Limited Edition Sports Car

"Yes, Royce is my cousin, but I grew up with Lily. I know her well. It was Royce who wronged her."

Despite often calling Lily love-obsessed, he understood her.

 Royce had protected her for nearly twenty years.

 From her perspective, Royce's rejection seemed sudden and unjust.

 She believed he blamed her for his loss of inheritance, resenting her for saving Edmond and disrupting his chances.

 She thought she could eventually win him back, but it only led to heartbreak and wounds.

Franklin speculated about Edmond's call.

 Was he upset about Lily pestering him? Was he going to punish Franklin for helping her? As he pondered, Edmond spoke again.

"I have a sports car that suits you. It's yours. Be at the estate by seven tonight."

Before Franklin could respond, Edmond hung up, leaving him in disbelief.

 Why was Edmond being so generous? What was his plan? Regardless, a sports car from Edmond was a treasure he couldn't refuse.


After the call, Edmond instructed his driver to bring the new sports car from his apartment.

 Octavian, delivering documents, overheard the conversation.

"You like that car, why give it to Franklin?"

Franklin, the least ambitious of the Zhou family, seemed an odd recipient for such a gift.

 Edmond had his reasons.

 Franklin was close to Lily, and from now on, he needed him on his side.

 As Lily's elder, Edmond had to maintain a certain demeanor, but Franklin, as a peer, could freely support and defend her.

 He planned to use Franklin to clear Lily's name without openly showing his support, as it was too soon to do so publicly.

That evening, the Zhou family estate was bustling.

 News of Edmond handling Royce and Nadia's situation brought the local family members together, filling the living room.

 Franklin, in high spirits from Edmond's call, claimed a single sofa, ignoring his sister's protests.

She was left puzzled and annoyed.

Are you crazy? Uncle Edmond hasn't arrived yet, but Franklin is already sprawled on the sofa playing games while waiting for his sports car. He was in a good mood.


When he saw his cousin Royce entering with Nadia, his face changed instantly.


Damn! Why did his cousin bring this woman back? The Zhou family has already been in an uproar because of her, nearly becoming a joke in their social circle.


Is my cousin courting death? But then again, it's good he brought her back—tonight promises to be interesting! Franklin stopped playing his game, exited the game interface, and pulled out his phone camera, leaning back and crossing his legs as he aimed the lens at Nadia.


Ten seconds later.


Smack—a crisp slap resounded, and Nadia's left cheek was struck.


The one who hit her was Royce's mother, Malika.


"You slut! I haven't even come after you, and you dare to show up here yourself!"


Nadia had always known. In a complicated wealthy family like the Zhous, a commoner like her would inevitably be looked down upon.


But she held on to a sliver of hope.


She had known Malika for a long time.


Malika was very controlling over her son, wanting to manage everything, keeping everything in her grasp.


As Edmond's secretary, Nadia was naturally approached by Malika long ago.


She was Malika's spy.


Whenever Lily contacted or visited Royce, she would immediately report it to Malika, who would find an excuse to call Royce away.


So initially, when Royce frequently stood Lily up, it was because of Malika.


Later, when Malika noticed Nadia's feelings for Royce, she didn't stop her.


She even often invited her out for shopping and afternoon tea, subtly implying that she preferred her over Lily as her daughter-in-law.


With Zoya as the strategist and Malika as the accomplice, Nadia's relationship with Royce improved.


Nadia had always known that Malika didn't truly like her, only using her to break up Lily and Royce.


After Lily and Royce's engagement was called off, Malika began to discard her once she was no longer useful.


She wanted her to resign, offering her a sum of money to leave Royce.


All along, she had portrayed herself as 'obedient' and 'easy to control' in front of Malika.


When Malika asked her to leave, she naturally agreed, saying she would resign after the new year, but she was actually waiting for Edmond to fulfill his promise.


Tonight, returning home with Royce, she knew Malika would be angry, but with Malika's nature, she didn't expect her to act out in public.