Do You Want To Be A Hero? (7) | Aspiration Confusion

"Good morning, everyone! It's time for homeroom!"

A beautiful blonde woman with angel-like wings stepped into the classroom with a warm and welcoming demeanor. Her straight blonde hair framed her face gently, complementing her kind smile. She wore a light blue blazer over a formal shirt, paired with a black knee-length skirt—an almost typical look for a teacher, which she was.

As she walked into the middle of the classroom, the light blue blazer accentuated her graceful movements, making her presence feel soothing and approachable.

On her hand was a stack of papers, seemingly holding something important for the class. She placed them on the teaching desk at the front of the class, then turned to face the students.

Everyone who saw her entrance instantly brightened, as if the previous sour and tense atmosphere of the classroom had vanished, replaced with a much happier one.

"Good morning, Sora-sensei!" everyone greeted with the same energy and enthusiasm toward the teacher—well, except for Katsuki, who was not in the mood for a morning greeting... nor any such greeting or hospitality to begin with.

Sora-sensei scanned the classroom, assessing each and every one of her students.

So far, each of them displayed the typical demeanor she had always seen and come to understand. Even Katsuki, with her rebellious nature, was consistent in her usual state of expression. Then... her eyes landed on Izuku, and she seemed to have a slightly exasperated expression upon seeing him.

Izuku noticed that Sora-sensei was looking at him and responded with a small grin of his own.

"Midoriya-kun," she called his name with a slightly stern tone.

"Yeah, what's up, Sora-sensei?" Izuku asked, maintaining his usual nonchalant attitude.

"I just received your Career Aspiration paper this morning..." she trailed off, giving him a stern look, "... from your younger sister." Her tone carried a hint of disappointment.

"Ah! So Chisa did give you my paper, huh?" he inquired, seemingly oblivious to Sora-sensei's disapproving tone. "Man, what a good little sister she is~."

"Geez, Midoriya-kun, that's not the issue here," she said with a slight pout, her expression a mix of concern and mild frustration. "You shouldn't burden your sister with responsibilities like this, especially when she's busy with her gymnastics' tournament."

"Sorry, Sensei," Izuku replied with a sheepish grin, scratching the back of his head. "I almost forgot to submit it and asked Chisa for help since I knew you're her gymnastics club advisor. I had to take a detour for something really, really important~."

Sora-sensei sighed, shaking her head slightly. "You and your detours..." she muttered, a soft smile forming despite herself. The classroom filled with the sound of his classmates' laughter over his usual antics.

Regaining her composure, Sora-sensei addressed the class more seriously. "Listen, everyone, the Career Aspiration Survey paper is crucial for helping you think about your future paths. You're nearing the end of high school and are about to enter adulthood. It's important to start considering your goals and how you want to contribute to society."

Her eyes returned to Izuku, the warmth in her gaze contrasting with her earlier sternness. "That's why, Midoriya-kun, it's important to take this seriously. It's not just about turning in a paper; it's about understanding yourself and your aspirations."

Izuku nodded, seemingly understanding her words. "Got it, Sora-sensei!"

"Are you sure about that?" Sora-sensei inquired, not fully convinced by his casual response. The only reply she received was another playful grin, which made her sigh in exasperation.

She then turned her attention to the entire class. "And not just for Midoriya-kun, but for everyone here!" she announced with a touch of urgency.

"Eh? Why us, Sensei?"

"We submitted ours well before the deadline!" one student protested.

"Yes, you did submit your future aspiration papers on time," she replied to their protests, but then placed both hands on her hips and gave them all a stern look. "But did you truly put thought into your future aspirations?"

Her question elicited a ripple of surprise and nervous glances among the students.

Sora-sensei continued, "I've read every paper submitted by the class, except for Midoriya-kun's, as his paper was submitted this morning... and I have to say, I'm seeing a troubling pattern here…"

She paused for a moment to fully address all of her students. "… almost all of you have written that you want to be Pro Heroes!"

The classroom buzzed with excitement as students began showcasing their quirks and eagerly expressing their dreams of becoming Pro Heroes. While the rest of the class turned excited at the prospect, two students reacted differently: Izuku and Katsuki.

Katsuki did not join in the fanfare, seemingly finding it annoying... even though she herself aspired to be a Pro Hero.

On the other hand, Izuku merely chuckled at their reactions, finding the situation amusing.

"Hey, don't use your quirk inside the classroom!" Sora-sensei called out firmly to the students showcasing their quirks. Her expression then turned into one of exasperation as she observed their reactions, letting out another sigh.

"Look, I get it. Being a Pro Hero is a noble and exciting aspiration," she said, her tone a mix of frustration and concern. "But you need to take this seriously. Your future isn't just about your quirks and flashy battles; it's about understanding what you truly want and preparing for it."

