The Girl from UK

They picked up the cardboard box from Zain's car trunk and headed toward the classroom, laughing and chatting.

While walking towards the classroom, everyone was discussing how both Zain and Akif came so early.

Zain mentioned that he couldn't sleep after yesterday's incident last night; he couldn't sleep all night.

So he got up early in the morning. but Akif's situation seemed a bit unusual. 

Zain said, "Did any of you ask Akif why he came early today?" 

To this, Rizwan replied, "When we arrived, we were standing in the parking lot and talking. 

Then, we saw him heading towards the classroom and wondered why he came so early today. We were still discussing it when you came by.

So Zain said, 'Alright, let's see if he's in the classroom. We'll ask him why he came so early today.'"

As they talked, they entered the classroom.

As soon as they entered, the whole class became alert and started gathering around them and saying how happy they were to be in the same class as them.

Zain's first glance fell on Ayesha, and he noticed her glare towards the back.

When he looked back, He saw Akif standing there with someone.

Akif was standing in such a way that his face was visible, and the person was positioned so that only their back was visible, and it was not clear who she was.

They quietly escaped from the crowd gathering them and curiously approached them, and when they reached closer, 

Zain realized that the person was a girl and had a familiar face, revealing why Akif had arrived early that day.

So Zain was the first to recognize her. As soon as Zain looked at her, she looked back at him and, with great joy, hugged him.

Zain wrapped his arms around her warmly and asked how she was.

This scene didn't sit well with two people; one was the Akif, and the other was Ayesha. 

It was evident from Ayesha's face that she was very jealous of their embrace.

Akif was also feeling quite envious, This scene struck their friends as very amusing, and they started laughing, saying, 

"Zain, who is she? Won't you introduce us to her?"

Zain replied, "We have met a couple of times.

Once, I met her at my cousin's wedding. Another time, I met her at her uncle's wedding.

I also met her at a meeting; I was with my father, and she was with hers. 

Let me introduce you all. Her name is Fatima Ali, and she is the daughter of my father's business partner. 

Also standing over there, glaring at us, is her cousin. She is the daughter of her uncle."

Haris, a bit surprised, said, "Ayesha's cousin?"

Zain replied, "Yes, that's right, her cousin."

As soon as Zain introduces her, all his friends start looking at him in a teasing manner, saying,

"Zain, is there something going on between you two? Are you guys seeing each other?"

At this Question, Akif, standing nearby, seems bothered for no reason.

Zain replied, "No, No We're just friends, and she knows with whom I want to be involved, and she's already agreed to help with that."

Zain's response left Akif feeling immensely relieved. At first, he was on tenterhooks, but then suddenly some angel freed him from that hook.

Rizwan then asks mockingly, "Yeah, come on, won't you tell us who you want to be involved with?"

Zain responds, "It's a surprise. When the time comes, I'll let you guys know."

While they are lost in their banter, 

let us introduce you to the girl. Her full name is Fatima Ali.

She is 20 years old and has light brown eyes and dark blonde hair

She stands at five feet six inches tall and sports a short, messy hairstyle. 

In terms of facial features, she has a balanced complexion with a defined jawline, high cheekbones, and a well-proportioned nose. 

When it comes to her body, she has a healthy, balanced physique, clearly indicative of her athletic background.

Her mother, originally a famous fashion designer from the UK named Amelia Red,

She adopted the name Rubina Nawaz after marrying her father. 

Her father, Ali Nawaz, is a well-known textile manufacturer in Pakistan.

Her parents met during one of her father's trips to the UK. They fell in love and got married there.

Fatima was born in the UK, where she completed her schooling and grew up.

Later, due to her grandfather's insistence that she should experience Pakistani culture and lifestyle,

She moved to Pakistan for her university education.

As for her likes and dislikes, like Zain, she has a great fondness for cats and is a huge cat lover

Besides that, she is passionate about swimming and running. In her inter-college championships in the UK,

she excelled in the 800-meter race, the 1000-meter run, and swimming, securing the top positions.

Academically, she is quite proficient and shares a deep interest in fashion design, much like her mother.

Due to her passion for fashion design and her athletic capabilities, she is not only famous in her college but also throughout her city.

