Let Us In!


Kai and Shido, both approached a large open and empty courtyard, which radiated nothing but pure elegance and royalty. Kurenai quickly flew to Kai's shoulders who was busy quaking in his shoes.

"Kai, if you don't calm down, then you'll forget everything."

"What are you talking about? I'm perfectly calm!"

His shaking only rapidly increased as even the ground beneath him began to shake with his movements. Shido sighed as they approached grand building before them.

It was massive with very traditional architecture much like most buildings in the Seireitei. It featuring tiered golden roofs filled with intricate details. It's sheer size made it seem more like a palace than a school. This was Shin'ō Academy, the school where Shinigami are born and fighters are born.

From the distance where they stood, there was no one there at all, but once they drew closer to its gates a large line of people that seemed to spread a distance of around 300 meters. In that line, there wasn't just people who appeared to be their age but also people of old, large and those with fancier clothes than all the rest.

"That line is kind of long isn't it? And kind of... unique?"

"This school is open not just to young people, but people of all ages. If you have enough spiritual ability then you'll have a chance to earn a place here. Even the nobility of the Seireitei must come through here at some point if they want to get stronger."

 "Is that so?"

The two stood waiting in the line for a long while, yet it never decreased. Instead the line only got longer as it pilled on from behind them. Eventually growing impatient, Kai asked.

"Why aren't we getting any closer to the front of the line? We've been here for an hour now, yet nothings changed. In fact it's only gotten longer??"

A large man who seemed to be in his 30's with dark hair split into three sections and tied in a ponytail, along with a moustache and a beard also split into three section, then groaned loudly, getting their attention. He stood at around 7ft tall, while his shadow blocked the sun behind him, casting a shadow on the two.

His intimidating appearance terrified Shido and Kai, rendering them unable to speak.

"Oi, OI! The answer as to why this line never seems to end, is because of those trashy nobles at the front! As to why I know? It's because I'm a veteran at this!"

Drops of sweat poured down their heads while Shido nervously said,

"Is that so...."

"Those Nobles cut in the line without anyone else realizing it, and those Shinigami up ahead don't even bother testifying it! It happens every year so its getting damn annoying!"

The mans head turned red with anger as his veins started to poke out. He seemed as if he would explode with rage at any second.

Kai then tugged on Shido as he whispered to him,

"We need to get out of here! He's going to take his anger out on us!"

"If we leave now, well never get into the school! I'll try to calm him down."

Panicking, Shido started to wave his hands everywhere gaining his attention.

"So Mr??"

"Shinten Ryu! Just call me Shinten since were all going to be classmates after this! No need for formalities like that!"

His declaration of their friendship terrified the two even more, but at least his rough attitude seemed to have numbed down a little.

"So what's with the butterfly?"

"Oh- him? He just follows me around everywhere, so I just named him Kurenai."

"Just like his wings huh? What a cool name! I have a pet of own... want to see it?"

"... no thanks..."

The two conversed for many hours, with it lasting the whole day but eventually as the sun began to set, they had finally reached the end of them line. Once they got there, they were confronted by two souls reapers who were managing everyone who entered.

"Application number and names please."

Shido's face turned pale as he looked at Kai. Kai in a worry then said confusingly,

"Application number???"

The two soul reapers looked at each other in the eye, before looking back at them. They then abruptly bursted out laughing as they rolled around on the floor.

"These idiots from the Rukon thought that they could come in without any prior booking?? You must be really underestimating the Soul Societies security if you thought we were that shallow!" 

Life left Kai's body which caused him to age rapidly while his appearance started to resemble that of an old mans.

"I spent all that time... cramming... just to not even be allowed entry...."

Shinten who watched these events unfold pushed passed the two. He reached into his green hakama and pulled out a yellow and white badge, with a strange engraving sealed onto it. 

"I am Shinten Ryu, of the noble Ryu family. You will let me and my friends here into this building, so that we may become noble warriors."

In this moment Kai and Shido's view of the man had completely changed. Maybe befriending him wasn't that bad of a choice after all.

The two Shinigami just looked at him in shock, but then their faces slowly turned back into one of laughter as if they had been told the biggest joke of the century.

"Shinten Ryu!! That Shinten Ryu!!! It's so funny--"

"That Shinten Ryu that failed the entrance exam 60 times!! The failure of the Ryu family! I can't believe that such a loser legend has appeared before our very eyes!!"

Shido and Kai, both looked back at Shinten whose face had turned sour with embarrassment.

"Hey Shinten.... How old exactly are you...."

"... 75...."


Shinten cleared his throat before re-asserting himself.

"Even if I may be a joke, I'm still from a noble household! You have no choice but to let us in?"

"The Ryu family is on the brink of extinction! You won't even be considered a noble family soon, with reputation like that!"

Shinten then started to unconsciously emit a spiritual pressure that made the two guards nervous.

"You can trash talk me all you want... but keep talking about my family with that attitude, and I'll have to tell yours about your unfortunate passing. Unless you want deal with the consequences of going against a noble house of the Seireitei... then you better lets us through, got it?"

The two Shinigami bowed down while shouting,


The three walked passed the two guards who could only watch them with sly faces.

"Wow Shinten! You must be quite strong? How do you keep failing the entrance exam every year then?"

Shinten's face turned pink from embarrassment. He mumbled something that Kai couldn't hear, and so he urged him to speak up.

"I... failed the written exam...."

"So your in the same boat as me?"

Shinten began to cry tears of immense joy.

"So I'm not alone in this one! I promise you that even if we fail together, then we will become brothers forever!"

"Sure thing buddy."

Kai had his doubts on this one. However Shido on the other hand felt a little left out. In this brief moment of peace, Kai felt reminded of Mikoto, who he left behind in the human world.

"I wonder how they're doing?"