The Tears of Redemption

Lysandra's magic astonished everyone and the tension in the atmosphere suddenly vanished as the cotton-like particles fell on Akif's hand. 

Akif remarked, "Oh, this is just dandelion."

Everyone looked at Lysandra with questioning eyes. 

Lysandra explained, "This isn't some special magic. I just extended my hands, and a few flower petals fell from my hands.

It was just to grab your attention and stop you from fighting, nothing more."

Haris commented, "Oh, Lysandra, now you're joking with us too?"

Lysandra replied, "Think of it as a joke or a way to stop you from fighting, whatever you wish."

After this, Zain helped Akif up and said, "Come inside with me. You need to rest; you're getting worked up.

We don't want you to have a blood pressure issue."

Akif replied, "I won't have a blood pressure issue as long as she is not around."

Ayesha glanced at him slightly, and Akif glared back. 

But now, Zain grabbed Akif and pushed him away, saying, "Come on, man, before you create another problem."

Zain asked Lysandra, "Can you show me a room inside where Akif can rest?"

Lysandra nodded and gestured for him to follow. She led them inside to show where Akif could sit and rest. 

Meanwhile, Fatima took Ayesha and slowly walked behind the group.

Fatima stopped Ayesha and said, "Let them go inside first; we'll go in later."

Ayesha nodded in agreement. As the group was about to enter, 

Rabeet noticed Fatima and Ayesha standing behind them.

He called out loudly, "Aren't you coming inside?"

Fatima replied, "We'll be there in ten minutes."

Rabeet nodded and said, "Alright."

After that, Fatima told Ayesha to sit down.

They both dangled their feet and sat on the platform, where they had a clear view of the entire forest and the setting sun in the distance. 

Then Fatima spoke to Ayesha, "Ayesha, tell me honestly what's in your heart. 

We are already very worried here, and your actions are making us even more anxious. 

We can't think calmly about what we should do and where we should go."

Ayesha remained silent in response. Fatima continued, "You know if we can't get out of here, what will we do?

We don't know anyone here, and there are all sorts of strange people and creatures living here.

Not everyone we meet will be as kind-hearted as Lysandra. Look at her brother, Kaelon. 

He only let us go because he didn't know how we ended up in this forest.

He said he would talk to the chief and then decide our fate. 

If we can't explain how we got here, and if they don't believe us, what will we do?

What if they punish us imprison us or make us slaves? What will we do then?"

As she was saying this, Ayesha's face showed that her patience and strength were breaking. 

Fatima then said, "Despite everything that has happened, if you don't support us, then who will?"

At this, Ayesha burst into tears and said, "What do you all think? 

That I'm not scared? 

That I'm not worried?

Do you think I want to act this way?

I'm just trying to hide my fear and tears by pretending to be angry and reckless. 

I was scared the moment I saw that box in Zain's room with those strange things. 

I created a scene because I was terrified and when I woke up in this forest and saw the deserted surroundings, I can't describe how frightening it was.

It felt like something would attack me at any moment. 

Every time I tried to comfort myself and hide my fear, I acted that way."

She kept crying as she spoke. Fatima held her and rested her head on her shoulder, saying, "Cry as much as you need to. Let it all out."

Ayesha continued to cry for about ten to fifteen minutes. Afterward, 

Fatima said, "Alright, that's enough. You've cried enough to lighten your heart. Now, wipe your tears."

Ayesha wiped her tears, and Fatima said, "We need to trust each other here.

We can't afford to upset anyone or make false accusations. 

My advice is to apologize to them. Ayesha, you should apologize."

Ayesha replied, "Okay, I will apologize. I know it's all my fault from the beginning. I'll apologize."

Fatima said, "Once things calm down, we'll sit together and think calmly about what we should do and how we can get out of here. 

We might even get some help from the Nymbrians, maybe they know something."

Ayesha nodded in agreement.

After that, Ayesha and Fatima got up and went inside the tree house.

Inside, they saw a very beautiful tree house,

With items made of wood everywhere and silk threads woven into patterns that added to its beauty.

The tree house had small chairs and tables. The chairs weren't exactly chairs; they were more like stools used for sitting, while the larger tables were for placing items.

As they entered, it felt like they had become children again, like they were eight or nine years old, walking in a fantastic place with wooden items and small trinkets reminding them of their childhood.

They were marveling at everything when Nauman approached them, holding a glass-like vessel, and handed it to them.

Fatima called out, "Nauman, what is this?"

Nauman replied, "Lysandra gave it to me. She said if you drink it, any fatigue or tiredness you have will disappear."

Fatima repeated, "Disappear?"

