The Mysterious Box

What did they see?

They saw two girls adorned in elegant white dresses, walking toward the party hall on the red carpet,

Their figures are accentuated by the soft fabric cascading around them.

Their radiant smiles seemed to illuminate the room as they made their way towards the party hall.

Zain: "Wow... she looks stunning in that white dress."

Akif: It looks like she has stepped out of a dream."

Both praise their girl in their head,

Fatima: ( giggling ) "Hey, Zain! Akif! Glad to see you both. Do you like my outfits?"

Zain: "Absolutely! You look like an angel tonight."

Fatima: "Thank you, Zain. You're too kind."

As Ayesha and Fatima approached, Zain and Akif exchanged a knowing glance, silently acknowledging their beauty and poise. 

It was a moment of pure enchantment, etched in their memories.

After complimenting their clothes and engaging in some light-hearted banter,

Fatima asked Zain, "So, where are white rain lilies? I want to see them." 

Zain responded, "No problem, come along and I'll show you." He then took Ayesha and Fatima to his white rainlily garden.

Before leaving, he said to Akif, " Akif, Can you handle the entrance please while I give them a little tour?"

Akif replied, " Okay "

Zain led them to the back lawn of his house where there was a bouquet, there were many kinds of colorful flowers on the lawn. 

Fatima was delighted when she saw the garden and began to touch and admire the flowers. 

She said to Ayesha, "Look how beautiful they are!"

Just then, a servant came and informed Zain that Haris needed him.

Zain told the servant to go ahead, saying he would follow shortly. 

Turning to Fatima, he said, "Both of you look around the garden; there are roses, sunflowers, and many other varieties. I'll be back in a moment."

After Zain left, Ayesha remarked, "Look at how nicely he is behaving" 

Fatima responded, "If he is nice, he will behave nicely too. Why do you always seem so annoyed with him?"

Ayesha replied, "I'm not annoyed with him. I just don't like him that much.

I don't want to go into too much detail about it." Saying this, she walked over to the rose plants and began to smell their fragrance.

Momentarily Zain came back and said, "Did you guys like the garden" 

His sudden voice startled Ayesha, who had a rose in her hand.

In her haste, she pricked her hand on a rose thorn, causing it to bleed. 

She exclaimed, "Ahh!"

Fatima asked, "What happened?"

Ayesha replied, "A rose thorn pricked me, and now my hand is bleeding"

Upon seeing the wound looks she was holding the roses quite firmly, so when she retreated suddenly it wounded her quite a bit.

Zain, clearly concerned, wanted to rush over and help her himself, but recognizing the situation, that everyone was here he didn't want to make a scene.

He asked Fatima to take Ayesha to his room so he could bandage her hand. "It wouldn't look good to do it here in front of everyone in the hall,"

He explained. "We do not need to make others worry for no reason It is just a minor cut."

Zain led them to his room, where he seated Ayesha on the couch and

Zain began searching for the first aid box. When he couldn't find it, 

He said to Fatima, "Press her hand with a cloth to stop the bleeding. I'll get the first aid box from the other room.

Press firmly to stop the bleeding."

Following Zain's instructions, Fatima pressed Ayesha's hand with a cloth, which stopped the bleeding.

She then tightly wrapped the same cloth around Ayesha's hand. 

Fatima said to Ayesha, "Look, he's being so nice, searching for the first aid box for you, and you think so badly of him."

Ayesha responded, "We'll only know in time what he's really like. Forget about that for now.

Since I'm already in his room, I might as well look around.

Maybe I'll find some hidden secrets here, and then I'll tell you all about him,

Not only will you listen to me, but you'll also believe that he's not what he appears to be."

Ayesha gets up from the couch and starts searching Zain's room. She opens his closet and looks through it, then checks his drawers.

Next, she moves towards the bed and looks underneath it.

There, she finds a golden box that Zain had been hiding.

When she pulls it out, Ayesha excitedly tells Fatima, "Look, I found something! Now let's open it and see what's inside

There must be something important since he hid it under the bed." 

Fatima responds, "You shouldn't go through someone's things like this."

Ayesha retorts, "Personal or not, if someone is doing something wrong, you should investigate and stop their bad actions."

Meanwhile, Zain was moving from one room to another, searching for the first aid box but couldn't find it. 

Akif saw Zain going from one room to another, he came to him and asked what was wrong. 

Zain explained that Ayesha had pricked her hand on a rose thorn and was bleeding, and he was looking for the first aid box

Akif said, "Tell the servants to find them, maybe they know where the first aid box is"

Zain replied, " Okay "

Zain went down to the hall and asked a servant to find the first aid box. 

During this time, Haris was standing with others chit-chatting and saw

Zain, he noticed that Zain was a bit worried and worked up his face and asked Rizwan,

" Rizwan look isn't Zain looking a bit worried and worked up" Then addressing everyone he said, "Look everyone isn't he?"

Everyone replied," Yes, yes he looks a bit pale and Akif is standing near him too "

Nauman said, "Let's go and see what is happening?"

