Remember That Time We Got A Kid Arrested

Roufail, Tempest, Leo, Kewmed and Rin were at school. It was break time, so the five of them were just hanging around talking about random stuff, when a certain individual appeared.

-"What's up!" Said the individual.

-"Sup." Said Kewmed.

The individual then introduced himself.

His name was Garlic. He was a short skinny white child with a face full of pimples wearing large glasses. He was one year younger than the boys, and was wearing a Plants VS Zombies shirt.

-" Hey did you guys know about my super awesome alternate personas like there's this one that is this magic monkey-"

-"Dude, shut up." Tempest interrupted him. "You bore me."

-"You'll pay for disrespecting me! My dad is the janitor at the police station and he can get you arrested"

Before anyone punched him, the bell rang

-" I'll catch you losers later, with the entire police force, where they'll send you in prison and you'll be beat up mercilessly by a bunch of big black men for eternity. That's how important I am." Garlic said before running away in the most kindergarten-ish way possible, clearly indicating he had no idea what he was doing.

Later that day, the classes were split, and now Leo and Roufail were in Matt T. Eacher's law class, while Rin, Kewmed and Tempest were in Matt T Eacher's P.E. class (the boys' school was on a very short budget).


-"Man, I'm bored." Tempest expressed his boredom.

-"Oh no."

Kewmed knew what this meant. So he quickly ran over to Rin who was reading a book to inform her.

-"Okay so basically, Tempest changed."

-"How so?"

-"Long story short, he robbed a bank and-"

-"Are you just gonna gloss over that?!"

-"AS I WAS SAYING! He robbed a bank and ever since that day, Tempest can't go more than 5 minutes of being bored, or else one of two scenarios will happen."

-"What are those two scenarios ?"

-"Scenario number one: He falls asleep from boredom and wakes up in approximately thirteen hours. That would be fine, though still inconvenient."

-"And scenario number two?"

-"That's the worst case scenario. Tempest will enter a berserk mode, where quite literally everything is possible, as long as it cures his boredom for a moment. That usually leads to him destroying property, or, worse, people. And we have already gone through enough court sessions for the year. So we need to find a way to entertain him, quick!"


-"Man, this law class seems like a very random addition to the education system. What's more, Mister Matt T. Eacher is always absent, for a very peculiar reason I cannot figure out." Roufail said.

-"Shut up dude, I have a plan!" Leo told Roufail.

-"About what?"

-"So, do you remember that 'Garlic' kid?"

-"Unfortunately. What about him?"

-"I've figured out a way to get our payback."

Ominous music then started playing.

-"What the hell where did this music come from-" Roufail tried to say before being interrupted by Leo.

-"So you remember how he said something about the police, right?"


-"I say we frame him for a petty crime, and embarrass him in front of the entire school."

-"I don't think that will work. If anything his status will rise among certain groups. We need something real embarrassing to happen. Like, I dunno getting scolded by his parents in front of the whole school." Roufail explained.

The two of them were thinking of ideas, when all of a sudden, Saul Goodman appeared in the PowerPoint presentation Matt T. Eacher was showing them.

-"Holy fucking shit." Roufail and Leo said at the same time, having come up with the same idea. Frame Garlic using meth.


While Rin and Kewmed were desperately trying to come up with ways to entertain Tempest, the latter interrupted their train of thought.

-"Hey guys check this out." Tempest called out for them.

Kewmed and Rin turned around, and Tempest was pointing at the janitor's closet.

-"Is schizophrenia the third scenario?" Rin whispered.

-"Maybe." Kewmed answered, before asking Tempest why he was pointing at a closet.

-"I say we should go digging inside the closet to see what mysteries the janitor is holding from us." Tempest explain.

-"Okay yeah he might have lost it but at least it's somewhat entertaining. Let's go." Kewmed said.

The three of them walked up to the closet. From the outside it looked like a regural old red closet, but once they opened it, they could not say the same about the inside.

-"What the hell?!" Rin expressed her surprise and confusion.

Inside the closet was a staircase so long they couldn't see the end of it.

-"Well, here goes nothing." Kewmed said, as they started walking down the stairs.


-"Alright, I got the meth." Roufail said.

-"Great. Wait, how the hell did you find it? It hasn't even been ten minutes."

-"Matt T. Eacher always has some under his desk. How else would he have enough energy to fill in for an entire school?" Roufail explained.

-"Well that explains... A lot. But how did you know that he had it? Is it just common knowledge?"

-"Nah, I saw some while we were looking for the exam answers with Kewmed a few weeks back."

-"Alright, well now let's wait until break time to put some inside Garlic's pockets and then call the police on him." Leo said.


Tempest, Rin and Kewmed had finally reached the bottom of the stairs. It was over a hundred meters bellow the surface of the Earth, and it led them to a pitch dark room.

-"Man what the hell I can't even see anything!" Tempest said, as everyone started looking for a light switch.

-"WHO IS THERE!" A male voice echoed.

The lights then switched on, revealing the person who called out the group.

It was none other than Man.

-"Who?" Rin asked.

-"I do not blame you for not knowing me. I am the beta version of every superhero. Instead of having something to be the 'Man' of, I am simply Man." Man explained.


-"Because I have not been able to complete an act of heroism yet. Your school's janitor, Matt J. Anitor, locked me here so as to not let me reach my fullest potential. I would be eternally greatful if you were to help me break out so I can reach my true form as a hero."

-"You know that the door up The stairs is unlocked right?" Tempest said.

-"... WHAT?!" Man yelled out.


Breaktime had just started, and as expected, Garlic had come up to bother people again.

-"Hey what's up losers? Where are the rest of you?!" Garlic asked.

-"I legitimately do not know but knowing them it's probably not gonna lead to anything good." Leo said.

Leo and Roufail had discussed their plan. Leo would distract Garlic with something, while Roufail snuck behind him and filled his back pockets with the methamphetamine. They'd then both yell out for the police and the principal. It was flawless.

-"HEY GARLIC LOOK OVER THERE!" Leo pointed at the sky.

-"NO WAY WHAT?!" Garlic fell for it.

-"Oh come on you lied to me, how dare you? I'm gonna call my dad and-" Garlic started complaining bdfore bring interrupted by Roufail and Leo yelling


Garlic reached in his pockets, and his hands were now also filled with methamphetamine.

He tried explaining the situation, when suddenly, a... Man tackled him into the ground.


Meth Man then flew away with the powers of being high on meth.

Matt T. Eacher soon showed up and gave Garlic a 5 day suspension for stealing his meth.

-"Man, this day can't get any worse!" Garlic said, shortly before his parents showed up.

-"GARLIC GARLICIOUS GARLICKMAN WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!" They yelled out to him before spanking him in front of the whole school for getting suspended.

Roufail and Leo high fived each other, having accomplished their goal of framing a thirteen year old for a crime just because he was annoying.

-"Hell yeah, this was awesome!" Tempest expressed his entertainment.

-"I know right?!" Kewmed agreed.

-"Well uh... At least they aren't bored." Rin coped, being the only person in the group who hadn't found any enjoyment in the entire ordeal.

Meanwhile, in a dark, cold room, Garlic swore he'd take revenge.