
The sleek glass doors of Skyline Enterprises slid open silently as George Morgan approached, his reflection fragmented in the polished surface. He paused for a moment, taking in the familiar yet somehow foreign sight of the building he'd called his professional home for the past years. The towering structure of steel and glass reached towards the sky, its windows reflecting the early morning sunlight like a beacon.

George adjusted his black tie, a favorite which his late wife Carmen had gifted him. He ran a hand through his dark hair, noticing how it seemed thicker, more lustrous than before. Taking a deep breath, he stepped into the air-conditioned lobby.

The atrium was a marvel of modern design - all clean lines and open spaces. A massive abstract sculpture dominated the center, its twisted metal form reaching towards the skylight above. The click of George's polished oxfords on the marble floor echoed in the cavernous space.