Chapter 16: "Are They On A Date?!"

"Finally! it's weekend again." I sighed and sat down on the couch.

"I'm glad I won't see him today..." I mumbled to myself and took the remote beside me. I flipped the channel to find something to watch.

As I was flipping the channel, I came by a show where the female lead is leaning on the male lead's shoulder.

"This movie is so cliché—" I suddenly remembered how I fell asleep on Zen Liang's shoulder yesterday.

I stood up and quickly turned off the television before slamming the remote control on the couch.

"Jian! Are you trying to destroy the remote?!" My mom shouted from the kitchen.


I sat back down and sighed.

Jia sat beside me with her coffee, she took the remote and turned on the television.

"Jia..." I moved closer to her.

"What is it now?" She coldly replied, not taking her eyes off the television.

"Well, you see... I have a question." I lowered my voice.

"Why do you always come to me for advice?" She said before taking a sip on her cup.

"It's not for me!"

"Spill it."

"Uh... T-this friend of mine has a huge crush on someone for a long time. B-but sadly, he got a rival. And it seems like his crush likes his rival... So, he wanted to get close to his rival, and y'know maybe get into his good side in order to make him back down..." I hesitantly explained the situation.

"Continue." Jia stated while sipping on her cup.

"S-so... I think I— I mean my friend, is experiencing something strange whenever he's with that rival." I almost slipped.

"He felt nervous when he looks at him, i-it's like his face is somewhat burning! Especially when he's near." I continued with a confused face. I didn't noticed that my face is also turning red as I talk.

"D-do you think he's afraid of him? Or maybe he's getting bullied?!" Yeah! Maybe that's the reason! "A-again, I'm asking this for a friend." I avoided looking at her as I lied.

The look of disbelief on Jia's face is pretty visible. She then breaths out and put the cup of coffee she was holding on the table as she face me.

"I think he's an idiot." She emotionlessly answered.

"You're so harsh..." That hit me hard.

"I think I'm not in the position to tell 'YOUR FRIEND' what he feels. He needs to figure it out on his own." She put a huge emphasis on that word as a sign that she didn't believed my excuse at all.

"Haha. I guess he'll figure it o-out." Damn, why am I even bothered with this?

"Just don't think too much about it. It'll eventually come naturally." She added and turned her attention back to the television.

"I told you I was asking for a friend!"

"Yeah, right."

"It's fine! There's no class, I just need to enjoy my weekend!" I thought to myself and shifted my attention on the television.

My phone suddenly rang. It was Chet. I answered the call while slouching on the couch.

"What's up, man?" I greeted.

"Dude, let's watch a movie." Chet said from the other side of the line.

"Nah, I'm good." It's too hot outside. I don't want to go.

"Come on! I already bought tickets!"

"I don't want to. I just want to hang out at home right now. Besides, why don't you ask Luke?"

"He's busy right now that's why I'm asking you. Hehe."

This bastard...

"Wow. Such great friends." I sarcastically replied.

"You're too lazy. Everytime we ask you to hang out you don't want to go out of your house." Chet complained.

That's because I feel like a third wheel with you two! One is flirtatious, and the other is oblivious. They're helpless.

"I really can't—"

"My treat." he finally pulled out the card.

"I can't refuse. Hehe. I'll be there in a sec." As I heard the word 'My treat' I quickly stood up and fixed myself.

"You're so cheap."

"See you, man! Bye!" I ended the call.


I met Chet on the streets near a cafe. He's been playing on his phone when I got there.

"Dude!" I called him out as I walk towards him.

"Took you long enough." He put his phone on his pocket.

"Damn, it's burning out here." I complained while fanning myself with my hand.

"I know right. Oh! By the way, have you seen the new released skin of Dumpling in..." As Chet was talking, I caught a glimpse of Zen Liang on the corner.

"I-is that Zen Liang??" I rubbed my eyes to make sure I'm not imaging things.

I followed him with my eyes. He didn't noticed me since Chet is covering half of my face. He entered in the cafe nearby with a girl. When I looked closer I figured that the girl he was with is Miya.

"Why is he with her?!!" I thought to myself and squint my eyes.

"—it's pretty expensive though, but its additional skills are top tier!" I didn't noticed that Chet was still yapping, I didn't heard a thing of what he was saying for I was preoccupied with the thought that Zen Liang and my Miya are together on a weekend!

"Bro, are you alright—" Chet didn't finished what he wanted to say when I grabbed him with me inside the cafe where Zen Liang and Miya went in.

We sat on the corner, a bit far from Miya and Zen Liang.

"What are we doing here?" Chet asked in confusion.

"Shh... Be quiet!" I whispered, not taking my eyes off them.

Chet looked at the direction where I was looking.

"Oh, isn't that Mi—"

"Shh!" I covered his mouth with my hand before he gets their attention.

