Celebrity buzz

Her words seemed to ease some of George's tension, and he relaxed a bit as they perused the menus. A waitress approached their table, her uniform crisp and her manner professional.

"Good evening," she said with a warm smile. "My name is Amelia, and I'll be your server tonight. May I start you off with some drinks?"

They placed their orders – a blood-red wine for Nebula and a non-alcoholic cocktail for George. As they waited for their drinks, they fell back into easy conversation.

"So, George," Nebula said, her eyes sparkling with mischief, "if you could have dinner with any three celebrities, living or dead, who would they be?"

George laughed, caught off guard by the question. "Oh, that's a tough one. Let me think..." He paused for a moment, his brow furrowed in concentration. "Alright, I've got it. First, I'd choose Terry Pratchett – I'd love to pick his brain about his writing process and how he came up with such fantastical worlds."