Akito's downfall

He kicked the Aqua in the but this time he didn't budge from where he was standing, he raised his hand and gave Yagami a swift blow on the back

This caused Yagami to spit out and crash on the ground, as Kaito was about to help him he quickly raised his hand to stop him

"You guys should get going, I'll handle this from here" As soon as he said that the others ran into the building trusting that Yagami would defeat the opponent

As they entered the door behind them closed shut which made Kaito panic a little

"How will Yagami get in" He looked at Kage his eyes slightly widened

"He's a strong ghoul he will just punch it open," Kage said as he continued walking

Then they came across Akito again which made Kage take his battle stance

"What are you really," Kage asked knowing he was not a normal human

"I ate a demon you see" he tilted his head casually as if not taking the fight seriously

Akito then created multiple energy balls emitting a dark aura as he blasted everything randomly making it difficult for him to dodge

Faith created a portal on top so that it would go back to Akito but the blast didn't affect him at all

"Nice, now this is what I expected" He created more energy blasts and fired them at them with more speed making one of them hit Kage

The affected area then turned black and began to spread all over his body but Faith quickly rushed in and healed him

Taking this opportunity Akito sent an energy blast at Kaito but he quickly evaded it

Kate then ran to Akito at a tremendous speed and slammed his face to the ground, his killing intent showed vividly through his irises

Akito then kicked Kage which sent him flying until he hit the ceiling

His mask then came off and his grin could be seen clearly as water flowed from his eyes

He then created a massive energy ball and sent it flying toward Kage as he pointed his other hand to Kaito and shot a small one at Kaito

Kage didn't rush to Kaito this time but instead focused all his energy on dispelling the energy blast

Kaito had easily dodged the blast this time and Kage quickly flew at Akito as his hand pierced through Akito's heart

Akito's eyes widened as his face froze before holding the place that had been pierced before slowly exiting his portal

When he was gone Kage still had a frown on his face as he walked to Kaito

"What happened" he stared at Kage who still frowning

"Whenever I battle him his soul always reminds me of yours" He looked at the spot where he had killed Akito

"Eh I can't shake off the fact I know him too" He stoked his chin

As they were discussing Yagami quickly found where they were and ran to them

"I'm done with my side let's end things quickly so that we can go to Earth," he said as they advanced on their way to take down who was behind this