Banter and Insight

Nauman said to Rizwan that those people called girls "creatures," and honestly,

it's true because we can never tell what they are thinking or planning.

They say one thing and do another. What they like is unpredictable; for example, they might like roses one second and sunflowers the next.

Man, it's impossible to figure them out.

Cutting Nauman's talk, Rabeet said, "Hey, understanding them is not that hard.

If you pay attention to what they say, listen carefully, and try to understand them,

it's not that difficult. They're humans, just like us. You've made them out to be aliens from another planet, which isn't right at all."

At this, all four of them gave Rabeet a very sarcastic, strange look.

Feeling their gaze, Rabeet asked, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Zain replied, "Nothing; we're just looking at a girls' fanboy who can't think of anything but girls

I'm amazed that the poet, whose beloved has been upset with him forever, hasn't managed to win her back yet.

And who is this beloved of his?

With a face like the moon, long, dark hair like night and eyes shining like stars?

They made her into an ideal that never even appears in reality.

Because of this idealized image, he can't find anyone, not even someone average

These poets and so-called romantics don't get anything.

They just keep praising and trying to understand girls. A total waste of time.

Rabeet replied, "Hey, don't say that. We're just trying to understand each other as human beings. We should at least do that much."

Rizwan then said, "Oh man, don't start lecturing us. We're sick of your constant girl talk.

You think about nothing but girls. We agree that some girls are nice.

But the ones we've encountered are just like what we're describing.

If they say they're going right, then they tell us to go right and later end up going left. You can never tell what they're actually saying.

Ugh, let's just drop the subject."

Alright, while they get caught up in their discussions about girls and idealized moon-faced beloveds,

Let me introduce you to some fascinating people: Rizwan and Nauman

They are the fourth and fifth members of our group.

These two are the grandsons of the owner of the oldest and largest hospital chain in Pakistan.

Their grandfather, Muhammad Ali, was a doctor.

Back in 1930, before the India-Pakistan partition,. He had a great passion for helping humanity and provided significant services during the partition.

He offered his hospital, which was the largest in the western subcontinent of India at the time, for free to Muslim migrants from India.

He provided the best possible facilities available during that time, and his services are still remembered by the Pakistani nation.

Now about them:

Rizwan's full name is Rizwan Ali, and Nauman's full name is Nauman.

They are cousins.

Rizwan's father is Muhammad Arham, the elder son of Muhammad Ali.

Nauman's father is Sher Muhammad, the younger son of Muhammad Ali.

After Muhammad Ali's death in 2004, both Muhammad Arham and Shair Muhammad took over the management of the hospital chains, medical facilities, and everything else.

Although Rizwan and Nauman come from a medical background,

They had no interest in becoming doctors since childhood. Instead,

They were passionate about engineering and fascinated by how trains, vehicles, airplanes, and any mechanical things work.

Now talk about how they look and about their likes and dislikes

Standing at 5 feet, 7 inches,

Rizwan Ali has dark brown eyes and black hair,

He likes long hair and often ties it in a ponytail-like manner.

His body is lean and well defined, but not muscular.

His striking eyes, defined jawline, and lovely grin define his attractive face.

Rizwan enjoys exploring new locations and traveling, gathering souvenirs from each stop to cherish as memories.

A passionate foodie, he enjoys eating various cuisines and

In contrast to outdoor sports, he is a big video game fan.

He is well-known on social media for his culinary and travel exploits.

Nauman is slightly taller than Rizwan. with a height of 5 feet, 7.5 inches,

He has a nice face with a prominent jawline, large dark brown eyes, and a well-defined, muscular body.

But he likes to wear his hair short.

Nauman is a hockey enthusiast who follows sports with great passion.

He also has a strong interest in racing, whether it be cars or bikes.

He is well-known in the racing community thanks to his love of racing and his athletic build.

Rizwan and Nauman are youthful, passionate, attractive, and well-known in their own right.

similar to the last three members.

Though the others might be well-known for their romantic or artistic pursuits,

Their daring, athletic, and technical interests make Rizwan and Nauman stand out.

Their varied interests and pastimes contribute distinctive personalities to the group dynamic as a whole.

That's all for them; let's see whether they have concluded there girl's topic or not.

Zain says, "Yeah, man, forget talking about girls. We haven't met in so long,

we should go out somewhere and have some fun

Rizwan responds, "Hey, hold off on the party talk; we still have one person missing."

Nauman adds, "Yeah, the group isn't complete yet. Let's wait for everyone to get here, then we'll sit down and decide where to go."

Haris chimes in, "The guy you're waiting for wakes up at 12 PM, and even then, it's uncertain when he'll actually show up."

Zain says, "No worries; let's wait a bit longer. I've heard that gangsters are very strict about their rules."

Nauman jokes, "Looks like he's definitely set a rule for himself to wake up at 12 and be late for everything. And he's strictly following this rule."

Rabeet suggests, "Someone should just call him. Maybe he's on his way, getting ready, or he might already be up since it's 1 PM now

Zain pulls out his phone and dials the number. The phone rings, and then a voice answers, "Hello?"

Zain says, "Hey, where are you? We're all here waiting for you."

The voice on the other end replies, "You guys are waiting for me?"

Zain responds, "Yeah, man, we're all standing here waiting for you. You're the only one left; everyone's here, and we'll decide where to go.

Because of you, we're getting late, and this always happens.

We had so many plans to have fun in college, but they never happened because you were always late.

Please, for God's sake, let us fulfill our university life plans this time, so be punctual."

The voice replies, "Just give me half an hour.

One of your plans will be to witness my grand entrance.

I'll fulfill this wish of yours right now.

Zain responds, "Alright, alright, hurry up," and sarcastically adds, "We'll see your grand entrance."

Rizwan asked, "What's he saying?"

Zain responds, "He's saying he needs another half-hour,

He's going to fulfill one of our wishes. And just guess which one?

Rizwan asks, "Which one?"

Zain answers, "To see his grand entry."

At this point, Haris says, "Oh, then be ready for the gangster's grand entry."

Everyone starts laughing.