
Aikao immediately punched Ito in the gut, paralysing him temporarily. But instead of finishing him off then and there, she waited for him to get back up. Once he did, Ito desperately threw a punch at her, but it's power suddenly disappeared.

"There are two very big reasons why I can't hit you right now."

She seductively smirked at Ito which froze him in place before quickly leg sweeping him to the floor, embarrassing him in front of everyone.

Kai and everyone who watched this from the other side of the monitor felt very ashamed of him while watching the beating. He was very obviously being toyed with, and the end result of the match seemed clear.

Then suddenly Kai noticed something off about Aikao.

"No way? But that can't be... unless?"

Shido curiously asked him, "Do you have an Idea as to what is going on?"

"If i'm right about this, then Ito may have a chance to fight back."

He immediately took off from class 1's resting room, and made his way towards the Arenas seating area, thinking that he could at least salvage this match to some degree.

Meanwhile in the arena, Ito was getting beaten quite badly. Every time he tried to throw a punch or draw his Zanpakutō, his body would grow weak at the sight of those two large melons. He tried to look away, but eyes were like magnets and were completely drawn towards them, repeating the cycle.

Eventually Nanao Ise, would see that the fight wasn't progressing and was about to declare Aikao as the winner, but then a familiar voice echoed into the arena.


Everyone looked to see who had said such a discreditable thing, only to see Kai who was breathing heavily from exhaustion.

"Comparing them to when she healed me that day... they defiantly seemed a decent bit bigger than usual."

Ito looked at Kai with a shell shocked expression, before looking back at Aikao. He quickly flash stepped in front of her with blinding speed, before delivering a palm strike to her chest.

It wasn't enough to damage her, but it did push her back a considerable distance. Oddly, he looked at his own hand before realizing it at last.

"Just now, I didn't feel the sensation of a heartbeat."

Aikao sighed as she shoved her hand into her Shihakushō and appeared to rip something off her chest. She threw it at the floor, to which everyone was surprised at how much her chest had shrank.

This whole time she had been wearing a fake boobs made out of silicone.

She started to stretch as if she had taken off a heavy burden.

"That was so uncomfortable to wear, it's sad that they didn't point it out sooner. I'm glad at least, I don't have to wear it anymore."

She was incredibly relieved, compared to Ito on the other-hand who was filled with rage which he was barely containing.

"Why... Why did you trick me?"

"Because I wanted to win of course. Putting too much effort into something like this is exhausting."

Ito grabbed onto the hilt of his tanto, and unsheathed it with harmful intent. He slowly began to approach Aikao expressing deep anger for this trickery.

"In the beginning of time, when man was born, how do you think our numbers increased? How do you think Adam first lusted after Eve? BOOBS! It's because of BOOBS, that we grew to this degree! Children were born and they continued on our legacy! ALL BECAUSE OF BOOBS! THEY ARE A SACRED OBJECT WHICH PUSHES HUMMANITY TO EXPAND, AND YOU HAVE DEFILED THAT SACRED OBJECT!"

The crowd was struggling to take Ito seriously. The amount of crap he was spitting was so bizarre, that some audience members even left. Kai was even starting to regret notifying Ito about the Silicone chest, but it was far too late for that now.

"For this crime against humanity, and the generations that have come before us, there is only one mercy which I can bestow onto you. Death."

He disappeared using flash step, only to end up in-front of Aikao once more, this time with his blade just nanometers away from her neck. Just before he could slit her throat, Aikao cheerfully said,

"I surrender!"


She didn't even fight back, or put up a little bit of a resistance. The second she was found out, she had already agreed to forfeit this fight.

"I told you that I didn't want to put too much effort into this right? If I fight you now, then the work I've done so far would've been for nothing. I'm done with you."

She said it as if she was almost mocking him. The message could be interoperated as, 'raising a finger against you is a waste of my time, so I'm not going to do anything at all.'

Ito wanted to get a couple hits in for revenge, but eventually resigned himself from that action. Nanao Ise would declare Ito as the winner of that fight, leaving the audience with a sour taste in their tongue.

This was by far the most awkward, and worst fight thus far.

Nanao looked over and saw the Silicone fake breasts before the next fight started. While making a face of disgust, she quickly eliminated it with a Kidō spell.

Ito left the arena with a new feeling of shame. He may have won the match, but he felt as if he had been mentally tossed around. Once he met back up with Kai to give thanks, he also encountered Shinten and Shido.

"Thanks Kureno. If it wasn't for that, I would've lost."

Oddly, Ito started to call Kai by his last name. Almost as if he had gained a newfound respect for him.

"You don't need to call me by last name. We are roommate's right?"

Ito felt a little better because of that, but he still felt down anyway. Shido tried to cheer him up by commenting on his performance.

"You really weren't joking when you said you got stronger! Your flash step was so fast that I was barely keeping track of you!"

But even then it was of no help.

"That girl. Even when I performed the flash-step to move like that, I could feel her gaze on me the whole time. Not once did she ever take her eyes off me, nor did she take me seriously. If she fought back I would've defiantly lost."

Suddenly, sinister laughter echoed down the hall which belonged to a boy their age which they were all to familiar with. It was the laughter of Jinriyu Kenzo.

"How funny! Of course you lower class rabble would be fighting over such depraving things such as sexual attraction! You've completely defiled the Soul Kings eyes with this profanity!"

"You take that back asshole! Boobs are the start of man!", Ito shouted at him. He was about to go attack Jinriyu, but the other two held him back.

"Keep barking you dog, you could never hope to beat me in a fight anyway."

He then pointed at Shido as if he was his target in all of this.

"You still haven't given me an answer from that day. The man who was responsible for your suffering is in the Colosseum right now, and it just so happens that an opportunity to take action will soon arrive. You better be ready before hand."

He then took off without uttering another word. Shinten and Kai had no clue what he was talking about, but Shido on the other hand understood what he meant and the implications it would have.

Kai seeing his visible distress, decided to ask, "Are you okay? We're friends so you can tell me anything."

Shido vividly remembered Kai asking this same question before. and again he gave the same response,

"I'm fine. I think I'll go take a breath outside for a bit."