Who knows about diamonds?

Karina was so furious she could almost spit blood.

Menopause! Lily had repeatedly diagnosed her without hesitation! Karina shot Malika a venomous glare—why bring up age?

Franklin, standing to Lily's right, glanced at her profile with a faint flicker in his eyes. He was likely the only person present who understood why Lily kept attacking Karina with "menopause." She was avenging his mother, fighting fire with fire.

...The farce ended with a single statement from Karina.

"Lily, thank you for the reminder. I'll see a doctor when I have time."

Karina had been cowed by a look from her husband, but the flames of anger still simmered. So, during dinner, she started scheming again.

This time, however, she was more cunning and only praised Lily. Noticing that Nadia wore a large diamond while Lily's ring was simple and modest, she lavishly complimented Lily's ring.

Given the earlier events, even though Karina didn't mention Nadia, everyone's gaze naturally shifted to her. Nadia's ring was indeed more valuable.

Having changed into Leila's clothes and with no fear of clashing outfits, she felt a smug satisfaction. A ring symbolized a man's love, and hers was clearly better, implying greater happiness than Lily's.

Lily, however, didn't seem affected. When Karina praised her dress, she cheerfully pulled out a necklace from her neck, saying, "Oh, how did you know? My husband gave me this necklace."


How would I know? I didn't even see your necklace, let alone know your husband gave it to you!

Lily ignored Karina's bewildered look and held up the necklace for everyone to see. "He got this for me at an auction."

It was the heart-shaped pink diamond necklace Edmond had given her as a New Year's gift.

Lily made a point to show it off, asking loudly, "Who here knows about diamonds? Can someone appraise the quality of this pink diamond?"

She stopped near Nadia, her eyes flicking to Nadia's hand.

"My husband said it cost eight figures, but I don't believe it. How could it be that expensive? Eight figures! I wonder how many big diamonds that could buy."


Everyone else:"..."

Alright, we get it! Your husband is rich! No need to flaunt it!

Even the old man was speechless.

Karina, unable to predict Lily's tactics, finally fell silent.

Lily, however, didn't let up, bringing up menopause at least four more times during dinner, urging Karina to see a doctor.