"Who is she with?" Chet whispered.

"It's Zen Liang." I whispered back.

"Damn... Are they really dating?"

"Ahh! I knew it! That sneaky bastard!"

Miya and Zen Liang were talking on the other table. I couldn't hear a thing because of the distance, but Miya is smiling brightly.

"You two would've make such cute couple." Chet tapped my shoulder. "I'm so sorry for you, bro."

"Argh!!" I clenched my fist and gritted my teeth while looking at them. "Zen Liang! I won't lose! No way!"

"You got this, man! Although...It seems like they're enjoying themselves."

"Seriously, man? Which side are you really in?" I glared at Chet

Zen Liang suddenly stood up from where he was sitting and is about to go somewhere. He turned around, it indicates that he's heading our way.

"Ah! Cover!" I quickly grabbed the menu on the table and covered it on my face.

"Oh!" Chet did the same thing.

Zen Liang passed by our table, it looks like he went out for a moment.

"Excuse me sir, you can't hang out here without ordering something." The waitress approached us with a forced smile.

"A-ah, right. Can we have a cold water please." Chet smiled.

"I'm calling the manager."

As Zen Liang left, I peek at Miya. The bright smile on her face faded. She looked upset.

"I bet that guy said something mean to her!"

"Hey, Jian! We need to go, the food here is expensive!" Chet whispered to me.

"I won't give Miya up so easily to him!" I thought to myself and abruptly stood up.

"Where you going?" Chet raised his head and looked at me.


"The driver will be here in a second." It was Zen Liang's voice from behind.

As I heard his voice, I sat back down quickly and covered my face with the menu.

He passed by our table and was startled. He eventually saw Chet's face.

I took the other menu and covered Chet's face, hoping he didn't noticed us at all.

After awhile, Zen Liang and Miya finally went out of the cafe. Chet and I followed them afterwards.

We hid behind a tree while peeking on them.

Zen Liang accompanied Miya while she's waiting for her chauffeur. The two didn't talk much. Miya is just looking down while Zen Liang looks indifferent.

"Did they argue about something?" I mumbled as I peek.

"Perhaps, a lovers' quarrel." Chet whispered back.

Moments later, a car arrived. It stopped right in front of them. The car looks like those rich people in movies use.

Before getting in, Miya smiled again at Zen Liang and bid him farewell.

"Oh, Luke's calling!" Chet picked up the call and turned around. I didn't noticed it as I was still hiding behind a tree, glaring at Zen Liang.

"Why are they together?!!"

"Are they really dating??"

"He even brought her to a cafe!!"

I was pretty pissed off seeing that they are going out.

As I was gritting my teeth on the corner, Zen Liang turned to our direction.

"Oh no!" I hid completely behind the tree so he wouldn't see me as he's walking his way to our direction.

"Jian!!" Chet shouted, I didn't knew he went a bit far and called me out.

"Shh!!" I tried to shut him up.

"Huh??" It seems like he had forgotten that we're hiding from Zen Liang.

"Shh! He's coming this way!" I made my voice as low as possible.

"Huh?! Who?" He obliviously asked.

I pointed my fingers from behind and mouthed. "Zen Liang!"


I actioned my hands to describe Zen Liang.

"Oh! I see, this is a charade!" Chet excitedly pointed. "Is it a person?"

I nodded as an answer as I kept my movements to describe him.


I nodded again.

"Angry? Oh, strict!"

I happily nodded as he is finally getting it.


I nodded while pointing my finger behind, on Zen Liang's direction.

"Ah! I get it!" Chet concluded. "It's Zen Liang!" He confidently answered.

"Yes!!" I happily exclaimed.

"Yay! Got it!"

As we were joyfully jumping, we didn't noticed Zen Liang beside us.

"Hey, he's here!" Chet cluelessly pointed at Zen Liang, who is now standing beside us.

"Yeah!" I subconsciously answered with a smile.

Hold on...

I turned my head to Zen Liang slowly.

"H-hi..." I awkwardly greeted.

He just stared at me.

"I'm screwed..."

Chet suddenly came between us. He smiled and shove two movie tickets on my hand.

"Damn! What a coincidence seeing you here, pres." He greeted Zen Liang. "Here, you two should watch a movie together."

"What?! Aren't we watching it?"

"Sorry, bro. Luke needs me." Chet whispered to me. "You can watch the movie with him instead. Besides, I already brought the tickets, it would be a waste."

"Huh?!!" I exclaimed but he just completely ignored me.

"Go! Win your man!" Chet ran away and waved.

"Win who?" I was genuinely confused of what he meant.

It was only Zen Liang and I who are left there standing. Along with an awkward silence between us.

"Crap... I guess I'll just go home. I don't think this guy likes movies."


"Run, my love. Save yourself!"

"No! I can't!"

How the hell did we end up like this? I never thought this guy would eventually go along with me.

