Letting It Go

Aria stood up. "I'm going to confront her!"

Lily stopped her. "No need. Let her go this time."

Aria looked disapproving.

 "Let her go? No way. She's clearly trying to ruin your reputation! It's a good thing Edmond and Alistair managed to suppress this for now. Who knows what rumors would be spreading otherwise."

Talking about this made Aria praise Edmond.

"Alistair said that when he saw Nadia lying next to you, Edmond immediately told him to keep it quiet. He said that if word got out, you would definitely suffer."

Last night was Alistair's event, and everyone there had to show him respect, especially with Edmond's imposing presence.

If those two wanted to keep a secret, no one would dare leak a word.

Thank goodness they kept it under wraps, or there would be rumors everywhere now, accusing Lily of maliciously pushing Nadia.

Aria told Lily to rest and not to worry about anything.

"I'll go find Alistair and have him talk to Edmond about not letting Nadia off the hook."

She was about to leave when Lily grabbed her hand.

"I said let Nadia go, just for now. I've noted this down."

If Nadia dared to mess with her, she would definitely seek revenge.

But for now, compared to marrying Edmond, Nadia's issue was just a minor one.

Lily had acted bravely, summoning the courage to be coquettish with Edmond and hug his waist. She wouldn't have that kind of boldness again.

So, since the act was done, it couldn't go to waste.

She now had "memory confusion" and didn't remember Royce.

If she started fighting with Nadia now, it might expose her act.

That would make all this acting useless.

Aria thought it over and saw the sense in it.

She pulled the stool back and sat down again.

"So, what now? Before leaving, Alistair told me to ask you about what happened at the time."

Lily thought for a moment. "Just tell them I fell on my own. It has nothing to do with Nadia."

"Got it. I know what to say."

Aria nodded. "What about Nadia? She insists you pushed her and is spreading rumors. What should we do about that?"

Having just woken up not long ago, Lily was indeed tired from talking so much. She scooted down to lie back.

"Go to Nadia and threaten her."

… From the moment Lily also fell down the stairs, Nadia's plan went off course.

According to the script Zoya had given her, Nadia would fall down the stairs herself, and the proud peacock Lily would walk away disdainfully, seen by others as she left.

Then, someone would find Nadia, take her to the hospital, and she would frame Lily, hinting at attempted murder and hiring online trolls to create a scandal.

Zoya also planned to spread the video of Lily pushing them into the water during the birthday party. Zoya said that if the timing was right, Lily would become the target of public criticism.

At that point, Zoya would have a bargaining chip.

If Lily was willing to let her go and not make her apologize publicly, Zoya could stand up for Lily, claiming that she had accidentally fallen down the stairs and that her memory confusion had caused the misunderstanding.

But the plot took an unexpected turn. Lily also fell.

Even more unbelievable, before Zoya could pretend to have memory confusion, Lily genuinely did! What kind of twist was this?

Royce always thought Lily was faking it, but Nadia believed it to some extent because she couldn't imagine Lily daring to openly flirt with Edmond.

 Nadia was confused and unsure of what to do next.

As Royce stepped out, she reached for her phone to call Zoya for the next step.

Just as she was about to dial, Aria walked in.

"Lily said she slipped on her own, but I don't believe it. Nadia, this has to be your doing.

I didn't come to make you admit it.

 Ever since you and Royce got together, I've been trying to talk sense into Lily, but she didn't listen.

She was madly in love with Royce.

"Now she's forgotten him, so Nadia, let's just leave it at that. You don't need to apologize publicly anymore. You can live happily with Royce. Lily will stay out of your lives. Let's pretend today never happened. Both of you slipped on your own. Don't try anything else, or I'll tell Lily everything. She might remember Royce again, and I'll have Alistair tell Edmond to stop you from marrying into the Zhou family, ruining your dreams of a wealthy marriage!"

Lily wanted to keep the peace.

Aria relayed this to Alistair.

"Lily said she slipped on her own. Let's just leave it at that. She's finally forgotten Royce. If we stir things up with Nadia, she might remember that jerk again."

Alistair agreed.

After hanging up with Aria, he called Edmond.

"Looks like Lily is determined to sever ties with Royce."

Lily's acting was good, but Alistair and Edmond, seasoned veterans, saw through it.

Alistair had noticed a fleeting moment of deadness in Lily's eyes when Royce said he was disgusted.

That wasn't how you look at a stranger.