Nauman said, "That's what she said. it is made up of some kind of herbs"

Both drank the liquid in the glass-like vessel. As soon as they drank it, they felt as if they had never been tired. 

They felt a surge of energy, enthusiasm, and passion as if they could climb mountains.

After drinking it, Fatima exclaimed, "Wow, what an energy drink!

We should have something like this. daily"

Ayesha responded, "Don't say every day; it should be occasional. You don't know how bad energy drinks are for health."

Fatima replied, "It doesn't matter. We'll deal with health effects when they come." 

Fatima was speaking a bit louder and more cheerfully, hoping to lighten the mood of those around them.

As Zain and Rizwan passed with the vessel in their hands, drinking it,

Rizwan asked, Fatima, "Why are you so excited? ignoring Ayesha,

Zain, who glanced at Ayesha, made a slightly angry face mixed with regret and disappointment and then walked away, he didn't even talk with Fatima.

Fatima called out loudly, "Zain!" 

He turned around, and she gestured for him to come over.

Zain approached and said, "Yes, what is it?"

Fatima said, "Did you drink this too?" 

Zain replied, "Yes, it is in my hand as you can see, signaling with his eyes " 

While talking to Fatima, he completely ignored Ayesha as if she wasn't there. 

Ayesha stood nearby, looking scared and timid, having already confessed her fears to Fatima.

Fatima said to Zain, "Can you come aside for a minute? I need to talk to you." 

Zain agreed, handed his glass to Rizwan, and asked him to give it to Lysandra. 

Rizwan agreed.

Fatima led Zain aside and said, "Ayesha has realized her mistakes, and I advised her to apologize to everyone.

If you could gather everyone, she would like to apologize."

Zain sighed and said, "Alright, she can apologize. But it depends on whether they forgive her or not."

Fatima said, "Tell them that Ayesha wants to apologize sincerely.

Hopefully, they will consider her feelings and forgive her. She is very scared."

Zain replied, "I'll try to bring them together, but everyone has their nature.

I don't know if they'll forgive her. She only needs to apologize to two people: Akif, and Rizwan, since they were directly affected."

Fatima added, "She argued with you too. Won't you forgive her?"

Zain said, "If she apologizes sincerely in front of everyone, I might forgive her. But right now, 

I am not in a position to accept any apologies. The fear and accusations I went through,

And the way she shattered my expectations, makes it difficult for me to forgive her at the moment."

Fatima replied, "Alright, just gather everyone. I'll handle the rest and ensure she apologizes sincerely."

Zain agreed, "Okay, I'll gather them."

Fatima approached Ayesha and said, "Zain has gone to gather everyone.

We'll try to resolve this as quickly as possible, and you must sincerely apologize to everyone. They will forgive you." 

Ayesha replied, "Alright, I will sincerely apologize. I know it's all my fault, and I'll try my best to make them forgive me."

Fatima nodded in agreement. 

A little while later, Zain returned with everyone and said to Fatima, "Here we are. Bring forward the one who wants to apologize." 

Among them, Zain looked the most disappointed, while Akif was the angriest.

Fatima pushed Ayesha forward.

Ayesha stepped forward and began to speak, "I deeply apologize to all of you from the bottom of my heart. 

Since the incident in Zain's room until now, I have been very scared. To hide my fear and avoid being told that it was my fault and that I was acting crazy,

I lashed out at you all. I deeply regret my actions and sincerely apologize."

As she said this, she started to cry and while crying she sat down on her knees on the floor.

Everyone was surprised to see this side of Ayesha, who moments before had been taunting everyone and causing trouble. 

Their eyes widened in disbelief.

Seeing Ayesha cry, Akif was the first to speak up, "Stop crying. We're already so stressed, and now you're adding to it." His tone was sarcastic. 

Ayesha, who was looking down, covering her face with her hands, looked up with a sincere, apologetic expression. 

Akif continued, "Alright, I forgive you. But remember, we are all scared too.

You need to control your fear and not trouble others."

Next, Ayesha turned to Rizwan and said, "I apologize for taunting you in the forest."

Rizwan replied, "It didn't bother me much. I'm used to such things. But you hurt Zain the most, and you should apologize to him."

Ayesha then looked at Zain with innocent and sorrowful eyes. 

Zain, putting his hands together, said, "Alright, I forgive you. Please stop giving me those sad looks. It pains me to see such faces."

Fatima helped Ayesha to her feet, and Ayesha seemed relieved.

She asked everyone, "Have you truly forgiven me?"

Zain signaled everyone to gather and collectively say, "We forgive you."

The six boys all roared, "We forgive you."

Ayesha felt as if a weight had been lifted from her.

It was like her soul, caught in a web of thorns and branches, had finally been freed by their forgiveness.