The Battle Above

Homura City

Homura City is a city which neighboured Tokyo as well as Karakura town, and it just happened to be the place where Uryū was studying in medical school to become a doctor.

He really wanted to stay in Karakura but Ryūken was very insistent that he went here as it was the place where he studied once before.

After a lecture in the hall, he packed up his things and quickly left. His mind was filled with clutter which he desperately tried to sort out.

"Hey! Ishida!"

A brown haired girl, wearing a grey/blue bomber jacket approached him. She had a very faint horizontal scar just above her nose. 

"Did you just finish? Let's hang out! Everyone is gathering at Kayaba's already."

Before he could even respond, he felt the Spiritual Pressure of another Quincy a bit of a distance away from where he was. But he could tell by the way it was traveling, it was getting closer to him. And worst of all, it felt very familiar. 

"Sorry, Mimihime. Something urgent just came up."

She investigated Uryū intensely, as she could tell he was lying. But in the end she just accepted it.

"Don't take too long with it okay? Otherwise everyone is going to end up thinking your a loner who still plays with dolls."

"I'll have you know, that tailoring is a pristine craft which I take great pride in."

He quickly hurried off leaving her behind in the dust. he ran and ran up until he reached the Universities roof which was empty at this time.

Unlike Karakura town, this place had very few hollows or even any kind of Spiritual phenomenon, so something this strong coming towards him was unusual. To his knowledge there was only a hand full of Quincy's left after the war, most of which being somewhere over seas. So who on earth was this guy coming towards him?

He quickly backed away from where he stood, only to see a young boy standing where he was. He had an uncanny resemblance to a much younger Yhwach.

"Why do you-?? Who are you?"

The face he made was expressionless.

"How funny, I came to ask you the exact same thing. I sensed a strong Quincy over here so I thought you might be able to help me, but perhaps I was wrong."

"Answer my question first, otherwise I'll have to respond with force."

He extended out his right hand and shook it a little, yet nothing happened. He shook it again and again but nothing happened. The confused Albrecht then asked,

"You okay there?"

"Excuse my performance, I haven't done this in a while."

With no hollows to fight, and spending most of his time studying, Uryū had gotten a little rusty. Finally he shoved his hand up his own sleeve to loosen his tool a little.

He then shook his hand again and finally, the pentacle shaped Quincy cross came out.

"My name is Uryū Ishida and i'm a Quincy, the same as you. The fact that you have that mans face, is telling me that your an enemy. But is that the case?"

"Who knows? I haven't decided yet. Maybe I might just kill everyone in the building below us for the fun of-"

Before he could even finish his sentence, a bright blue light of Reishi emerged from Uryū's cross, and reshaped itself into the form of a Heiling Bogen just short of the length of his body.

He quickly fired an arrow made out of Reishi at him which barely missed his head, scratching him on the cheek as it flew into the distance.

"Say anything else like that, and the next one will go through your skull. Now tell me, where did you come from?"

Albrecht took out one of the hands in his pocket and rubbed his injury slightly. He took a look at his red blood before smiling with glee.

"He attacked me slightly, but my heart is racing all of a sudden. I didn't feel like this when I fought Sakugo? What's going on with me? What is this excitement?", he thought.

He manifested a spear of blue Reishi in his right hand and charged towards Uryū who fired another Reishi arrow. This attack was easily deflected by Albrecht who then thrusted the spear at Uryū.

Uryū set aside his Bow before parrying the spear easily, with the back of his hand, causing yellow sparks the fly from the point of contact. Albrecht retracted his weapon before firing a barrage thrusts at him, only for all of them to be parried in the same fashion.

As this happened, Albrecht noticed that Reishi was being pumped through his body, seemingly enhancing defence. Although he possesses the memories of Yhwach, they were very hazy and were in fragments, making it impossible to understand any of them. When it came to the use of Quincy abilities he was very limited.

Uryū, used a burst of Reishi under his feet to jump up into the air, and to get away from him, but Albrecht only followed him instead. Uryū's was much strong so the distance between them only widened the further they went up.

Albrecht threw the spear at Uryū who blocked with blut vene.

The two continued to fly up until, the whole city could be seen from one view point in the sky.

"What do you really want? There is no way you came here just to mindlessly slaughter civilians?", Uryū asked.

"I can't forcefully rip out the fragments of Yhwach's Soul which he gave to Quincies. But once I kill you, I'll be able to absorb it that way. If I do, the fragmented memories in me might be repaired, and I'll finally understand who I am!"

Uryū fixed the position of his glasses slightly, before aiming his bow at Albrecht once more.

"I had you follow me up here, because I was worried of how much property damage we would do. But now that we're here, I can go all out."

He fired a single arrow at Albrecht, and in response he summoned another Reishi spear. The second that arrow reached him, Albrecht planned to deflect it and then overwhelm Uryū with his speed. This would become his greatest mistake in this fight.

"Licht Regen."

The arrow then split into one, then two, then four, and it continued to split until it numbered in the hundreds, maybe even thousands all racing towards Albrecht.

He raised his spear, and quickly tried to swat them all out of the way, but the incoming damage was inevitable. He used Hirenkyaku to dodge the rest, but one arrow, entered his left shoulder and another one in his stomach.

He was about to throw the spear at Uryū, only to find him missing.

"Licht Regen."

A barrage of blue Reishi arrows then appeared from under him, which prompted him to gasp in shock for the first time since his awakening.

Albrecht, swatted many of them away, but another two arrows lodged into his body.

Uryū then flew up to him, before throwing a right hook connecting with Albrecht's face, knocking him back a decent distance.

Ordinarily, he would have been able to react to the attack, but his blood loss prevented him from doing so.

"Let's stop this now. I can help treat you."

At the thought of giving up, Albrecht began to laugh all of a sudden.

"Me?? Give up? Just when things are finally getting exciting? I don't want to stop this now, not when I'm finally picking up the pace."

To Uryū's horror, he started to pull out each arrow, one by one as blood poured from the holes in his body. He used Reishi to temporarily seal them up.

In his right hand, he then started to gather a decent amount of Reishi, before forming it into a certain weapon which Uryū recognised.

"How? This can't be? How do you have that?"