Journey into Wonder: The Nymbrian Encounter

They all followed the flock of birds, passing through the dense forest.

Their minds were a mixture of fear and hope. As they went deeper into the forest,

the surroundings became increasingly magical and enchanting.

Neem trees and aloe vera plants were scattered everywhere. With each step, the forest grew denser.

During this time, Haris tripped over a tree branch and fell.

As the others turned to look at him, Rizwan also stumbled over a tree root and fell, which made everyone laugh.

Rizwan, annoyed, said, "Stop laughing and help me up. Who knows what kind of bugs are here? It's really weird."

Ayesha pointed at Zain and said, "You are his friends, so you deserve that.

It seems even nature here is blaming you for bringing these wild and terrifying people here."

Zain's face flushed with a bit of anger, but Fatima subtly signaled him with her eyes to stay calm.

Zain took a deep breath, kicked a nearby tree in frustration, and then walked ahead silently.

Seeing this, Ayesha said, "What's wrong with him? Why is he always so angry?"

Fatima replied, "Ever since you picked up that golden box, you've been blaming someone or the other for everything.

The mistake was yours. I don't want to get into this argument again. If you say another word, you'll regret it."

Ayesha retorted, "Why shouldn't I speak? I have a tongue, and I will use it."

Fatima responded, "Fine then. We'll leave you here and go our own way. You go your way, and we'll go ours."

Hearing this, Ayesha's face turned pale. In a quiet voice, she said, "Alright, do whatever you want. I'll stay behind and won't say anything."

Fatima replied, "Very good. This is the first sensible thing you've said. Otherwise...

since morning, you've only been speaking negative words."

After this, Nauman and Akif helped both of them up.

Haris remarked, "You guys always think about joking. We don't even know where we are, and we're following these birds.

We should've thought this through. These are birds, not humans.

If they had any sense, they would lead us to a clear place.

Instead, they're taking us deeper into the forest. Will this forest ever end?"

Rabeet reassured him, "We just have to keep following the birds. They'll lead us somewhere."

Fatima, looking at the birds, asked, "These birds are beautiful. Will they lead us to a safe place?"

Akif pointed to one of the birds and said, "These birds are leading us to a special place.

My gut is saying. Look at the light on their wings.

They are magical. Maybe they're taking us to some magical place."

As they continued talking and moving forward, the group matched their pace with Zain,

Haris approached Zain and said in a teasing tone, "Hey, buddy, she's your crush, don't get angry at her.

I don't like to see the scene where you propose to her and she rejects you due to your temper saying I didn't want to be a short-tempered guy's girlfriend."

In response, Zain said, "Whether she likes it or not, she needs to shut herself up.

If she doesn't keep quiet on her own, I'll have to shut his mouth.

You didn't hear she is badmouthing them because of me.

He replied, "When did we become so important to you ?"

Zain replied, "You all are important to me from the time we met.

If I had known she had such a fiery nature, I would not have had a crush on her.

I've only seen her pure-hearted and gentle nature. This is the first time I've seen this side of him."

Haris replied, "Once you like someone because of their nature or behavior whatever it is,

you begin to like their other aspect too.

Zain responded, "I'm not a crazy, mad lover like others. I was just fond of one aspect of her aspect that was her soft nature,

but it was years ago, now she seems to have changed a lot."

they noticed some light ahead in the dense forest, indicating it might be the route to their escape from this forest.

Zain shouted, " Everyone looks ahead, we might have a way out "

Seeing the light, they quickened their pace. When they reached the light,

they saw that the birds had brought them to an open area where neem trees and aloe vera plants were arranged in a large circle.

In the center of this place, they saw a strange humanoid species covered entirely in neem and aloe vera.

They observed that the bodies of this new species were smooth and somewhat translucent, like aloe vera, with colorful green light shining through them.

Their hair consisted of fine vine-like threads.

Their eyes shone like emeralds, and instead of hair, branches of trees stood on their heads.

They looked like walking trees, although beautiful, but they also evoked some fear in their hearts.

Seeing these strange tree-like beings, they took a step back in fear, hoping they hadn't been noticed yet.

Slowly, they began to retreat. But then, one of these beings saw them and approached.

Seeing the fear in their eyes, the being smiled and said, "Welcome, travelers."

From the pitch of the voice, it seemed to be a woman, her words and smile eased their fear a little, and they sighed in relief.

Zain asked, "Who are you?"

Rizwan interrupted, "Zain, ask what they are!"

Nauman added, "Yeah, yeah, ask what they are!"

Hearing this, the tree-like being laughed and replied, " My name is Lysandra and I am a Nymbrian.

