Do You Want To Be A Hero? (5) | Adoring Fan [Slight Rewrite]

A crowd had formed around the commercial district, with the center of attention being the arrest of the rampaging giant villain, achieved through the heroic deed of the newly debuted Pro-Hero, Mount Lady.

Mount Lady stood and basked in the crowd's attention and cheers as she had apprehended the giant villain. Police officers had finally arrived and had fully restrained the villain before he could rampage again.

Once the police had taken the criminal away, what remained was the aftermath of the fight and the Pro-Hero herself, who began to flaunt her newfound fame. Naturally, crowds began to form around her, and she was ecstatic to receive their attention.

"This is her Pro-Hero debut? She's incredible!"

"Mount Lady, you were amazing!"

"I can't believe she can turn bigger than that giant villain!"

"Man... Pro-Heroes these days are getting more beautiful..."

"Mount Lady, over here! Smile for the camera!"

Naturally, many cameras began to capture both her heroic figure and, of course, her alluring charm. She was not camera shy; in fact, she even went so far as to pose for some of the shots directed at her like a fashion model would, much to the male audience's delight.

Just then, a bespectacled young woman, holding a clipboard, approached the posing Pro-Hero.

"E-excuse me, Mount Lady?" she stuttered slightly, glancing at the crowd of adoring fans and the flashing cameras. "I-I hate to interrupt your moment of fame, but we need to wrap this up. The police are asking for your statement about the incident."

Mount Lady turned toward the bespectacled young woman with a playful pout, her irritation evident. "Aww, but I'm just getting started with my new fans here!" she replied, waving at the crowd and earning another cheer from them.

The young woman, likely a manager figure, smiled sympathetically. She understood that as a new Pro-Hero, getting some fans and fame would be beneficial in the long run. However, Miss Manager stood her ground. "I know, I know. You're doing great, but we really need to follow protocol. It's important for your debut to go smoothly."

With a reluctant sigh, Mount Lady conceded. "Alright, alright... Duty calls, I guess." She turned back to the crowd, raising her hand in a farewell gesture. "Thanks for the love, everyone! I'll be back soon!"

As she and her manager began to leave the dispersing crowd, a sudden clear voice called out.

"Excuse me, Mount Lady?"

The voice caught the newbie Pro-Hero's attention. She looked toward the source of the voice and saw a young man in a high school gakuran suddenly step into their path, halting their advance.

"W-what?!" Both Mount Lady and her manager were slightly taken aback by the sudden appearance of the young man. They looked at him—a handsome and tall youth with wild, dark green fluffy hair.

Both women were slightly on guard due to the young man's sudden obstruction, though less so for Mount Lady, who found him... strangely charming.

Miss Manager, slightly flustered by the young man's sudden arrival, spoke first. "I-i'm sorry, young man, but can we help you with something? We're in a bit of a hurry here..."

The young man stood at his spot without saying anything, making both women anxious. Initially, they thought he might be one of those braver fans who approached beyond the comfortable line, especially given that Mount Lady was a female hero.

However, he just stood there with a small, reassuring smile, seemingly without any perverse intent—at least, that was their initial impression.

The young man finally spoke. "I'm sorry for the interruption, Miss Mount Lady, but..." he trailed off as he began to pull something out of his bag...! This seemingly innocuous action put both women on high alert, thinking he might be about to do something heinous, especially toward Mount Lady...!

But before they could react, the young man had already pulled something from his bag! And it was... a notebook and a pen?

"Please! Can I have your autograph?"

Both women blinked in surprise, falling into a stunned silence. They stared at the young man as he bowed his head and presented his notebook and pen toward Mount Lady.

"A-autograph?" Mount Lady echoed, still a bit shaken by the young man's unexpected approach. However, the mention of an 'autograph' seemed to ease her tension.

"Yes, Miss Mount Lady!" The young man replied with genuine enthusiasm. "I absolutely loved your Pro-Hero debut, and it would mean a lot to me if I could get your autograph!"

