Torn fabric of reality

As the word "Boomerang!" escaped the Figure's lips, the blood discs suddenly changed their trajectory. George's eyes widened in shock as he realized the deadly projectiles were now hurtling back towards him with increased velocity.

In that split second, George's survival instincts kicked into overdrive. Without a moment's hesitation, he sprinted to his left, his vampiric speed propelling him across the ship's deck in a blur of motion.

The Figureremained motionless, his posture relaxed and confident. A cruel smile played across his lips, his phosphorescent red eyes tracking George's every move with predatory intensity.

The Figure's gaze gleamed with malevolent anticipation, clearly relishing the deadly game he had set in motion.

As George ran, he glanced over his shoulder, his heart sinking as he saw the blood discs pursuing him relentlessly.

They sliced through the air with a high-pitched whistle, their speed increasing with each passing second. The discs seemed to have a mind of their own, adjusting their course to match his evasive maneuvers.

"Damn it!" George growled, realizing that simply running wouldn't be enough. He needed to think fast, to find a way to outmaneuver these lethal projectiles.

With the blood discs closing in, George pushed his transformed body to its limits. His claws dug into the ground as he accelerated, leaving deep gouges in the ground. The wind whipped past him as he reached speeds that would have been impossible for any human.

But even as he ran, George's mind raced faster than his feet.

He knew he couldn't keep this up forever. Sooner or later, he'd have to face these blood discs head-on. As the whistling sound grew louder behind him, signaling the discs' approach, George steeled himself for his next move.

One of the blood discs suddenly accelerated, its speed increasing dramatically as it hurtled towards him.

With his heightened senses, George caught sight of the approaching danger just in time. He leaped upward, his powerful legs propelling him high into the air. The disc whooshed beneath him, missing him by mere inches.

But there was no time for relief. As George began to descend, he saw the disc curve in mid-air, changing direction to pursue him once more. His eyes widened as he realized the relentless nature of the Figure's attack.

Before his feet could touch the ground, the second blood disc came screaming towards him.

George attempted to jump again, his muscles tensing for another leap, but it was too late. Time seemed to slow as he realized his mistake – he had misjudged the disc's speed.

The blood disc made contact with his chest, and for a split second, there was silence.

Then, an otherworldly explosion erupted from the point of impact. The force was unlike anything George had ever experienced, far beyond what he thought possible. It felt as if the very fabric of reality had been torn apart at that spot.

The blast sent George flying backward at an impossible speed. With a deafening crash, George slammed into the buildings nearby.

Brick and mortar exploded around him as he smashed through walls, his invulnerable body carving a path of destruction. Finally, he came to rest in a pile of rubble, dazed and disoriented.

As the dust settled around him, George struggled to comprehend what had just happened. The power behind that attack was beyond anything he had imagined.

As he lay there, his body already beginning to heal from the impact, but very slow.

He quickly raised his head from the rubble, his senses still reeling from the impact, a new wave of panic washed over him.

The second blood disc was nowhere in sight. His eyes darted frantically in all directions, searching for the deadly projectile.

Suddenly, a sharp, piercing sound cut through the air behind him. George's enhanced hearing picked up the noise, and he whirled around, his movements sluggish from the previous impact. His eyes widened in horror as he saw the second disc, its edges gleaming with malevolent energy, mere inches from his face.

Before he could even think to react, the disc struck. With frightening force, it yanked George from the broken bricks and debris, pulling him as if he were tied to it. The world blurred around him as he was dragged at impossible speed.

In a heartbeat, George found himself slammed into the ground with earth-shattering force. The impact carved a massive ditch in the earth, sending tremors through the surrounding area. Dust and debris exploded outward from the point of impact, obscuring the night air.

The pain was overwhelming. Every nerve in George's body screamed in agony. He could feel his skull breaking and reforming, his flesh tearing and healing in a constant, agonizing cycle. The sheer power behind the attack was beyond anything he had ever experienced or imagined possible.

George struggled to open his eyes, but his vision was blurred and unfocused. All he could make out were indistinct shapes, shadows dancing at the edge of his perception. He tried to move, to stand, to fight back, but his body refused to respond.

As he lay there, barely clinging to consciousness, George realized the true extent of the power gap between himself and the Figure.

This wasn't just a fight; it was a brutal lesson in humility.

And as the world continued to spin around him, George wondered if he would survive long enough to learn from it.

As George lay in the crater, his body wracked with pain, the chilling voice of the Figure echoed around him.

"Is that all you've got, fledgling?" The Figure taunted, his tone dripping with disdain. "I expected more from someone who dared to challenge me."

George struggled to focus his vision, barely making out the Figure's shadowy form at the edge of the crater. "I'm... not done yet," he managed to growl through gritted teeth.

The Figure's laughter cut through the air like a knife. "Oh, but you are. Look at you, wallowing in the dirt like the weakling you are. It's almost pitiful."

With great effort, George tried to push himself up. "Why... why are you doing this?"

"Why?" The figure sneered. "Because creatures like you don't deserve the gift of immortality. You cling to your humanity, refusing to embrace your true nature. It's disgusting."

George finally managed to get to his knees, his body trembling with the effort, his vision gradually becoming clear. "And what... what are you going to do now?"

For a moment, thr figure seemed to consider. "You know, I was thinking of letting you go. A reminder of your inadequacy, walking the earth..." His voice then hardened. "But no. Weak creatures like you shouldn't be allowed to exist in our world."

George's eyes widened as he saw the figure raise his hand, a sphere of intensely glowing red blood formed, pulsating with malevolent energy.

"This is the end for you, fledgling. Consider it a mercy. Tell those in the afterlife that Mykong Nightshade sent you." The Figure's voice boomed across the devastated landscape. "Bloodline craft: Red Flush!"

George's mind raced, desperately willing his battered body to respond. He knew the devastating power of thr Figure's attacks by now, and he was certain this one would be fatal.

Despite his best efforts, his muscles refused to obey, leaving him helpless in the face of impending doom.

"This is it, Carmen....." George began, a mixture of fear and resignation washing over him. He closed his eyes, bracing for the impact that would surely end his existence.

The blood sphere left Mykong's hand, hurtling towards George with frightening speed. In that moment, time seemed to slow, each fraction of a second stretching into eternity as George awaited his fate.

Suddenly, without warning, a powerful wave of energy swept through the area. It came from an unknown source, invisible but unmistakable in its strength. The wave collided with the Figure's attack just before it could reach George.

The blood sphere, which had seemed so unstoppable mere moments ago, was abruptly deflected. It veered sharply off course, careening away from George and into the distance. In a flash of crimson light, the deadly projectile disappeared into nothingness, leaving no trace of its existence.

George's eyes snapped open in shock. He stared at the spot where the attack should have hit, trying to comprehend what had just happened. The Figure, too, seemed taken aback, his confident demeanor shaken for the first time.

"What... what was that?" George managed to whisper, his voice hoarse with exhaustion and disbelief.

Mykong's eyes narrowed, scanning the area with newfound wariness. "It seems," he growled, "that we have an unexpected guest."

As the dust settled, both combatants tensed, sensing that the dynamics of their confrontation had just shifted dramatically. Whatever force had intervened, it was clear that this night held more surprises yet to come.

With his vision blurring and his hearing muffled, George managed to make out a figure descending from the sky.

"Is that...?" he managed to utter before his body finally gave out, and he collapsed to the ground.