Do not fear, I shall not harm you."

They had never heard or seen something like this before, and a part of their fear still lingered.

The being extended his hand, and from his hand, a green light shone and a plant emerged.

She then said, "Do not be afraid."

As they watched the movements of these mysterious beings and witnessed their magic,

They were captivated momentarily, filled with astonishment, worry, and fear.

However, seeing them use their magic sparked curiosity within them as well.

The curiosity suppressed their fear and anxiety, and they halted their retreat back into the jungle.

They stood there in silence, waiting for what was to come next.

Zain introduced everyone by name,

Lysandra smiled and said, "It's nice to meet you all. Can I ask why did you come here?"

Akif replied, "We're not sure how and why we got here. When we opened our eyes, we were in this forest."

Hearing this, Lysandra seemed surprised for a moment, then chuckled

And said, "You must be hungry, and judging by the state of your clothes, you probably need a bath too.

Let me take you to my village. I'll make sure you're taken care of." After saying this, she looked at each of them, observing their expressions.

Haris then nodded his head, and the others followed suit, indicating their agreement.

Zain said, "Lysandra, please guide us. We're following you."

With a nod and a smile, Lysandra began leading the way.

They followed her to the center of the open plain where there were tall trees with many houses built on them.

As they approached, As they reached the spot, another astonishing sight captivated their hearts.

Zain said, "From a distance, these trees didn't seem so large."

As they got closer, what had appeared to be ordinary trees from afar were enormous.

They were so tall that standing on top of them would provide a view of the entire forest.

Looking around, they noticed that the local tree-like beings were busy with various tasks.

Some were tending to plants, while others, dressed in warrior attire, were practicing their combat skills, appearing to be in a state of constant readiness.

It seemed like they were engaged in their daily routines and martial training.

They also saw that some of these beings were gathered in a large group around an ancient tree.

Their hands glowed with soft green light as they practiced magic, channeling energy from the earth to the plants and each other.

The atmosphere was calm and peaceful, filling the newcomers with a sense of comfort.

Curious children of this tree-like race began to gather around them, looking at them with wonder as if they had never seen humans before.

When Fatima smiled at them, the children approached her,

but when Ayesha tried to come closer, they got scared and hid behind Fatima, as if Ayesha seemed frightening to them.

At this, Rizwan chuckled and said, " Even these things know who the real danger is"

Ayesha seemed to reply to him at this comment of his but,

Fatima gave her a fierce gaze signaling her, " not to say a word"

seeing her gaze, she swallowed her words and made a fussy face.

while others enjoy themselves with the amazing things around them,

Rabeet, looking around the village, said, "This place is so beautiful. These people live in harmony with nature.

It's as if they are an extension of nature itself."

Haris, still in awe, asked, "Who are these people, and what are their powers? How are they able to do this?"

Hearing their questions, Lysandra smiled and explained, "We are the Nymbrians, guardians of nature.

Our powers are linked to plants. We can communicate with them,

Accelerate their growth, and maintain the health of the forest.

Each of us has a bond with the Viel birds, which deepens our connection to the forest."

Noman asked, "Viel birds? Do you mean that plant-like bird? You call it Viel birds?"

 Lysandra replied, "Yes, we call them Viel birds. Each of us has a special bond with a viel bird. We are like two bodies sharing one soul."

"So, you're saying that you guide us here from the forest?" Rizwan inquired.

Lysandra answered, "No, no, we didn't guide you here.

This is the time when all the Viel birds come to their companions to share what they have seen and felt during the day.

That's why they all were coming this way.

It seems you followed them, and that's how you ended up here."

Akif asked, entangled in the new words she said,

"What did you call yourself? sorry I forget "

Lysandra smiled, " We are called Nymbrians, Guardian of the verdant"

Nauman then asked, "You are the guardians of Verdant. so what is this Verdant whom you protect?"

Lysandra replied, "This entire forest is named Verdant, after our founder, the spirit of Earth.

We, the Nymbrians, are creatures created from the tears of the spirit of the earth, and we continue her legacy.

We are specialize in healing magic."

Lysandra explained, "Our village is called Evergreen Glade, and it lies at the very heart of the Verdant forest.

The Verdant forest is located on an island which is nearest to the Place of Eternal Gathering."

Hearing this,

They felt like they were in a boring math class; all the information was going over their heads.

While Lysandra was still talking, a group of about 20 Nymbrians approached from behind, armed

And led by a stern, fierce-looking Nymbrian.

 He marched forward, his presence commanding and intimidating. In a powerful and menacing voice,

he demanded, "What are these humans doing here?"