Sending Her to Europe

First, the matter of gratitude.

 Although Lily's attachment to Edmond was due to a head injury, the situation had escalated significantly, especially after her week-long LED screen proposal before the New Year.

She now insisted on marrying Edmond, and if he didn't marry her, she would struggle to deal with the aftermath and become a laughingstock in Jiangyu City.

 Lily had saved his life; he couldn't ignore her without a guilty conscience.

 Second, the matter of interests.

 Given the current situation, Lily's future could go one of two ways.

If she remained mentally unstable, Edmond would never be able to marry or have a girlfriend, as her fragile state might lead to drastic actions.

If she suddenly regained her sanity, and Royce was already married, her previous obsession with Royce could lead her to harm herself.

In both scenarios, Lily's life would be in danger, placing her on a metaphorical pyre. Only Edmond could save her.

 If Edmond ignored her and she indeed met a tragic end, competing enterprises would use it against Jingxiu, potentially affecting its stock market performance. Marrying her would prevent these issues and earn him a good reputation, which is sometimes as valuable as financial gain in the business world.

Hence, marrying her was the most prudent choice.

 Regarding this, Royce interjected, "Uncle Edmond, you mentioned two possibilities. Either she remains unstable for life, or she recovers. If she recovers and finds out I'm married and she's married to you, wouldn't she go even more insane?"

 Edmond's dark eyes, devoid of emotion, fixed on him.

 "So, the best solution is for you to divorce and wait for her to recover. But you won't divorce and won't consider her, right?"

 Royce averted his gaze and remained silent.

 Edmond continued, "So, I need to marry her. I'll try to make her fall in love with me before she regains her sanity. That way, even if she recovers, she won't cling to you. Everyone wins. Do you agree?"

 Royce opened his mouth but couldn't utter a word.

 Indeed, if Lily genuinely fell in love with Uncle Edmond, she wouldn't cling to Royce even if she recovered. However, he couldn't accept Lily and Uncle Edmond becoming a couple. He just couldn't.

 While Royce remained silent, Franklin's mother, Nayla, nodded in agreement. "When you look at it this way, it does make sense for Edmond to marry Lily. She's actually a good girl."

 Given her son's good relationship with Lily, Nayla was glad Lily had found a suitable match and spoke up for her. However, as soon as she finished speaking, a sarcastic laugh followed.

 "Oh, Nayla, who would've thought? You usually keep quiet, but now you're flattering someone. Seems like we're not standing high enough."

 The speaker was the third daughter-in-law, Karina, subtly mocking Nayla for currying favor with Lily. Nayla glanced at her but said nothing.

 The old master, tired of the women's bickering, steered the conversation back on track, addressing Edmond, "Edmond, this isn't like you. If you really didn't want to marry, you could've resolved Lily's or Jingxiu's troubles another way without involving yourself."

 Edmond responded, "I'm thirty-two, nearly thirty-three in a few months. I'm old enough to get married."

 The old master replied, "But didn't you say you'd never marry?"

 For years, his biggest concern had been his youngest son's marriage. He arranged countless matchmaking sessions, but Edmond refused to attend, claiming he would never marry.

The old master believed he was being overbearing and told Edmond he could marry anyone he liked, without interference.

Yet, nothing happened year after year. He genuinely thought Edmond had resolved never to marry.

When Lily made a scene before the New Year, he didn't intervene, believing his son wouldn't marry her.

He tolerated her antics out of gratitude for saving Edmond's life, thinking his son was simply returning a favor.

 Now, Edmond was suddenly married to Lily, which shocked the old master. To him, Lily was unsuitable for his son.

She had been entangled with Royce for years and almost married him. Now, the uncle was marrying his nephew's former fiancée.

Wouldn't that be disgraceful? If this got out, Edmond would be ridiculed for picking up Royce's discarded woman.

 Despite the marriage certificate, the old master wanted to persuade Edmond one last time.

"Edmond, since the public isn't aware yet, quietly get a divorce. Let's pretend today didn't happen. I'll inform Lily's parents to take her away."

 After careful consideration, the old master proposed the most prudent solution. "If necessary, send her to Europe. I'll cover the expenses. Once she's gone, everything will be fine."

 Everyone in the living room looked at Edmond, and Royce lifted his head abruptly. Sending Lily abroad again... Edmond's icy gaze swept over the old master, his clenched fists teetering on the edge of fury.

 "What, afraid I'll disgrace you?" He wore a cold, cruel smile. "You weren't afraid back then, so why should I be?"

 The room fell silent instantly.