03 - Fire and Ice

In Ledya, Kael and Mickey stood in Ammit's path, ready to lay their lives on the table for the citizens.

The air crackled with tension as they prepared for the impending battle.

Kael stepped forward, flames dancing along his fingertips. "Mickey," he said, "we can't let this creature destroy everything we love."

Mickey nodded, her breath frosting the air. "Together, Kael. Fire and ice —we'll bring it down."

They unleashed their mana, it was so intense even Ammit couldn't help but to notice them.

As she noticed the couple approaching, Ammit lets out a deep chuckle. "Well, well, well. What do we

have here? Two puny humans thinking they can take on a being such as myself? How amusing. You

should know better and start running."

Her eyes glowed as she continued to speak, "I am the embodiment of darkness and chaos. Your feeble

attempts to defeat me will all be for nought. I could destroy you both with a single thought."

She steps closer to Kael and Mickey, her voice growing more menacing. "But I won't. It will be

entertaining to watch you struggle and fail. And when you are lying on the ground, defeated and broken,

I'll be there to claim your souls as my prize."

She pointed at Mickey, "You. I will start with you. I will rip you limb from limb and make him watch.

Despair shall accompany him to the afterlife."

She cackles loudly, relishing in the fear she's instilled in the humans. "So go ahead, attack me if you dare.

But know that your fate has already been sealed."

Kael and Mickey became aware of their abilities at an early age and throughout their childhood, they

have been training together. They fought together and fought each other. Ice and Fire may be polar

opposites but the two elements were in harmony when used by these two.

Ammit lunged, claws slashing through the air. Kael deflected with a fiery shield, the heat searing his skin.

Mickey circled, her icy aura crystallizing the ground beneath her feet. She unleashed shards of frost,

aiming for the demoness' eyes.

Ammit roared, its maw opening wide. Kael hurled fireballs, each impact leaving scorched marks on the

demon's hide. Mickey danced, weaving intricate patterns with her hands. Ice spikes erupted from the

ground, impaling Ammit's legs. But the Ammit was relentless. Realizing that she cannot move her legs, she cut the off and leaped backwards. This was nothing to her, for she can regenerate any lost limbs. With her claws, she cut the ground, knocking Kael off balance.

Mickey reacted, creating an ice bridge to catch him.

"Thanks," Kael grunted, flames flickering anew. "It seems like she can regenerate. What a monster."

"She can regenerate parts that are cut off, it seems. We will have to go all out against her. Maybe if we

cut off her head, she will die for good." said Mickey with conviction.

Taking Mickey's words into account, Kael knew that in their current state they couldn't defeat Ammit so

he tapped into power within him, a level only a few could reach.

His flames spread rapidly, enveloping his entire body in a blazing inferno that seemed to consume him

from within. But instead of pain, Kael felt a surge of power coursing through him, as if fire had become a

part of him, an extension of his very being.

His form began to change, the flames shaping and moulding into a fiery armour that covered his whole

body. The air around him crackled with heat and energy, as he rose to his feet, he felt a newfound senseof strength and resilience coursing through his veins. His flames danced and flickered across the surface of his armour, casting a warm and golden glow. This form will later be known as the Flame Emperor State.

Mickey was not one to be left behind either. Her ice magic consumed her, changing her form and giving

rise to the Ice Empress. Her crystalline armour covered her entire body. The air around her crackled with frost and energy. Her ice armour sparkled and reflected the moonlight that peeked through the parting clouds.

With each step she took, the ground trembled beneath her, and the very air seemed to freeze with the power that emanated from her transformed form.

With fierce determination burning in her icy eyes, Mickey turned her gaze towards the horizon, where

Ammit stood in fear.

She had never seen this type of transformation before. With confusion in her eyes, Ammit yelled, "What is this?! What kind of humans are you? They seem to be different from the ones that I encountered."

But she wasn't going to run with her tail between her legs, for in her eyes, humans were nothing but ants,

meant to be crushed by her hand. So she stood tall and readied her body for an attack.

Her magic was peculiar for it used blood for offense and defense.

Mickey and Kael charged towards Ammit at full speed. Before she could create a shield of blood, the duo landed the punch simultaneously and smashed her head in.

Her body rolled on the ground several times before it collided with a building.

Mickey and Kael were now killing machines, their coordination was flawless without exchanging words.

Ammit stood up, restoring her wounds instantly.

"You wretched little humans. I will kill you!" she screamed. "I will not let this slide."

Her anger seemed to be powering her up, the angrier she got, the more monstrous she had become. She

exuded an aura of malevolence. She raised her hands, crimson tendrils of blood magic snaked around her fingers, ready to strike.

Kael clenched his fists, flames dancing in his eyes as he summoned his fiery powers.

Mickey's breath frosted the air as she focused her energy, her hands glowing with a cold, blue light.

The battle resumed with sudden burst of energy as Ammit unleashed a torrent of blood magic at the two.

Kael countered with a wall of searing flames, while Mickey conjured a barrier of ice to deflect the attack.

The clash of elements filled the air with heat and cold, creating an intense, swirling vortex of magic.

Kael and Mickey worked in harmony, their powers complementing each other as they launched a

coordinated assault on Ammit.

Kael sent jets of fire towards Ammit, forcing her to dodge and weave to avoid the searing heat. Meanwhile, Mickey unleashed shards of ice, creating a blizzard that threatened to engulf their opponent.

Ammit retaliated with a surge of blood magic, aiming to ensnare Kael and Mickey in her sinister grasp.

Kael summoned a wave of flames to counter the blood magic, while Mickey encased them both in a

protective dome of ice. The battle raged on, each combatant pushing themselves to the limit as they

sought to gain the upper hand.

The emperor state is a technique where a magic user tabs into their limit. If it is a success, you gain an

immense power to vanquish your opponent but Mickey and Kael don't know combat. This technique is effective if you are being backed up, for it uses all of your mana in the process and it doesn't last long.

Kael's flames were beginning to burn out and Mickey's ice armour was starting to crack.

The battle had reached its climax, Kael and Mickey combined their powers in a dazzling display of

teamwork. Kael created a blazing inferno that engulfed Ammit, while Mickey encased the flames in a dome of ice, trapping their opponent in a prison of fire and frost. Ammit struggled against the combined

might of their magic, but she was unable to break free.

Realizing that the battle had reached an impasse, Kael and Mickey slowly lowered their defenses. Ammit, her eyes smouldering with rage, glared at them and whispered the word, "Devour."

Ammit activated a technique that is unknown to man, "Devour". Her body would devour itself, granting her immense power to rampage in exchange for her own life. Ammit the Soul Eater made the last gamble of her life.

Demons are a race of vengeance and for them, a battle is not over until you defeat and annihilate your

opponent or die with them.

Without hesitation, Kael and Mickey launched themselves at Ammit, their powers colliding in a fierce battle of magic. The air crackled with energy as flames and ice clashed with blood magic, creating a dazzling display of light and sound that echoed through the ruined city.

Ammit fought with a ferocity born of desperation, her dark magic lashing out in all directions. Kael and

Mickey struggled to keep up with her relentless assault, their own powers pushed to the limit as they

sought to overpower their formidable opponent.

In a moment of distraction, Mickey found herself momentarily vulnerable, and a surge of blood magic

struck her with deadly accuracy. She staggered back, a look of shock crossing her face as she realized the severity of her wound. Kael's heart clenched in fear as he saw his love fall, her body crumbling to the ground.

The flames in his eyes went out, and despair covered his face as he digested Mickey's last words, "Kael, I don't want to die."