
With the birth of the universe came the emergence of a primordial being, consciousness that

would shape the world to come.

For ages, he roamed the universe in peace but that quickly turned to loneliness for there was

none like him in this vast space.

As time passed, he created four divine beings from himself, these gods were named;

Galadriel, Thokkra, Solariel, and Creatrix.

He loved his four children with all of his essence since they were him and he was them.

He trained them differently for they were unique, each of them grew to embody their names.

As time went by, El decided to entrust the world as we know it to his children.

He tasked his children with the creation of the world as is and then without a trace, he


The four gods crafted continents and oceans, dividing the world with vast waters. However,

when it came to breathing life into their creation, discord arose.

Solariel advocated for beings that could thrive in any environment, tempered by a stoic

resilience and minimal emotions; because he believed that emotions caused conflict and

they could bring about the destruction of his creations.

Creatrix believed that a being must be able to feel all of the emotions that the world has to

offer; both good and bad. His vision was humans as we know them.

Thokkra believed that the emotion that pushes people over their limit was anger and hatred,

so he advocated for beings that could feel anger more than any other emotion for that would

secure their survival.

Galadriel lived in her head most of the time so her vision was of giants and fairies living in


The only thing that they had in common was to give the beings the freedom of the mind and

the magical powers needed to survive.

A millennium stalemate had passed, and still, their convictions remained unyielding. Thus,

they chose to diverge, each pursuing their distinct vision.

Each of the four gods would create their own races and after a millennial, the most advanced

race, the one that is intelligent and superior would inherit the world as the rest would be


It has been nine hundred and ninety years since that deal was struck, ten years before the

war that would end inferior races and grant the superior races the 'Kingdom of the Gods' or

as I call it; Regnum Deorum.

And so the world forged by the four gods was shaped into four distinct realms, each with its

own unique characteristics.

To the south lay Tellus, a land of ancient wisdom. In the east, the mystical realm of Nefaria

beckoned. The west was home to Mystika, a land of wonder and enchantment. And in the

north, the mighty Elarel stood sentinel.

These lands are separated by vast seas that are ruthless and in order for one to get to

another land, they must slay the guardians of these waters.