room. There was no furniture but he lay atop a white soft bed. He tried to get up however his terribly aching body forced him to wait. His head and chest felt as if they were exploding.

"What happened? Why am I in so much pain?"

Kai did not remember what happened to the Hollows. His memory lasted all the way up until he accepted more power, but then after that there was nothing. Kurenai flew in from the open window, and then landed on top of his head.

"At least your here with me. Do you know what happened to Hikone and Shido?"

Kurenai fluttered, while Kai just breathed a heavy sigh of exhaustion.

"Why did I even bother asking?"

Kurenai then quickly flew back out the window, to which Kai tried to see where he was going. When he looked out the window he was introduced to an image of a tranquil Japanese garden with a pond, red and purple foliage, a small waterfall, and a red wooden bridge.

"Wow. I wish Shido could see this..."

As he looked across the other side of the pond, he saw Shido who was busy looking out of his own window. He was covered in bandages, but he seemed to be mostly fine.

Kai struggled to climb out of his window, until he heard the sound of a girl scream, followed with numerous objects hitting the floor.

He turned around and saw a woman with brown short cut hair, wearing a pink Shihakushō which resembled more of a nurses uniform from the world of the living.

Kai climbed back down and tried to help her.

A couple minutes later, Kai sat back down on his bed while the woman checked on his injuries. She eventually introduced herself as Ameno Ogidō, a member of squad 4's 9th relief team.

"Do you recall anything from that incident?"

"Just before I got attacked, I passed out. Everything after that is a blur."

Ameno kept writing down things in her notepad while Kai continued to describe what happened.

"You're very lucky Lieutenant Hisagi was the one who found you. If he didn't make a personal request to captain Isane to heal you guys, then you all likely would have died. Especially you."

"What do you mean?"

"Once you were diagnosed we discovered that your Hakasui was in a complete mess. If you had remained like that any longer then your Konpaku would've gotten weaker until you ran out of Spiritual Pressure to even keep existing."

Kai grabbed his head as he got light headed from hearing that. He almost died again right after gaining the resolve to fight. But unlike last time he was now alive.

"Ms. Ogidō? You said something about squad 4... Where exactly am I right now?"

"Your in the Coordinated Relief Station which only Soul Reapers would normally have access too. It's part of the squad 4 barracks."

"Squad 4 barracks... WAIT- IM IN THE SEIREITEI??"

Ameno slapped Kai in the back of the head.

"Silence yourself! Your not the only one recovering in this building!"

Kai rubbed the back of his head, attempting to shake the pain off while lowering his voice. Ameno got up out of her chair, and started to make their way out of the room.

"Someone will come by to bring you food later so be ready for that, and there may be people from the Seireitei Bulletin who will pass by for an interview. You can refuse if you want but you don't look like the type to hide things."

She promptly left, leaving Kai to question himself. Eventually, Kurenai returned back to the room and landed on his head like once before.

  1. Soul Sleep