Volume 3

Read this after finishing Volume 3, or whatever chapter your up to as it's being updated after every major fight from the date:


Auxiliary chapters for volumes 1 and 2 will be published at a later date.

Made this to kind of summarise how each character fights since this is a tournament arc and forwards.

Shinten Ryu

Amongst the four forms which a Shinigami fights with, he specializes in Zanjutsu. Amongst the three different types of Kido techniques, he is proficient at Bakudō, however he prefers not to use it.

After training with Ikkaku, he creates a sword technique which allows him to predict where an enemies sword will attack him from and automatically counter it. It's a kind of instinct that guides his sword towards his target by unconsciously working together with the Spirit inside his Zanpakutō. Because of this, Shinten is the closest student to achieving Shikai outside of those that have already reached that level. Since it's immature it has many weaknesses such as he can't counter attack, and it only works against weapons.

Yuki Tsubokoniri

Amongst the four forms which a Shinigami fights with, Yuki is equal in everything. The thing that makes her a monster is not just her skills while still in school, but her versatility which puts her ahead of others.

Her preferable form of Kidō is Hadō, however she is capable of using the other 2. Thanks to training with Ikkaku, she has grown a lot stronger. If she were to fight against Melqart again, she would perform a lot better but would still lose without releasing her Zanpakutō. Her strength is comparable to a 3rd seat~lieutenant level Shinigami, however her lack of experience in battle would lead to her losing a lot of fights, but she still has great battle intelligence.


Amongst the four forms which a Shinigami fights with, Ito specializes in Hakuda. Despite his attitude, he is actually a genius in hand to hand combat, and would give Yuki a run for her money in a fist fight.

Before dying in the human world, Ito was an extreme climber who climbed up the most hazardous mountains with his brother. Because of this, he built up incredible stamina and strength which contribute to his skill in Hakuda. His perverted nature is actually an influence from his older brother which has since become both his drive and weakness. In the face of big boobs he loses the ability to fight back.

Aikao Shizune

Amongst the four forms which a Shinigami fights with, Aikao specializes in Hakuda. Despite what she shows everyone, her skills are above Ito's but she prefers to analyze and take advantage of the weakness of other people.

She may be outwardly lazy but she secretly possesses incredible skills in investigations and spying. Using this, she has written a comprehensive book detailing the personalities and weaknesses of every single student and teacher in the school apart from the grandmaster Yamada Fujinishin, the Hakuda instruct Ryu, and the Zanjutsu instructor Mugen. Whenever she did try to investigate them she would get caught without learning anything.

Kai Kureno

Amongst the four forms which a Shinigami fights with, Kai specializes in Zanjutsu. In the beginning he was arrogant about his skills but after being humbled several times, and training in Ikkaku's dojo, he has since become a competent fighter.

Thanks to being an owner of two Zanpakutō, he has a unique advantage when it comes to Zanjutsu. This lets him easily out manoeuvre and over come other Zanjutsu specialists at the same skill level as him. He is also capable of very low level Kido but struggles to use it in any real combat scenarios. Since he can't use Kido that well, he is terrible at long ranged combat. Aside from that, he has no other weaknesses.

Kai's Shikai release, Mitsuna Hoshi possess the ability to fuse with existing gravity and control it as he sees fit. He can change its direction, increase it's power and change it's distribution. However if he's in a place that lacks gravity or is devoid of it, then his Shikai becomes useless. An interesting fact about this Zanpakutō, is that despite when Kai releases it, the only part that changes is his normal sized sword. His Wakizashi remains completely normal.

Back in the district 64 arc, Kai went berserk and displayed the ability to wear a red Shihakushō that greatly amplified his abilities, to a level that's been the strongest he's ever been since. That ability returns in the form of Jigoku Yōsai, a technique which Kai uses to only summon on small parts of that Shihakushō so that he can use it effectively. Currently he can only use 3% for 5 minutes, but he can draw up to 5% if he pushes himself to the limit.

Hikone Ubuginu

Amongst the four forms which a Shinigami fights with, Hikone specializes in Kido. Although she posses even greater skills with her other racial abilities, she is unable to display them at the tournament.

In the arena, she can perform low level Kido spells without an incantation, but thanks to her ginormous Reiatsu reserves, the spells carry power equal to a level 30 spell. In her limited state she struggles in close combat, and lost to Kai's flexibility but that doesn't mean she is a push over. If Kai got hit by any of Hikone's attacks, he would've taken serious damage. 

Shido Tatsuya

Amongst the four form which a Shinigami fights with, Shido specializes in Kidō. After training his for 3 months, he has become capable of casting several low level Kido spell continuously.

