Do You Want To Be A Hero? (9) | Busier-Than-Usual Work Day

[Musutafu City Police Headquarters]

The Musutafu City Police Headquarters buzzed with frenetic activity as officers scrambled to manage the aftermath of the previous night's events. Urgent conversations and hurried footsteps filled the air as they handled the arrest and investigation of Murogiri Kirihara, also known as the 'Fog Villain.'

The police worked tirelessly to piece together the full extent of Murogiri Kirihara's crimes. The 'foggy night weather' had turned out to be an artificial fog created by the villain, cloaking Musutafu City for the past month and serving as a sinister veil for his even more sinister actions.

Two teams had been formed to address the recent atrocities. The first team focused on rescuing and rehabilitating the women who had been kidnapped, held captive, and "abused" in the villain's basement. The second team was investigating the whereabouts of the other missing individuals who had disappeared in the artificial fog, presumably killed by the villain.

Amidst the chaos inside the police headquarters, near the Chief of Police's office, a particular white-haired woman waited, sitting on a nearby bench. Her beautiful appearance was striking, with a few red strands in her otherwise predominantly white hair, and her bespectacled eyes reflected a mix of anxiety and fatigue. Her tired look added a somber edge to her otherwise graceful features, highlighting the toll the recent events had taken on her.

She had just survived the ordeal with the Fog Villain the previous night and had been staying at the police headquarters since then. However, she had been summoned by the Chief of Police to discuss the events further. The weight of her recent encounter was evident in her tense posture as she awaited the meeting that would delve into the nightmare she had endured.

However, as she sat there, her mind wandered back to a certain person...

The Green Rider Hero who had saved her from the Fog Villain.

The memory of his heroic figure brought a sense of calm over her. She remembered how he had fought the Fog Villain—no, the Fog Monster—with absolute confidence and skill, easing her tension slightly. However, this newfound calm was accompanied by a curious pondering.

She had seen her green-armored savior use a rather strange ability during the fight. While he had showcased extreme agility and strength, she had also noticed a metal-related quirk and a strange holographic ability, all of which seemed to stem from the odd white apparatus attached to the front of his hero costume's belt.

She had recently learned that her hero was not a registered Pro Hero. When she tried to describe his appearance to the police, they had no data or recollection of his identity, meaning her savior was, in fact, an unlicensed hero—or more precisely, a Vigilante.

The thought intrigued and unsettled her as she considered the implications of his existence and his decision to operate outside the law.

"Did he not consider registering himself as a hero with the authorities?" she questioned herself. More and more questions began to cloud her mind, including the strange term he had used when the Fog Villain transformed into the Fog Monster.


"Turning into an 'imajin' already, huh?"


"Imajin..." She recalled the term her savior had used to describe the Fog Monster and how he had used his strange ability to separate the Fog Monster's true human form, the Fog Villain himself, as if they were two different entities...

"Todoroki Fuyumi-san?" Suddenly, someone called her name, breaking her reverie. She looked toward the source of the voice: a policeman.

"Y-yes, sir?" she replied, standing from her seat.

"The Chief is calling for your presence, miss," the policeman informed her, gesturing toward the door of the Chief of Police's office. "Please, come in."

"Y-yes! Thank you!" Fuyumi replied, nodding in gratitude. She then walked toward the indicated room but hesitated for a moment as she prepared to meet an important figure. She paused before knocking on the door. "E-excuse me. It's Todoroki Fuyumi," she announced.

"Yes, come in, Fuyumi-san," a feminine voice replied from inside. Fuyumi was a bit confused as to why the Chief of Police was using her given name instead of her family name, as formality would usually dictate, but she set the thought aside for the moment. She then slowly opened the door... and was met with three figures inside.

The Chief of Police, an older woman in her late 40s, sat behind the desk in the middle of the office. Dressed in a formal dark gray women's suit, her short black hair framed her beautiful but slightly aged visage. On the desk, a nameplate with the title "Chief of Police" and her name, 'Kanemori Rena,' prominently displayed, welcomed Fuyumi into her office.

While the Chief of Police herself was already intimidating, what was even more surprising were the two other figures present, both of whom Fuyumi recognized all too well.

"D-dad...?" Fuyumi exclaimed in surprise upon seeing her father, the Pro Hero Endeavor, standing before the Chief of Police's desk in his fiery hero costume. Although she knew her father had been called into the police headquarters to assist with the aftermath of the Fog Villain's capture, she hadn't expected him to be here, especially considering his usually packed schedule. Or perhaps he had a specific reason to be here, a matter he needed to discuss with the Chief?