The students' excitement began to wane, replaced by sheepish expressions and murmurs of apology.

Sora-sensei sighed and added, "All of you need to consult with me again about your future careers. Whether you choose to be Pro Heroes or pursue other paths, I want you to think about it seriously."

"Yes, Sensei!" the students responded, now looking more thoughtful. The message seemed to sink in as they realized the gravity of their choices.

Sora-sensei's eyes narrowed slightly as she focused back on Izuku. "Midoriya-kun, did you at least submit your future career paper with the same seriousness you claim to have for your future?" Her tone carried a hint of skepticism.

Izuku's casual grin remained unchanged. "Yeah, I took it seriously, Sensei~. After all, it's not just about the paper, right?"

At the very least, Izuku had actually submitted a serious submission for his future career paper and was just enjoying his life as a quirkless individual. However, he did not realize that his paper had been tampered with by a certain good little sister of his...

"*sigh* I'll be the judge of that," Sora-sensei said with a sigh as she returned to the stack of papers. She picked up the first paper from the top of the stack, seemingly the future aspiration paper belonging to Izuku, and began to read it thoroughly.

However, as she read, her expression grew increasingly troubled...

"Midoriya-kun..." she muttered his name with a downcast look, still staring at his future aspiration paper.

"Hmm? Yeah, Sensei?" he replied, oblivious to her concerned expression.

Sora-sensei's white feathery wings suddenly spread out wide as she lifted her head, casting an angry glare toward him, surprising him greatly. Her eyes burned with frustration as she set the paper down on her desk with a slam!

"What the-?!"


"What's wrong, Sensei?!"

"Midoriya-kun... do you honestly expect me to believe your word?" she demanded, her voice edged with disbelief and anger.

"W-what are you talking about, Sensei...?" Izuku flinched, confused by the sudden intensity from the usually kind Sora-sensei. He stood up from his seat, trying to understand what was so wrong with his paper that had made her so angry.

Sora-sensei kept a solid glare toward Izuku before holding up his future career paper for him and the class to see. "According to your paper, you have put your future aspiration and next level education... as a Pro Hero in UA University!"

"WHAT?!" All of the students in the class were shocked by the sudden revelation.

Some of the classmates near the front row craned their necks to see the legitimacy of the career paper held up by Sora-sensei. They could clearly see, in what appeared to be his handwriting, the goal of becoming a Pro Hero and attending UA University.

Izuku's classmates also looked toward him to gauge his reaction, noticing that he was even more shocked by the revelation than they were.

Izuku quickly stepped forward, eyes wide in disbelief. He reached out in almost a frantic manner, taking the paper from Sora-sensei's hand. As he scanned the page, his brow furrowed, blinking rapidly as he tried to process the contents.

For a moment, he simply stared, the words "Pro Hero" and "UA University" standing out in bold, clear handwriting of his. He shook his head slowly, as if trying to clear away a fog of confusion... before bringing the paper closer to his eyes, reading it again more thoroughly.

"This... this can't be right!" he stammered, his voice rising with each word. "There's got to be some kind of mistake, Sensei. I mean, I remember writing the other two aspirations of mine, but I have no recollection of writing 'Pro Hero' or even 'UA University'!"

Sora-sensei's expression softened slightly, but her eyes still held a trace of doubt. "Midoriya-kun, are you saying this isn't your writing? Then how did 'Pro Hero' and 'UA University' become the first choice for each of your aspirations?"

Izuku nodded frantically, a mix of confusion and anxiety on his face. "Yes! I mean, no! I mean... I don't know how these got in here in the first place, but I definitely didn't write them! There's something—!"


Before he could continue his explanation further, a loud explosion erupted from behind him, causing the entire classroom to jolt in shock. The sound echoed through the room, the windows rattling with the force of the blast!

Izuku whipped around, eyes wide with alarm, as he and everyone in the classroom looked at the source of the explosion...

It came from none other than Katsuki, who had blown up her desk, leaving it in a smoldering state...! She stood up from her seat and slowly approached the surprised Izuku at the front of the classroom.

As she approached him, Izuku turned around and was about to say something, "K-Katsuki—!"

Katsuki immediately grabbed the collar of his gakuran and brought his face closer to hers, her slightly lower height making the gesture even more intense. He could see the clear wrath visible on her visage...!

"Izuku... what the hell is this all about?! Explain yourself!"


Author Note (and shameless promotion as usual):

How will Izuku going to get out of this predicament of his?

As usual~

Check out my

to see more concept art and other content I would include in the future for this fanfiction!

Of course, since I'm a shameless grifter, please also support me there as well! (Cause I need money to eat and pay bills, hehe...)

And also, check out my current ongoing Original Novel too while you're at it~! See the misadventure of a supervillain's grunt in a world of superhero~!

Stay tuned for more~.