Three Wishes  

Yet, for Royce's sake, she had already asked for a favor once. And now, she was shamelessly asking for a second favor.


There wouldn't be a next time.


She felt embarrassed herself.


The carriage was silent. In Lily's anticipation, Edmond slowly spoke.


"One last question, if Royce marries someone else, what will you do?"


Lily was stunned. Marry someone else? Nadia? Royce loved Nadia so much. If their wedding got canceled, Royce would definitely marry her, even if bringing Nadia into the Zhou family would be incredibly difficult.


If Royce married Nadia... "I would give up on him. Whatever happens to him in the future would have nothing to do with me."


Lily said, "If he gets married, it would be better. That way, the two of us can completely move on."


That was the truth.


She now hoped Nadia could fulfill her wish and marry Royce.


Royce's mother was snobbish, placing great importance on class and status. Even though she was the daughter of the Jian family, that noblewoman looked down on her, often mocking and making things difficult for her.


Her engagement to Royce wasn't due to their childhood betrothal; it was because of Edmond.


Nadia came from a humble background, and in Royce's mother's eyes, she was like an ant. If Nadia really married into the family, there would be endless conflicts between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, making the Zhou family a living hell.


Edmond gazed at her with misty eyes for a while, then said, "Just be sure you won't regret it."


This was his agreement to help.


Lily's tense body relaxed a bit, and she felt grateful. "Thank you, Uncle Edmond."


Edmond's dark eyes never left her. Just as she was about to get out of the car after expressing her thanks, he suddenly called her.




Lily was about to open the door but turned back at his voice.


Edmond said, "A favor to save my life can grant you three wishes. You've used two, and one remains."


Lily was stunned. "Huh?"


There was still one more wish? Was there really such a good thing? Didn't he find her annoying? She was already shameless enough to ask him twice for the life-saving favor, yet he was offering an extra wish.


While she was in a daze, Edmond had already opened the door and gotten out of the car. His deep voice floated back.


"Write down Assistant Pan's phone number. When you figure out what you want, call him."


Before closing the door, Edmond paused, seemingly nonchalantly adding, "For the third wish, you can ask for anything, no matter how excessive. Just ask, and I will agree."


Lily: "...Alright, thank you, Uncle Edmond."


By the time Lily came to her senses, Edmond was already gone from the car.


She hurriedly turned around, also ready to get out. Just as she touched the door handle, someone got into the driver's seat.


It was Octavian.


"Miss Jian, did you get my phone number?" Octavian turned sideways and spoke calmly.


Edmond's promise wasn't something everyone could get. Lily wasn't foolish; she wouldn't miss out on such a favor.




She took out her phone only to find it had shut down, out of battery. Octavian handed her a business card with his contact information.


Octavian offered to drive her back, but Lily quickly declined, "It's too much trouble."


"It's no trouble. Mr. Zhou's dinner isn't over yet. I'll be back in time after dropping you off."


Octavian buckled his seatbelt and smiled, "You didn't drive, and Mr. Zhou said it's unsafe for you to take a taxi alone at this hour, so he asked me to take you home."


Thinking that her phone was dead and she hadn't brought any cash, Lily no longer refused, "Please thank Uncle Edmond for me."


Who said Uncle Edmond of the Zhou family was cold, selfish, and unfeeling? Lies. He was quite nice.




Edmond returned to the clubhouse and went straight to the third floor.


The dinner had ended half an hour ago, and everyone had moved to a private room to play cards.


Alistair waved his hand with a card in it when Edmond entered.


Edmond walked over, and someone immediately gave up their seat for him. He took the cards, scanned the situation, and when it was his turn, drew a card and tossed it out.


Alistair leaned over.


"So, what did she say? Did the little princess insist on canceling the wedding?"


When Lily arrived, Alistair originally wanted to go down with Edmond, but he was stopped.


Edmond said the girl was coming to ask for help. She would be embarrassed if there were too many people around, so they should give her some face.


Thinking it over, Alistair agreed and didn't go. However, he was really shocked that Lily suddenly wanted to break off the engagement with Royce.


Lily and Royce had grown up together and had been betrothed since childhood.


Royce was twenty-five this year, and Lily had just turned twenty-four. They had been entangled for twenty-four years.


Twenty-four years. It was such a long time.


Long enough for Royce to change from a pure and innocent boy to a slick and sophisticated playboy.


Long enough for Lily to change from the beloved little princess of the Jian family to a pitiful girl unloved by her parents and despised by her childhood sweetheart.


The only thing that hadn't changed over time was Lily's love for Royce.


Lily had always insisted she would marry no one but Royce. Her sudden awakening now must mean something had happened.


Alistair knew today was Zoya's birthday. It wasn't that he had paid particular attention, but someone had mentioned it during dinner, saying that most of the young talents in Jiangyu City were at the Jian family tonight.


He thought Lily's mood tonight might have something to do with Zoya's birthday, so he asked a friend who had gone to the Jian family tonight to find out.


Sure enough, something had happened.


His friend sent him a video. After watching it, he, a grown man, felt suffocated for Lily.