Heaven Vs Earth

The land stranded in the dark held the remains of great clash between two beings. It was empty and barren, with the only light illuminating it being the one which belonged to the moon. Just before it was a much larger city, which housed the human life within.

A dark portal opened up over that land, and a signal dark figure emerged from over it. It was a being which resembled a teenage Yhwach, albeit with slightly different characteristics. 

He stood on top of the greatest summit, and looked down at Karakura town from below.

"I can sense it. Multiple different pieces of him, scattered around everywhere."

He raised a finger at Karakura town, pointing towards a bright blue light, which only he could see.

"I sense two fragments over there. One belonging to an adult man, and a young boy."

He then shifted his gaze and finger, over to a land which stretched across the sea.

"I sense multiple weaker fragments over there. Four girls and one boy?"

He then pointed towards a city which was a little further away from Karakura.

"And finally, the biggest fragment of them all. If I go to him, then would he have the answers I seek? But I guess your going to make that very troublesome for me, won't you Sakugo?"

A traditional Japanese sliding door which resembled the exit gates of the Senkaimon then opened up the sky. As it did, Sakugo jumped out from it. The air around them began twist and turn, morphing into several transparent hands that would be invisible to the naked eye.

They all approached Albrecht at a rapid speed, but using the Quincy Hirenkyaku he easily avoided them while descend down the mountain. Each collision caused a small amount of the mountain to whittle away.

Albrecht pointed a finger at Sakugo as he prepared to attack, but then Sakugo appeared in front of him, before slamming their fist into his face.


He was sent flying a great distance as he crashed into the earth. Sakugos attack didn't finish as they sent a dozen more of those air formed hands shaped as fists directly at him. They all hit their target, pummelling Albrecht into unconsciousness.

"Where did that terrifying power that I sensed back then go?? Could it be that I've gotten that much stronger?"

Fullbringers possessed the ability to control the souls of objects to a small degree. By holding a great attachment or fondness to an object of their desire, they could manifest a unique power within them. This was fullbring. However Sakugo didn't have any of those things. Well if she did have one, it would be her love for Tachibana. Inspired by Aura Michibane, she trained her basic fullbring abilities to their utmost limit, and was able to control the souls of nitrogen in her surroundings to a far greater level than the typical Fullbringer, granting her great versatility.

As the dust from her barrage of attacks cleared, Albrecht's blooded, beaten and destroyed body, sat in a crater. His eyes were open but they were completely white.

Sakugo extended out her hand,

"I will suffocate him for a bit, just to make sure he is defiantly dead."

The air wrapped around Albrecht, encasing him in a vacuum suffocating him to his death. It did not dissipate for another minute or so, until Sakugo finally lowered her guard.

"He was weaker than I thought. Was I really imagining things back then?"

Just as she said that, Albrecht's corpse began to disintegrate into a faint blue light. Surprised with the outcome, Sakugo took a step back, only to see Albrecht who was completely unharmed, slam his left arm into her.

Sakugo was sent flying into the mountain making her cough up blood.

"When you punched me earlier, I suddenly remembered how to fight. I slipped into your shadow and replaced my body with a Reishi dummy. That thing you killed over there was a fake."

Albrecht put his right hand in his pocket, before pointing their remaining hand at Sakugo once more. A barrage of Heilig Pfeil flew towards Sakugo, prompting her to dodge using the fullbring movement technique, bringer light.

The Reishi arrows continued to follow her, as she ascended up the mountain, but then she halted in the air before manifesting a larger hand, the width of the mountain in the sky.

It protected her from the arrows while also falling towards Albrecht, who responded with a giant bow made from Reishi.

"Sanket Bogen."


The bow then released the massive arrow while the hand charged towards it. The two attacks collided, creating a massive explosion of spiritual power in the sky. The shock waves from the attack could be felt, even in Karakura town.

Once it calmed down, Albrecht used Hirenkyaku, to seemingly teleport in front of the stunned Sakugo, and grabbed her with his left hand.

Sakugo tried to pull him off with her nitrogen hands, but Albrecht used Blut vene to maintain a strong grip.

He then violently threw Sakugo into the ground, dealing the winning blow on his opponent.

"You're weak. Too weak even. But good enough for me to get a decent work out. If you had a use, it would've been as my training dummy."

He prepared to fire multiple Heilig Pfeil arrows to completely destroy Sakugo this time, but then he sent a strange yet familiar spiritual pressure appear from behind him.

"I thought I sensed Yhwach's Reiatsu, so I got here in a hurry. But instead it was just some kids."

Albrecht turned around and saw an orange haired Soul Reaper, who possessed a giant blade the width of their body, wrapped in white cloth. Once he saw Albrecht's face, his laid back expression turned into one that had seen a ghost.

"Tensa Zangetsu??"

A portal made out of Shadow then manifested behind Albrecht, but before leaving he left behind some final words.

"I'm not sure how to deal with you yet. Nor am I confident in my current abilities. The next time we meet however, I will surely take your life."

Ichigo quickly tried to grab a hold of him, but he already disappeared into his shadow portal.

"What was that??"

He looked down and saw the unconscious Sakugo sleeping in her crater. He approached her, only to see a Senkaimon gate open over her. The body was completely sucked in as it quickly closed.

Once all the dust settled, Ichigo heard a voice call out to him cheerfully.

"Mr. Kurosaki!?"

He looked over and saw Kisuke quickly approach him.

"What happened here? If it was Yhwachs Reiatsu which I sensed, then we could have another disaster on our hands."

"He looked like Yhwach but only younger. They were fighting with a Fullbringer girl."

Urahara closed his eyes as he entered a deep state of thought.

"The three worlds, haven't collapsed yet so the real Yhwach is still in the Soul King Palace. They were also fighting that Fullbringer which we've been chasing, so there were two parties involved in all of this?"

He opened his eyes as he made an apologetic expression.

"I'm sorry to have pulled you out of retirement. I'll contact Soul Society since this is could become a problem, too big for Mrs. Yukiko to handle."

A red vien popped out of Ichigos head as he shouted,

"I'm not in retirement! I'm on break!"