The Missing Earring

"Earring?" Lily narrowed her eyes and suddenly asked, "An emerald earring?"


Aunt Zhang nodded quickly, "Yes, it's an emerald earring. It was a birthday gift from Madam to the young lady. She said it was left by your grandmother, too valuable to wear often. Tonight was the first time she intended to wear it. When she went to change after spilling some wine on her dress, she found the earring box empty."


So it was from her grandmother. Lily finally understood why the earring at her feet felt so familiar. It was a family heirloom, part of a set with a bracelet that her grandmother had passed down.


On her deathbed, Lily's grandmother had instructed Ms. Mei, "Pass the bracelet to your daughter-in-law and keep the earrings for Lily."


Ms. Mei had said she would give them to Lily on her wedding day. Now, Ms. Mei had given the earrings to Zoya.


As Lily followed the maid downstairs, Zoya was visibly upset about the missing earring, with Layla gently comforting her. Seeing Lily, Layla immediately asked, "Have you seen the earring?"


Layla's voice had a slight edge, as if she was certain Lily had taken the earring.


Lily glanced nonchalantly at Nadia, meeting her guilty eyes before responding to Layla.


"The one left by grandmother?"


When Layla nodded, Lily gestured toward Nadia with her chin.


"Half an hour ago, you bumped into me in the restroom. Do you want to take it out yourself or should I help you?"


Nadia's face changed, and she exclaimed, "Miss Jane, what do you mean? Are you accusing me of stealing Zoya's earring?"


Nadia's sharp, agitated voice quickly drew attention. Royce, caught in the middle of the crowd, also noticed.


As people gathered around, Nadia desperately tried to prove her innocence by opening her bag and emptying its contents on the floor.


There was no earring.


"Miss Jane, I know I am not as high and mighty as you, but I have my pride. I wouldn't covet something that isn't mine, let alone steal it."


Nadia had a sweet, delicate appearance. Her pale purple evening gown, adorned with pearls, gave her a demure, girl-next-door charm. Now, with her eyes red and face pale, she looked even more vulnerable and pitiful.


Lily, a striking beauty with exquisite features and a tall, elegant figure, wore a stunning smoky purple gown. It contrasted sharply with Nadia's modest dress, emphasizing her glamorous and seductive allure.


To the onlookers, it seemed like Lily was bullying Nadia. Especially with Lily's disdainful and haughty expression, Nadia appeared even more pitiable.


In the midst of their standoff, Nadia pursed her lips and spoke again, "Do you want to search me?"


Humiliated but determined, Nadia was ready to risk everything. Zoya had told her this was the only way to break Lily and Royce apart.


With trembling fingers, Nadia started to pull her dress off one shoulder, exposing a swath of smooth, white skin.


At that moment, Royce intervened.


He removed his jacket and draped it over Nadia, pulling her protectively behind him. His handsome face was etched with anger as he glared at Lily.


"Lily, don't go too far!"


Lily stared at the hand holding Nadia's, her brows furrowed in disbelief.


"Too far? What did I do? I just stated a fact, and she overreacted by emptying her bag and undressing."


Lily pointed to the bag on the floor. "When I saw it, there was an earring inside. I'm not lying. The house has surveillance cameras."


They were at the restroom entrance when Nadia bumped into her. The surveillance might not show everything, but it would catch a bit of the scene.


Lily asked someone to check the surveillance footage. At that moment, Zoya stepped forward, saying the cameras were broken since yesterday and hadn't been repaired yet.


What a coincidence? Lily turned sharply to Zoya, her eyes scrutinizing her.


Zoya pretended not to notice Lily's questioning look, smiling gently.


"Lily, those earrings were a birthday gift from Mom."


"I know you've always liked them. From childhood, I've always let you have what you wanted. If you like the earrings, just take them. Don't wrong an innocent person."


Layla, who had started to suspect Nadia, remembered the earrings' origin and thought it more likely that Lily had taken them.


"Lily, those earrings suit your sister very well. I'll buy you another pair. Don't make a fuss. Give the earrings back to your sister and apologize to Nadia."


Lily's gaze swept over the crowd, finally landing on Royce and Nadia. Seeing Nadia's tear-filled eyes, she sneered.