There is nothing special about him other than his Kido talent.

Jinriyu Kenzo

Amongst the four form which a Shinigami fights with, Jinriyu doesn't specialize in anything. He possess the unique talent to be able to adapt to whatever scenario he's in.

As a member of a noble family, Jinriyu has much stronger Spiritual Pressure than the typical student. It's big enough to rival and even possibly surpass Yuki's. His sly and cunning nature makes him very annoying, however he is easy to rile up which can throw him off.

His Zanpakutō, Shinjitsu no Kami possess the ability to reflect any attack with twice the power it received.


(This section got deleted by accident. I'm too lazy to write it all again.)

Vasto lorde

The vasto lordes I feel are overhyped in bleach. Kubo originally stated that they were as strong and if not stronger than captians, and that the arrancar were even stronger, but several lieutenants have been able to defeat arrancars, and rukia even beat an espada, albeit with a gimmick.

It's not fair either to say an ordinary vasto Lorde was as strong as the one ichigo turned into, cuz that's ichigo lmao.

I think it's fair to put a vasto lordes strength at around the level of Nnoitora since all the espada after that point either lost to a high tier captain or got jumped by several.

The vasto Lorde in this arc are all slightly weaker than average too due to a special reason I have yet to reveal!

Yamda Vs Omega


In this fight for Tachibanas Zanpakuto, we see Yamada release her shikai and bankai, while Omega uses his shikai.

Yamadas initial shikai can control wind and air within a range of 5 meters into any shape. When she first got it, it was very weak due to its range, but eventually she realised she could condense and fire the air out of that range. Her preferred shape are blades like sukunas slashes, but she can do others too.

Her bankai on the other hand is much more powerful. Not only is it's limits increased, but since her foes are in range she can suck the air right out of them with a vacuum. She can only use this bankai while sitting on her throne however, and to make sure she isn't hurt by her own bankai, she has a 2 meter radius around her that she can't affect.


In bleach very strong characters like ichibei have an innate ability that they can use without releaseing a Zanpakuto. For Omega it was simply his ability to erase the results of events on his body. When he released his nameless shikai, he used it's ability to undo the entire battle, which Yamada interpreted as a dream. I won't dig in to his shikai, since I don't want to reveal to much yet, but feel free to make theories.

He can also use the getsuga tenshou. Ichigos variation is long ranged, isshins is short but utilises fire. Omegas unique aspect is that his takes the form of a rotating saw blade.

Little fun fact about Kenpachi. He actually hates using his Bankai, and refuses to use it no matter what. After his fight with Gerard he asked Toshiro and Byakuya about what happened when he used Bankai since he couldn't remember, and after that day he just decided to never use it ever again.

"What's the point of a fight if I can't even enjoy it?"

The start and end of a fight don't matter to Kenpachi, what happens in the middle is what he enjoys the most. His Bankai not only takes that away, but it makes the fight frighteningly short which he hates.


Sakugo is a Fullbringer that doesn't possess any item in particular which she can draw strength from, and instead completely relies on her natural Fullbringer abilities. She actually fought Aura in Hueco Mundo a day before the attack on Seireitei which is how her abilities have started to resemble hers.

Much like Aura, she possess the ability the control the souls of nitrogen to a greater extent than average, allowing her to manipulate it into weapons to attack her foes. After her fight with Aura, she gained the ability to control her own body to reattach limbs and heal herself. Unless her brain is destroyed, or it sustains too much damage, she is effectively immortal.


Kenshi is a very powerful Vasto Lorde that is the strongest of the 4 siblings for now. He can use all the abilities of a Hollow, but not an Arrancar. Due to having both of the soul kings legs, his grew to be mutated.

His legs allowed him to fire cero's from them, which made his kicks much stronger than a cero by itself, and he could use the cero's he fires from his legs, to propel his body like a rocket.

The ability of the Soul Kings legs, let's him move not just anywhere in space, but allowed him to move in a different state of time. To explain the ability better, think of it as how organisms interpret time differently depending on the brain. Dogs experience time slower than humans, making us faster than them when it comes to thinking. Kenshi on the other hand, cannot just interpret but move in a different sense of time. 1 second to Ichigo, would be 10 to Kenshi, but Soul King like beings can somewhat perceive the layer of time that he moves at.

Random BS

Ichigo didn't recognise Sakugo despite seeing her in Karakura town. The reason why is not just because she's visibly changed a lot, but the pattern of her spiritual pressure also changed.

The Soren is coated in Seki rock which is spiritual pressure resistant. This meant that no one could sense the presence of the ship and the people inside, allowing it to appear out of nowhere. It's also resistant to attacks made of spiritual pressure, and it can heal itself.