Into the Unknown

They started heading towards Anarkali Bazaar.

With every step they took, they were getting closer to their destination.

They crossed the entrance gate and entered Anarkali Bazaar. 

An overwhelming and exhilarating scene greeted them.

Their eyes were met with an explosion of colors—every imaginable hue of clothing hanging in front of shops, vibrant carpets spread out in brilliant colors.

The narrow alleys twisted and turned, creating a maze.

The architecture spoke of historical tales,

while the hustle and bustle of the market created a unique melody. 

Shopkeepers calling out to customers, clanging hammers from metalworkers,

And the constant honking of rickshaws combined to present a remarkable auditory scene.

The market was very narrow—so narrow that if three people stood together, the path would be blocked.

The bazaar felt like a different world altogether.

The people there were so absorbed in their activities that they didn't care about anything else.

They were pushing each other, colliding with one another,

yet no one seemed to care. Everyone was lost in their world.

The air was filled with captivating, enchanting scents, making the market a place that stimulated all senses.

The market felt like a treasure trove, and as they stepped into Anarkali, they were immediately immersed in a profound experience.

They were very surprised to see the market. They kept walking, circling the same spot, looking at every corner of the market.

Then Zain said, "Man, this is Anarkali Bazaar. It feels like a whole different world."

Rizwan responded, "Yeah, it feels like we've entered another world."

At that moment, a man bumped into them and said, "Hey kid, this isn't your father's place. Move aside and walk."

Akif angrily replied, "Do you know who you're talking to?"

But Haris stopped Akif and said, "Man, it's a crowded place. We don't want to cause any trouble. Let's move on."

They continued walking, looking at every stall and shop. They passed through narrow alleys, feeling a strange sensation they couldn't describe.

Suddenly, a chaotic crowd rushed towards them, screaming as if something was chasing them.

It turned out that a cylinder had exploded at a samosa shop, engulfing it in flames.

In the chaos, the six friends got separated and lost from each other.

The commotion lasted for almost an hour.

After an hour, Haris, Rizwan, Noman, Rabeet, and Akif managed to find each other,

But Zain was nowhere to be found. Worried, Akif called some bodyguards from home to search for Zain in Anarkali Bazaar. 

The guards arrived within ten minutes and started searching everywhere for Zain.

The entire market was cleared, shops were closed, and the search for Zain began. 

On the other side, At the time of chaos, Zain experienced something extraordinary.

Amid the chaos, a familiar voice called out to him, luring him into a narrow alley.

As he came to his senses, The bustling noise suddenly turned into silence.

He found himself in a deserted alley surrounded by tall buildings.

Looking up, he saw light above and darkness ahead, resembling twilight.

The ground under Zain's feet was elevated, filled with trash, and the air carried the complete essence of the old alley as if the street hadn't been disturbed since the 10th century.

The silence was so deep that Zain could hear the echo of his footsteps, creating a stark contrast to the chaotic sounds of the market.

As he walked further into the alley, 

He called out for his friends, shouting their names—Haris, Rizwan, Akif, Noman, and Rabeet.

He continued walking until he came across an open shop, the only one in the alley. 

Curious and a bit scared, He noticed a faint light coming from the slightly open door of the shop.

A warm, golden light spilling out. 

The name of the shop was not readable due to the dirt and dust,

Listening to curiosity he went inside.

The inside was brightly lit, The shop was filled with various things—old books, jewelry, and other items.

Separated by sections with titles like books, jewelry, clothing, then his eyes got caught on the title Video games.

He saw video games with many strange and unique names he'd never seen before.

One game caught his eye—a golden box with "I AM YOU" written on it.

Intrigued, he picked up the box, which had no instructions or details about the game.

As he was examining it, he heard footsteps approaching from a door next to a shelf.

Zain scared moved to a corner, as the footsteps stopped, Zain saw an old man.

His appearance puzzled and somewhat scared him.

The old man came out from the back room, creating a mysterious and spooky atmosphere. 

He was of medium height, but his bent posture made him seem shorter.

