An Unwelcome Encounter

"Oh my God, this witch is here too!" Zain exclaimed.

Haris responded, "Recognize her?"

"Yes, yes, I've recognized this witch. Who else could it be? Ayesha,"

Zain replied in a frustrated tone

"What is she doing here?" Zain asked

Haris shrugged, "Hey man, she must have come to see you. Why else would she come here?"

A bit angry, Zain retorted, "Why would she come to see me? I wouldn't say I like seeing her face, and she doesn't like seeing mine either.

I'll go and tell her to ask her father to put her at some other university.

Her dad is the education minister, right? As far as I know, they have three universities.

So, out of all three, she found only this place to come to and cause trouble for us?

Haris sighed. "Man, this isn't your university yet; it's your dad's. 

I heard that she got admitted here on her merit.

I also heard she got good marks in the entrance exam, holding the seventh position."

Zain rolled his eyes and said, "I don't care about her position. I'll get her out of here right now."

Haris grabbed Zain's arm and said, "Hey, what are you doing? You have to give a speech in 40 minutes. 

After the guest of honor's speech, it'll be your turn. Hurry up."

"Which guest of honor?" Zain asked, narrowing his eyes.

"Who else could it be? Your dad!" Haris replied.

Zain let out a frustrated groan. "He kicked me out of the house, saying I was late, and sent me to the university.

He hasn't even reached here yet.

This guest thing isn't going to start anytime soon. Let me get rid of her first.

We'll refund her all of her dues if needed. I can't tolerate her here."

Haris responded, "Dude, I know you've had a crush on her for the last three and a half years.

That crush hasn't gone away yet. I know everything.

Just focus on your speech preparation, or else your dad will humiliate both of us.

He specifically asked me to make sure you were ready for the speech, and you haven't done that yet."

Zain sighed, "Alright, I'll prepare the speech. Dad has given me another headache, and I need to get rid of it by preparing the speech."

Haris nodded, "Yes, you have to prepare the speech.

It's the only way to get rid of this mess.

Then we can also deal with this crush situation of yours."

Zain, slightly embarrassed, said, "She's not my crush; you're mistaken."

Haris, waving both hands dismissively, said, "Alright, alright, hurry up and go prepare!"

"What am I hearing? This girl, Zain, has a crush on her.

The idol of girls worldwide, the one who is the prince of their hearts, is smitten with some other girl? 

If this news gets out, there will be chaos among the girls. 

Let's leave that aside for now and see who this girl is who has stolen our prince's heart

Is she worthy of being called a princess? Let's take a closer look.

It seems to be a familiar face.

Hmmmm oh,

Yes, yes, it's Ayesha.

It seems I know her, so let me tell you a little about her.

Her full name is Ayesha Afzal. She is 20 years old.

She has black eyes and black hair and stands at 5 feet, 5 inches.

and her open hair reflects her open-minded personality.

Her face is smooth and radiant, with a soft complexion, large, expressive eyes, and pink lips. 

She has a slender, graceful, athletic build and looks delicate, tall, and beautiful.

It seems she has the qualities worthy of capturing our prince's heart

Oh, I forgot; she already has.

Let me tell you more about her. She is the second daughter of

Pakistan's Education Minister, Afzal Nawaz.

She has an older brother. She has a very lovely and sympathetic personality, is very kind-hearted, and excels in her studies. 

Her entrance exam rank was seventh, which shows she is quite intelligent

She holds a black belt in kung fu and is one of the best tennis players in Lahore, capable of competing with professionals. 

She has won the inter-college tennis championship. She loves cats, and they adore her in return.

Let me tell you some things she dislikes, including dogs, lies, and, interestingly, our dear Zain.

She has no idea that Zain has had a crush on her for the past three and a half years.

Uff, what a complicated story this is.

But Zain doesn't like her at all on the outside.

Only God knows how this relationship will unfold.

whether they will become a couple or not, and whether Zain will win her love or not

And I'm sure you all are wondering how Zain could have a crush on this girl despite all this tension. 

Well, I know the whole story because I've seen it all.

But I won't tell it to you now. 

You'll have to see for yourselves as the story unfolds.

Until then

let's see how Zain delivers his speech.

In the auditorium, everyone was waiting.

This always happens at every educational institution.

The guest of honor, who is supposed to inaugurate the function, is always late. 

Especially when it's your father. You can't even complain about it.

Zain stood on stage, visibly agitated, muttering under his breath.

"Dad, come on, what are you doing? You were supposed to be here in ten minutes.

It's been forty minutes now. It's time for my speech."

As Zain grumbled, the host announced from the stage,

"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome our guest of honor, the founder of the University of Pakistan,

Mr. Muhammad Ashraf. Everyone, please stand up for his arrival."

Everyone, please stand up for his arrival."

Zain's father arrives, is presented with a bouquet of flowers, poses for pictures with people, and then takes a seat in the VIP row of the auditorium.

From the side of the stage, Zain peeks out and sees his father. When their eyes meet, his father starts laughing.

Zain, frustrated, pulls the curtain back and retreats backstage.

Then the host announces, "I invite our guest of honor, Mr. Muhammad Ashraf, to initiate the orientation for the newly admitted students and say a few words."

Mr. Muhammad Ashraf comes on stage and begins his speech.

starting with, "In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful."

He continues, "Children, this is a new year and a new beginning in your life.

It's a new chapter in the book of your life, and how you write it—whether good or bad—is up to you.

I hope and pray that your university life goes well.

As for our university administration and staff, I know they will guide you well. 

When you graduate from this university in four years and become an excellent citizen of Pakistan, benefiting this nation and the world,

it will be a proud moment for me and everyone else.

For now, enjoy your orientation.

I have heard that the administration has prepared excellent skits, performances, dances, and singing shows for you. 

Now, please excuse me, as I have other duties to attend to. Thank you very much."

He steps down from the stage and glances backstage, winking to see if Zain is watching, but Zain isn't there. Smiling, he leaves.

The host then says, "You have heard the inspiring words of our guest of honor.

I hope his words have motivated you for your university life.

for all the good and bad experiences, and for your future.

Now, we request our entrance exam topper,

Mr. Muhammad Zain Ali, to come on stage and represent the students."