"Fuyumi..." Her father acknowledged her presence with a slight nod. Despite his cold and hardened demeanor, Fuyumi could still sense that her father cared about her well-being—likely the reason to why he was here now.

But it was the other figure that left her even more shocked. It was none other than the No. 1 Hero, All Might...!

"A-All Might...!?" Fuyumi gasped, her eyes widening at the sight of the blonde, muscular hero. However, he was dressed in what she assumed were his civilian clothes, wearing a simple white t-shirt and cargo pants.

"Good morning, Young Lady!" All Might greeted her with his familiar cheerful grin.

"W-what's going on here...?! Why are you two here...?" Fuyumi inquired, her confusion mounting. She had expected a routine questioning by the Chief about the events she had witnessed, not an encounter with the top two Pro Heroes.

Moreover, she knew her father harbored an intense, almost unhealthy obsession with surpassing All Might as the No. 1 Hero. Seeing him in the same room with All Might was something she had never considered possible.

"Calm down, Fuyumi-san," the Chief reassured her, her tone composed. "Both Endeavor and All Might are here to discuss the matter of the Fog Villain you encountered last night."

"T-the 'Fog Villain,' ma'am?" Fuyumi echoed, her voice tinged with uncertainty as she stepped further into the room, keeping a cautious distance from the three intimidating figures.

"Yes. As you might already know, the Fog Villain was responsible for the disappearances of individuals during the foggy night weather that plagued Musutafu over the past month," Chief Kanemori explained, her expression serious. "The case has made significant progress with the discovery of the female victims held captive in the basement of his house. The only thing left... is to find the remains of the other victims who most likely met a rather unfortunate end..."

Fuyumi felt a tightness in her chest as she listened to the Chief of Police recount the grim details she had already heard. Her tension was palpable, her mind racing with questions about where this conversation was heading. She glanced nervously between her father, Endeavor, and All Might, trying to gauge their expressions, but they remained as stoic as before.

The Chief continued, her tone measured and authoritative. "While the evidence against the suspect, Murogiri Kirihara, is overwhelming, and the testimonies from the kidnapped female victims corroborate his guilt, there's an aspect of the case that hasn't been made public." She paused, her gaze locking onto Fuyumi's. "What remains unspoken and concealed from the public eye... is the manner in which the Fog Villain was neutralized, allowing our authorities to apprehend him."

Fuyumi's eyes widened as realization dawned on her: the Chief was subtly probing for information about the hero who had saved her from the Fog Villain.

"There is evidence indicating that a significant altercation took place at the scene of Murogiri Kirihara's capture. The street road bears multiple cracks and signs of destruction, alongside a distinct scorch mark suggesting an explosion occurred," the Chief continued, her voice calm but insistent, "additionally, witnesses reported hearing numerous beast-like roars emanating from the location, followed by the loud boom of an explosion. These were the key indicators that allowed our police force to locate and apprehend the suspect."

She then turned her attention fully to Fuyumi, her expression softening slightly. "When you were rescued, you mentioned being saved by someone you referred to as the 'Green Rider Hero.' Unfortunately, our records have no data on any hero fitting that description. It seems your rescuer was operating outside the official hero registry."

The Chief leaned forward slightly, her eyes earnest. "Fuyumi-san, we would appreciate it if you could recount your experience. Any detail, no matter how small, could help us piece together the events of that night."

Fuyumi felt the weight of their collective gaze on her, the room falling silent as all eyes turned towards her. She took a deep breath, steeling herself to share the incredible and bewildering tale of the foggy night where she encountered her the Green Rider Hero...

The Kamen Rider.


Author Note (and shameless promotion as usual):

Well, a pretty mundane chapters tbh. Next chapter would be where Izuku and All Might would have their fated meeting. Of course, it wouldn't be the same as the original question that canon Izuku would ask him.

As usual~

Check out my

to see more concept art and other content I would include in the future for this fanfiction!

Of course, since I'm a shameless grifter, please also support me there as well! (Cause I need money to eat and pay bills, hehe...)

And also, check out my current ongoing Original Novel too while you're at it~! See the misadventure of a supervillain's grunt in a world of superhero~!

Stay tuned for more~.