His skin was entirely weathered,

With smooth and somewhat see-through skin almost shining in the dim light. 

He wore round glasses with a wire frame that balanced on the bridge of his nose,

wobbling as he looked around the market. His sharp, deeply set eyes seemed to look as if diving into Zain's thoughts and reading his intentions. 

The old man's face was wrinkled with deep lines, with additional lines around his forehead and eyes,

indicating a life filled with experiences of unknown significance. 

He wore a faded shirt in old-fashioned colors and slightly worn-out pants.

When he came out from the back room, his movements were slow but purposeful.

The faint creaking of his old leather shoes, which had worn down almost to the soles, added to the already spooky sight he presented.

He asked Zain in a stern voice, "What are you doing here, kid?"

Zain nervously replied that he was just passing by and saw the shop

The man stared at him for a while, then looked at the game in Zain's hand, smiled,

And asked if he liked the game.

Zain said he found it interesting and was considering buying it. The man said he could pay whatever he wanted.

When Zain insisted on knowing the price, the man asked for 500.

Zain handed him a 5000 note, explaining he didn't have any change. 

The man quietly pocketed the money and, in an angry voice, told Zain to leave the shop immediately. 

As soon as Zain stepped out of the old man's shop, he felt as though something sinister was watching him.

A sensation gripped his bones, causing them to tremble.

When Zain glanced back, expecting to see the old man, he was met with a chilling sight instead.

Standing there in place of the old man was a figure draped in black robes,

And as Zain focused on the figure, it responded with a devilish grin. It began to laugh, a menacing, guttural sound that echoed through the alleyway.

Terrified, Zain turned and began to run, his heart pounding in his chest. He could feel the presence of the figure behind him,

Its laughter grew louder and more menacing with each step he took. Desperate to escape,

Zain pushed himself to run faster, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he raced through the narrow streets.

Despite his fear, Zain couldn't shake the feeling that he was being pursued by something otherworldly, something not of this realm

Zain kept running, as he saw a dim light in the distance.

As he reached the light, he found himself back at the same spot in Anarkali Bazaar where he had disappeared.

Zain in a feared state, looks around, searching for the sinister figure.

Suddenly, he felt a firm hand grasp his shoulder, causing him to jump in surprise.

Turning around, Zain was confronted by a group of guards

Guard: "We finally found you S


Zain: (breathless) "Why you were looking for me?."

Guard: (exchanging concerned glances) "Sir, After the chaos, you were nowhere to be found, we have been looking for you for the past two hours"

Zain: (confused) "Nowhere to be found, I was in that alley, buying a video ga….."

Before Zain could finish his sentence, he felt a wave of dizziness wash over him, his vision blurring at the edges.

The guards exchanged worried looks as Zain stumbled, his legs giving way beneath him.

Guard: "Easy there, Sir. Looks like he is tired."

The guards take Zain out of the bazaar, his head spinning with confusion and fear. As they were taking him out of the bazaar,

Zain couldn't shake the feeling that whatever had been following him was still out there, lurking in the shadows, waiting to strike again.

Outside, his friends and even his father were waiting anxiously.

As the guards brought Zain to his father, Zain began to regain his senses, standing before his father with a dazed expression.

His father, visibly agitated, immediately launched into a scolding.

Father: "Do you realize how much danger you were in? You disappeared!

I was so worried, and your mother was beside herself with worry.

If anything had happened to you..."

Zain: (struggling to find the right words) "I... I'm sorry, Baba. I don't know what happened.

I was just walking in the bazaar, and then... something was following me. I tried to run, but..."

Father: (sighing heavily) "I don't want to hear excuses, Zain.

You need to be more careful. This city can be a dangerous place. especially for young people like you"

Zain: (nodding earnestly) "I'm sorry, Baba. I'll be more careful, I swear."

Akif tried to defend Zain, But Zain's father said, "I'll deal with you later. You all have caused so much trouble.

I'll have to inform your parents about what you've done. Instead of studying, You are out here putting yourselves in danger

After this, Zain got into the car, closed the door, rolled down the window, waved goodbye to his friends, and the car drove away.