We ended up going to the movies. He is now sitting beside me, focusing on the movie with a popcorn in between us.

"Is this suppose to be a horror movie? This ain't scary at all—"


I didn't finished what I'm mumbling when suddenly a jump scare came out.

I flinched in fear and unconsciously held on Zen Liang's shoulder.

I slowly turned my head to him. I found him staring at me. His eyes met mine. The strange feeling is there again. It's like an enchantment. Before I could even think of other things, I returned to my senses and let go of his shoulder.

I cleared my throat and said, "Well... Haha. T-this movie is a crap. I didn't even shiver."

He just looked at me in disbelief and turned his gaze back to the screen.

"I will always love you..."

"No... No! I can't accept this! We can still escape!"

"These idiots! Stop talking and start running!" I mumbled while chewing on the popcorn.


"Tsk! I told you! You could've runaway." I was kind of pissed off on the main lead of this film.

As I was devoted to watching that movie and complaining. I didn't saw Zen Liang glancing on me. He didn't cared about the movie at all. He just looked amused while looking at me. He then smirked a little. It was a genuine one.


"Did you like that movie? Damn, the main lead are pretty dumb. Seriously?" I whined as we were walking on the streets.

"How can I watch when you kept on talking."

"What? I was pretty quiet!" I wasn't. Everyone glared at me after the film. It looks like I disturbed them.

"Ugh... I'm hungry." My stomach rumbles.

I look around to see if there are any food chain. Luckily, I remember that there is a restaurant nearby that I used to go.

"Right! Let's go." I grabbed Zen Liang's wrist.


"No questions! Just come with me."

We arrived at a small curry house. There are only few people there.

"The store's location is a bit isolated that's why only few people know about this place. Some people are just unlucky, they haven't tasted how delicious the foods here. It's even better than those 5 stars restaurant." I exaggerated.

We sat down on the corner.

"My parents used to bring us here when we were kids. They have the best curry! Although, not to brag..." I proudly stated.

"My mother still cooks the most delicious curry." I leaned closer to him and whispered.

"You love curry?" Zen Liang asked.

"Of course! What's not to love?"

I raised my hand to call the woman's attention. She's the owner of the place, and she's running the place along with her husband.

"Auntie! I'll have two orders of Katsu curry please!"

"Alright! Honey, two Katsu curry for the two handsome boys over here!" The woman winked.

"Hehe...See? They have the best food here!" I said to Zen Liang.

"Marketing strategy." He nonchalantly replied.

"Seriously? Can't you take a little joke." I sighed, "Oh! Hold on, I have something to ask."

"Go ahead. It's not like I could duck tape your mouth."

"Haha. You're so nice to talk to, aren't you?" I sarcastically said as I clenched my fist.

"Uh..." I was hesitant to ask him about his status with Miya. "D-do you have someone right now?" I nervously asked.

I'm not quite sure what I wanted to hear or if I'm ready to hear it.

"Why are you asking?" He simply replied.

"Nothing. I-I just want to know."

"That's none of your business."

"Wait! Does that mean you're really dating someone??" I slammed the table.

"I didn't said anything like that." He expressionlessly responded.

This guy is so hard to crack!

After awhile, our order came. Auntie placed the dishes on our table.

"Thank you for the food!" I excitedly dug in.

As I was happily munching on my curry. Zen Liang was just staring at me like a specimen.

I raised my eyebrows at him. "What? Don't you like it?"

He cut his gaze upon me and ate his food.

"It's delicious, right?"

He just nodded and continued to eat. He seems to enjoy the Katsu curry.

As I was seeing him enjoying his food, I can't help but smile. It's nice to have someone you can share what you love with.


The sun is almost down when we finished.

After the meal, we walked our way to the near bus station.

"That was amazing!" I'm pretty much satisfied with my meal.


"Haha! Finally, we have something we can agree about." I chuckled.

He became quiet for a second.

"How do you know you're on a date?" He randomly asked.

I looked at him, "What do you mean? Have you never been on a date before?"

He's attractive, I'm sure a lot of girls had asked him out.

"It's only out of compliance." He answered.

What did he meant?

"Well... If you ask me, a date for me is going out with someone you like. Asking them out, watching movies, going to amusement park, or even having a simple dinner together. Basically it's just having fun and spending time together. And y'know, to know each other better." I confidently replied.

"Is that so..."

"Yeah, that's about it."

He stopped for a moment and looked at me.

"What?" I looked at him in confusion.

He placed his hand on my head.

"H-huh??" I have no idea what he's up to.

"Thank you for today, redhead." He thanked me as he pat my head.


That was the first time he actually looked real. The first time I felt like the gap between us had moved a little closer.

I have no idea what's going on my head. It felt like my whole being is being enchanted by him. It felt weird... Too weird that I can't seem to let go.