Many boys in her college are infatuated with her; even many boys propose to her but she rejects them all, saying

She is determined to focus on her career at the moment.

Despite being in the UK, she has no interest in any sort of relationship.

That is all about her. For now, We shall see many colors of her life as the story unfolds

Let's go and listen in to see what they're talking about.

It seems like Haris is asking Fatima about how she first encountered him.

She replied to him, saying, " I met him for the first time at his cousin's wedding."

Rizwan chimes in, " NO, NO

No short story; tell us the whole tale of how both of you met."

She replied, "Whole tale?"

Everyone except Akif said "yes" in an enthusiastic manner. 

OK, OK, First of all, I love white Rain lilies. I saw them at one wedding where someone was in charge of the arrangements.

(She gestured towards Zain with her eyes.)

I saw the stage adorned with black lilies and asked why they were there, given that White Rain lilies are not native to Pakistan. 

A waiter told me that they are Zain's favorite flowers, and they have grown abundantly at his home.

He is the groom's cousin and is in charge of the wedding arrangements.

He especially adorned these flowers here.

So my curiosity led me to seek out Zain and see who he is.

And why does he have a similar taste as me, and that's how their encounter happened?"

At this, Haris said in a humorous tone, "What a romantically destined encounter this is! Won't you guys agree with me?" 

As everyone vigorously nodded and said yes, yes, why not? 

But as they were discussing, Akif's mood here fluctuated, up and down.

Rabeet noticed the fluctuation in his mood and, with a slight smile,

He gently placed his hand on Akif's shoulder, signaling him to stay calm.

Then Rabeet said, "Alright, since Miss's introduction is done,

Let's start with the card distribution. It's been quite a while, and the class is about to start."

Zain said, "Oh yes, yes, it just slipped my mind." 

Then he said, "Fatima," and handing her the cards,

He added, "There's a party at my place tomorrow at 10 in the morning, and you must come."

She replied, "Yes, why not? I'll come. I've been wanting to see the White Rain Lily at your house for a long time.

Along with the party, I'll also explore the garden."

After that, Zain said, "Hand me the box of cards, and you guys talk to Fatima for a while. I'll distribute the cards to the class."

Saying this, he took out a card, handed it to Fatima again,

And said, "This is for your cousin. Tell her to come too. It won't look good

if she doesn't show up when everyone else is there." 

After saying this, he left and distributed the cards to the entire class. As soon as he finished distributing the cards and returned to them,

The professor entered the class.

As soon as the professor entered the class, all the students started going to their seats. 

Rabeet grabbed Akif's arm and took him to his seat. 

After that, the professor began to introduce himself.

The professor said, "My name is Professor Dr. Hashim Nazir. I have a PhD in mechanical engineering from the University of Washington.

And I will be your mechanical engineering professor, as my degree suggests.

I'll gradually tell you more about myself as we study this course together.

Now, let's start with introductions from all of you.

Everyone, please stand up one by one and tell us your name.

where you're from, what you like, and a bit about your family background or what your parents do."

The first student on the right side stood up and began introducing himself.

He said, "My name is Muhammad Usman, and I am from Karachi.

I love playing cricket, and my parents run a local transport service in Karachi."

After saying this, he sat down. The professor responded, "Very good; you introduced yourself with a lot of confidence.

Next student, please."

As everyone continued with their introductions,

Rabeet quietly asked Akif, "Hey, when Zain and Fatima were talking, you seemed quite restless and annoyed."

Akif replied, "It's nothing, just..." Akif struggled to find the words. 

Then Rabeet asked, "Do you like that girl?" 

Akif spontaneously shouted, "No!" 

The professor then addressed them in a strict yet humorous way.

"Mr. Rabeet and Mr. Akif, if you have something important to share, let us know. If not, please don't disrupt the class.

Especially since yesterday,

We couldn't conduct any classes because of the disturbance caused by you guys and the rest of your party.

So please, I request that you not ruin our day today as well.

Kindly introduce yourselves like everyone else, even though we know who you are. 

There is a certain formality we need to follow at the start of the class."

After the professor said this, both Rabeet and Akif apologized and sat back down.

And the introductory class resumed