They went to Zain and Akif and asked what had happened. Zain explained that Ayesha had pricked her hand on a rose thorn and he was looking for the first aid box.

Haris asked if the injury was serious. 

Zain replied, "It's not too serious, but it must be a deep cut because it was bleeding quite a bit."

Just then, the servant returned with the first aid box. Zain said, "I'll go upstairs and tend to her wound."

Haris suggested, "Let's all go up and check on her, just to see how bad the injury is." 

They all headed upstairs to the room. When they entered, they saw

Fatima and Ayesha standing near Zain's bed with a golden box.

As soon as Zain saw the golden game box in Ayesha's hand, he dropped the first aid box in surprise. With a hint of anger in his voice,

he asked, "What are you doing there?" 

Ayesha responded, "Showing your true colors. You're not what you appear to be."

Zain retorted, "If you had any questions, you could have asked me directly.

You have no right to snoop around my room and go through my things."

Fatima chimed in, "Ayesha, Zain is right. You shouldn't have done this." 

Haris tried to calm the situation, saying, "Zain Calm done. It is just a box"

As they were talking, the golden box began to glow, and a voice speaking in an unfamiliar language emerged from it.

Everyone looked at each other in confusion. 

Ayesha noticed that her blood, which had gotten on the box, was moving towards the letters "I AM YOU" engraved on it.

The blood was slowly filling the letters, and the glowing of the box slowly intensified too. 

The strange voice grew louder and more unsettling.

The language was strange but one can understand its way of speaking 

Frightened, Ayesha threw the box to the floor and shouted at Zain, "What is this? Are you practicing magic?" 

She turned to everyone else and said, "I told you, Zain isn't what he seems. Who knows what kind of secrets he's hiding in this room!"

Rabeet chimes in, " No, no it must be some kind of prank, nothing more"

Ayesha exclaimed, shouting "Just look at the box my blood is running towards the letter, is it just a prank? "

Nauman moved forward and saw the box, as she spoke, the letters on the game box continued to fill with blood, and the box glowed even brighter. 

The voice became louder and more repetitive. At this level, one can understand what it is saying,

the voice was of a man who was repetitively saying,

( Yar ruma eth osun tra garda verdis vintra ranka na maka,

osun tra kilgoth valori tena silka lifara.

Ir ruma eth verdin na ir kalna sir naktha sa tera that,) 

Everyone started taking what is it, questioning Zain,

Zain remained silent for a moment, then he shouted, " Silent everyone, Silent please"

Zain said to everyone, "Will you guys give me a chance to speak or will you just keep talking yourselves?

First of all, I don't know why this golden box is glowing and why these sounds are coming from it." 

The voice speaking in the background ( Yar ruma eth osun tra garda verdis vintra ranka na maka )

Ayesha then responded, "Zain, if you don't know what this box is, then what was it doing under your bed?" 

Zain replied, "Whether I know or not is none of your business." 

At this, Haris said, "Alright, if you don't want to answer her, then don't. But at least tell us what this thing is and where you got it from." 

Zain then recounted the whole incident, explaining how on that day when he disappeared in the crowd at Anarkali Bazaar,

he wandered into a spooky, deserted alley. He found a shop there and went inside. In the video game section,

he discovered this golden box with 'I AM YOU' written on it. As he picked up the box,

A man appeared from behind, and discussed money, and after Zain paid him

The man started laughing and angrily told him to run away. When Zain came out and looked back, he felt an eerie presence.

He saw a man in black clothes with a sinister smile who started laughing loudly.

Zain ran towards a light he saw and as he reached it,

He found himself back at the spot in the Anarkali Bazaar where he had disappeared, holding the video game box. 

Rabeet exclaimed, "And you're telling us this now?"

The voice speaking in the background ( osun tra kilgoth valori tena silka lifara )

Rizwan said, "Yeah, I remember you called me that night. I asked what happened and you told me."

Zain replied, "It was something so unbelievable that I thought you guys wouldn't believe me. And now look,this box has started glowing out of nowhere."

Nauman suggested, "I think it got activated by Ayesha's blood. 

The voice speaking in the background (Ir ruma eth verdin na ir kalna sir naktha sa tera thar,)

There might be some mechanism that triggers when blood touches it. That could be why it started glowing."

Zain agreed, "That might be true, but why is it glowing like this now? What does it mean?"

The voice speaking in the background (

As Zain approached the box, and sat down to see, the words that were being repeated from it suddenly stopped.

The box glowed so brightly that the entire room was illuminated, making it seem like the sun had risen in front of them.

The sounds ceased,

Everyone confused and in a state of fear, fearing what would happen next, was asking others whether they were fine or not 

then a voice, regal and commanding like that of a king giving orders to a soldier, was heard by Zain. 

Yar hanar ir, erla sa ris naktha sa kalka sir.

Then The voice stopped, abruptly, and darkness enveloped the room.

As if someone had covered the shining sun.

There was pitch-black darkness everywhere, like everything had ceased to exist.

It looked like everything was swallowed by nothingness.