"I-is that so?" Mount Lady became slightly flustered by the young man's clear fanboying. This was the first time she had ever been asked for an autograph, both personally and as a Pro-Hero. She was feeling a mix of excitement and nerves, as this was one of those moments where she was finally getting the fame and glory she had always dreamed of.

However, Miss Manager wasn't having it.

"I'm sorry, young man," Miss Manager said sternly, adjusting her glasses as if to underscore her professionalism, "Mount Lady does not have time for—"

"I would love to give you an autograph, young man!" Mount Lady interjected with clear enthusiasm, stepping forward.

"M-mount Lady?!"

"It's fine, Sayaka-chan." Mount Lady revealed the name of her manager to the young man. "He's just one of my many budding fans who saw my greatness! It would be a shame not to give him a memento of my first success." She added with a hint of her fame-hungry attitude.

Mount Lady then took the young man's notebook and opened it... revealing detailed sketches of her figure, her quirk profile, and even her signature move, Canyon Cannon...! The level of detail in the profile initially unsettled her, making her skin crawl slightly.

Flipping to the next page, she saw that the sketches were almost lifelike, depicting her in impressive detail. She also glanced at the previous page of his notebook... and they contained profiles of other Pro-Heroes with their signatures.

She quickly rationalized this slightly creepy notebook... and assumed that this young man was maybe a dedicated Pro-Hero fan who enjoyed analyzing heroes and their abilities.

She steeled her nerve, quickly averting her gaze from the slightly eerie profile and focusing on the blank page next to her profile, seemingly reserved for an autograph. With a flourish, elegant but slightly exaggerated hand movement, she signed the empty page with her signature. She even added a few hearts around her signature for extra fan service.

"There we go~," Mount Lady said, handing the notebook back to the young man. "Here you go, young man. I hope you continue to support me in my future endeavors!"

The young man received his notebook back with a beaming smile. "Thank you so much, Miss Mount Lady!" he said with genuine gratitude and a bright smile.

Seeing the young man's smile made Mount Lady slightly agitated. It was rare for her to encounter such a handsome young man, and she would have jumped at the chance to know him better if not for the fact that he was wearing a high school uniform...

Luckily, before she could get too enticed by the idea, her manager suddenly interjected.

"Okay! You've given your autograph. Let's go already!" Her manager urged, pulling her back toward their intended path, bypassing the young adoring fan of hers.

"Y-yeah! Let's..." Mount Lady complied with her manager's insistence. But before leaving, she looked back at the young man and gave him a genuine smile. "Thank you for your support!" she said, waving farewell.

The young man nodded with a smile of his own and waved back to the departing Pro-Hero and her manager... but after they had left, his smile turned into a smirk.

"Heh, well... she doesn't have the 'thing' I was looking for either, but..." he paused for a moment, pondering to the Pro-Hero's figure from the distance, "... she has the potential to 'evolve' even further... and maybe..."

Izuku looked up to the blue cloudy sky above him, seemingly staring at the endless blue sky... but his vision was way beyond than just the blue sky itself.

"She might be the key to connect to the Land of Light..."


Author Note (and shameless promotion as usual):

Well, is our young man just a simple adoring fan... or is he something else entirely?

A future note, Mount Lady would be relevant quite later in the story, so don't think too much about it now, alright?

2nd Author Note:

Someone commented of Izuku being a bit creepy, lmao. I kind of written him based on Izuku being obsessed with anything Tokusatsu related and trying to be not to plot revealing, but it came off kind of weird. So, I toned it down a bit, made him a bit straightforward, and also made it into a bit something more... hopeful.

Let me know if you like this direction betters.

As usual~

Check out my

to see more concept art and other content I would include in the future for this fanfiction!

Of course, since I'm a shameless grifter, please also support me there as well! (Cause I need money to eat and pay bills, hehe...)

And also, check out my current ongoing Original Novel too while you're at it~! See the misadventure of a supervillain's grunt in a world of superhero~!

Stay tuned for more~.